Ben David Globalinks

Initiation and Construction, Urban renewal

Ben David Globalinks
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Company's Profile

Established: 2022
Line of Business: Initiation and Construction, Urban renewal
Address: 2nd HaOrzim St., Netanya
Globalinks Urban Renewal
40 Tuval St., Sapir Tower, 17th Floor, Ramat Gan 5252247
Phone: 972-3-6337070
Fax: 972-3-6337080
Email: [email protected]
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Company Executives

  • The Late Herzel  Ben David, Ben David Globalinks

    The Late Herzel Ben David


    Ben David Globalinks

  • Shomri  Ben David, Ben David Globalinks

    Shomri Ben David


    Ben David Globalinks

    View Profile

    Shomri Ben David
  • Merav  Ben David Belhasan, Ben David Globalinks

    Merav Ben David Belhasan


    Ben David Globalinks

Leading Executives

    The Late Herzl Ben David Founder
    Meyrav Ben-David Balahsan Co-Owner
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About Ben David Globalinks

Ben David Herzel Construction is a leading development company, founded by The Late Herzel Ben David in 1970, under the ownership of the Ben David family and the management of Merav Ben David Belhasan and Shomri Ben David.

In 2010 the company decided to pursue TAMA 38 and urban renewal projects. In 2011 the company executed the first commercial TAMA 38 project of its kind in the country. In 2012 The company continued to promote additional TAMA 38 residential projects. In 2015 the company began the execution of a TAMA 38 (fortification) project in Kiryat Nordau, where 48 existing apartments were enhanced with shelter rooms (“mamad”), balconies and elevators, and 42 new apartments were added.

As of 2019, the company is a signed contractor in dozens of additional projects in Netanya, some are TAMA 38 fortification, and most of which are TAMA 38 demolition/evacuation and reconstruction (“Pinui-Binui”), where a significant portion of projects are currently in planning phases. As stated, the company has commenced execution of two TAMA 38 fortification projects; one in the Neve Itamar neighborhood, the most sought-after neighborhood in Netanya, includes three buildings comprised of 48 existing apartments and 42 new ones, and the other in Moshe Shapira St., in central Netanya, which includes 9 existing apartments and 9 new ones. An additional project set to launch on July 2019 in Brodetzky St. and Jerusalem St., includes 24 existing apartments, 60 new ones and an underground parking lot.

Company Milestones

• Initiating and promoting complex and large scale evacuation and reconstruction (“Pinui-Binui”) project, authorized by the national housing committee, the first to be executed – together with the “Yuvalim” company – in Kiryat Nordau, where 208 apartments will be (gradually) evacuated and replaced with 872 new ones, altering living conditions in the area to the extreme, for current residents in particular and the neighborhood in general.

• An evacuate and reconstruct (“Pinui-Binui”) compound encompassing 25 dunams in Nurok St. and Tahon St. in Netanya which is under review by the national housing committee, set to include the evacuation of 165 apartments and the construction of 505 housing units. The project will include the construction of commercial areas, kindergartens, a school, and public spaces. A leading project for quality living in the city center.

Service as a Core Value

As Shomri Ben David puts it, urban renewal is 85% customer service and 15% execution. Dealing with TAMA 38 and evacuation and reconstruction (“Pinui-Binui”) requires first and foremost a service-oriented way of thinking, which includes mainly excellent people skills and the ability to simultaneously handle many existing tenants along-side new ones. The company operates a customer service department attentive to tenants’ needs and working to respond quickly and professionally. In light of this, customer service is a core value for the company at all times, beginning at negotiations, through to completion and afterward. Since the highest level of service required for TAMA 38 necessitates instant responses and high availability – values, the company has decided to operate in Netanya only, to provide professional answers at all times.


The company began executing TAMA 38 in 2011 and built the first commercial building under TAMA 38, the construction of which was completed in 2013. The building houses a Leumit Health Services clinic, offices, other clinics, and commerce spaces.

With the company’s years’ worth of experience and its understanding of the market, and the increasing demand by young couples to find suitable housing for them and their families, the company has decided to make the services it provides accessible to young couples as well, and so, has promoted and executed the construction of the “Young Nordau” project, adding 42 housing units in 3 buildings under TAMA 38. Within three hours, all apartments were declared sold, using a unique lottery event reserved only for people who are seeking to buy their first apartment.

Prominent Projects

13 Lilienblum St. -  A commercial TAMA 38 project by the Ben David Herzel Group and the first commercial TAMA 38 project in the country.

3-5 S.Y. Agnon St. -  In the heart of Kiryat Nordau, adjacent to schools and kindergartens and main roads, completed almost a year ago. The largest TAMA 38 project in Netanya.

Neve Itamar - A TAMA project encompassing three buildings, including 48 existing apartments, 42 new ones, and an underground parking lot in the pastoral and luxurious Neve Itamar neighborhood, which boasts a tight-knit community and a high standard of living.

22 Moshe Shapira St. -  A boutique project (furtification) in the heart of Netanya, which includes 18 residential apartments, offering a unique residential experience.

28-30 Jerusalen St. -  Evacuation and reconstruction (“Pinuy Binuy”) in existing compounds, two buildings to be razed to the ground, including 24 apartments, followed by the con-struction of two 8-story residential buildings amounting to 60 new apartments, in the heart of Netanya, near kindergartens and schools.

Nurok-Tahon Compound - An evacuation and reconstruction (“Pinui Binui”) project in Nurok St., Tahon St., and King Solomon St., authorized by the national housing committee (“Vatmal”) jointly with the relevant government ministries. The project, which encompasses 25 dunams, will include a quick evacuation of 165 apartments, to be replaced by 505 new apartments, commerce spaces, public buildings, kindergartens, and central public open spaces.

Kiryat Nordau - Promoting an evacuation and reconstruction (“Pinui Binui”) compound in S. Y Agnon St., Keren HaYesod St. and Zalman Shneor St., authorized by the national housing committee (“Vatmal”) jointly with the relevant government ministries, set to include the construction of 872 new apartments, to replace 208 existing ones.

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Facts & Numbers

9 Total Projects


Total Projects

6 Total Projects before building permit


Total Projects before building permit

2 Total Projects after building permit


Total Projects after building permit

1 Total Projects Populated in 2018


Total Projects Populated in 2018