Dr. Alexei Rubitsky

Foot and Ankle Disorders, Podiatry, Fractures, Correction of Malformities

Dr. Alexei Rubitsky
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Line of Business: Foot and Ankle Disorders, Podiatry, Fractures, Correction of Malformities
Address: The Proclinic Clinic
2 Zvia VeYitzhak St., Haifa
Phone: 972-77-3504600
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  • Alexei Rubitsky, Dr. Alexei Rubitsky

    Dr. Alexei Rubitsky

    Director, Foot and Ankle Unit

    Dr. Alexei Rubitsky

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About Dr. Alexei Rubitsky

Dr. Alexei Rubitsky is a senior physician in the Rambam Hospital, who specializes in foot and ankle disorders, podiatry, fractures, corrections of malformations and complex fractures, and podiatric sport injuries.

Dr. Rubitsky serves as a senior physician in the orthopedic division, podiatry unit and trauma unit of the Rambam Medical Center, and works with all of the insurance companies. In addition, he serves as a consulting podiatrist for the Me’uhedet and Maccabi HMOs and the Elisha Hospital, and is also director of podiatry in the Rambam Hospital.

Dr. Rubitsky graduated from the Military Medical Academy in St. Petersburg, and completed a residency in orthopedics in the Rambam Medical Center. Dr. Rubitsky completed numerous trainings and courses in Israel and abroad in the field of orthopedic surgery.

Dr. Rubitsky is a member of several professional associations, including the Israel Trauma Society and the Israel Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society.

Dr. Rubitsky is renowned for his expertise, the personal and professional approach that he meticulously maintains at all times, and the knowledge that he has accumulated in his fields of practice.

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