Dafna Azoulay Regev from Azoulay-Regev Law Office
Dafna Azoulay Regev מחברת Azoulay-Regev Law Office

Adv. Dafna Azoulay Regev

Founder and Owner

Year of Birth: 1979
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Click to View
Position: Founder and Owner
Past positions: In-house attorney and partner at Ariel Shemer & Co.
Education: Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) from Tel Aviv University

What recent key move did you lead?
As of 12/22, a precedent ruling was handed down by the National Labor Court in the case that dealt with sexual harassment. As a result of regulations regarding the existence of "authority relationships" in the workplace according to which power differences between employees can arise not only in a situation of adversarial relationships but also in intermediate cases where there are "influence relationships" that are somewhere in the middle between adversarial relationships (superior to subordinate) and the absence of adversarial relations (coworkers in the same status).

As a precedent for future jurisprudence concerning sexual harassment, the ruling has been widely covered by the media:
Globes 12.12.2022 - "The National Court dramatically expands the ban on abusive relationships in the workplace"
Ynet 12.12.2022 - "A ruling in favor of a waitress who has been harassed by a chef expands the ban on abusive relationships"
Walla 12.12.2022 - "Precedent decision: the Labor Court ruled that sexual harassment exists not only in the case of superior to subordinate relationships"
Mako 13.12.2022 - "Final verdict: 185 thousand NIS to the waitress who was harassed by an influential employee".

What are the firm's strongest attributes?
The firm handles many, complex and diverse cases in the field of labor law, including providing ongoing personal counseling, accompanying employers and employees in labor relations, conducting negotiations, drafting employment agreements, providing legal expert opinions and representation in the labor courts in the various courts.

In addition to ensuring professionalism and quality, the firm offers direct and personal contact, service, and availability to each client, and fights for each client to achieve the best result.

Which of the firm's recent key moves will lead to it becoming stronger over the next few years?
In the past year, the firm has represented cases that have received extensive media coverage, such as the precedent ruling of the National Labor Court in the firm's case dealing with sexual harassment, in which a rule was established in December 2022 regarding the existence of "relationships of influence".

Another significant ruling by the Ministry of Labor Law that was reported by the media:

What are the main challenges facing the firm in the next few years?
To outline additional new laws in the field of labor law, to obtain the best achievements for the firm's clients, while being mindful of the enormous importance of the field of labor law and the significance of the rights of both employees and employers.

What would you recommend an up and coming executive?
Think ahead about new goals and new peaks that you want to reach. Perseverance and hard work are undoubtedly the keys to success.

What should one remember during hardships?
You should not give up on a case if you believe in it, regardless of how difficult the legal situation may seem. Get the best result for the client by doing everything in your power.