Englard & Co., Law Office

Real estate in all its aspects

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Company's Profile

Established: 2021
Line of Business: Real estate in all its aspects
Address: 7 Jabotinsky St., Ramat Gan,
Moshe Aviv Tower, 51st floor
Phone: 972-74-7000333
Fax: 972-74-7001333
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.englard-law.com
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Company Executives

  • Assaf Englard, Englard & Co., Law Office

    Adv. Assaf Englard

    Founding Partner

    Englard & Co., Law Office

  • Gilad Goni, Englard & Co., Law Office

    Adv. Gilad Goni


    Englard & Co., Law Office

  • Uri Sagiv, Englard & Co., Law Office

    Adv. Uri Sagiv


    Englard & Co., Law Office


    Dean Yosef Arbov
    Adi Ravach-Winzer
    Hadar Lankri
    Mark Shulman
    Ariel Oved
    Ilay Manor
    Adir Ohayon
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About Englard & Co., Law Office

Englard & Co., Law Office represents a team of experienced, professional, seasoned, and creative attorneys who have extensive experience in leading the largest and most complex real estate transactions in the Israeli market. The firm specializes in the fields of real estate, financing, and Corporate Law in its various aspects, including real estate transactions, yielding real estate, urban renewal, project financing, planning and construction, banking, litigation, and insolvency.
A Legal Elite Commando Unit
The firm consists of 10 attorneys who are experts in their fields and have extensive experience in the fields of real estate, finance, and Corporate Law, as well as two interns and an administrative team. Our team works as a cohesive unit, paying close attention to each customer’s needs and understanding their financial and legal interests to lead them safely and quickly toward their goals. Additionally, the firm provides its clients with a sense of belonging, as well as excellent service and a track record of proven results. At present, the office is experiencing rapid growth, and in the near future, it will add three more lawyers and three interns.

Attorneys of the Highest Caliber

Adv. Assaf Englard, the Founder of the firm - Has been practicing law for about 25 years. He was a senior partner at Hamburger Evron Law Office for about 23 years. Adv. Englard is one of the top lawyers in Israel in the field of real estate financing and real estate. Assaf has a great deal of experience in complex real estate transactions that require expertise in both real estate and finance. Due to this combination, he can provide legal services at the highest level to both developers and funding bodies. The focus of Assaf’s work is on cooperation among financiers, and he represents consortia of financiers (including banks and other financial institutions) in large-scale projects in Israel.
For four years, Assaf served as the chairman of the banking committee of the Tel Aviv and Central District Board of the Bar Association. Besides practicing law, Attorney Englard lectures on Real Estate Law in the master’s degree program at the School of Business Administration at Tel Aviv University and regularly gives talks at professional conferences in his areas of expertise. Assaf holds a Master’s Degree in Commercial Law (LL.M.) (2004) with honors.

Adv. Gilad Goni, Partner - Has been practicing law for 8 years, first at Raved, Magrizo, Benkel Law Office and then at Hamburger Evron Law Office. Gilad specializes in real estate, finance, and Corporate law. He holds a Compliance Officer Certificate and is well-versed in the various aspects of regulation that apply to banking corporations and financial entities, including in the fields of Compliance Risk Management and money laundering prevention. Gilad has done hundreds of real estate financing projects, including complex transactions involving multiple financiers (syndication), purchasing groups, and urban renewal. Additionally, Gilad represents developers and financial entities in the formation and facilitation of joint ventures, as well as in investment agreements and the purchase of holdings in real estate companies..

Adv. Uri Segiv, Partner - Has been practicing law for 8 years, first at Raved, Magrizo, Benkel Law Office and later after the merger with the Shibolet Law Office. Uri specializes in real estate and real estate financing. Uri has handled hundreds of financing transactions of various types (including complex transactions involving multiple financiers (syndication)), and has represented banks, institutional entities, foundations, and non-bank credit companies in many financing transactions. He specializes in creating partnerships between institutional entities and non-bank credit companies in providing credit and financial support for real estate ventures. Uri is well-versed in regulations applicable to institutional entities and non-bank financiers. Aside from that, Uri represents developers, corporations, and individuals in real estate transactions.

Standing at the Forefront of the Real Estate Industry

Project Financing - The firm represents all the largest banks (Bank Leumi, Bank Hapoalim, Discount Bank, Bank Mizrahi Tefahot, Bank of Jerusalem) and insurance companies (including Clal, Harel, Phoenix, Menorah, Migdal, Hachshara and Shlomo) as well as foundations and non-bank credit companies (including Ruby Capital, Bareket, Reality Financing Group, Archimedes, Phoenix Value, Sigma City, Barak Holdings, Golden Equity , Kwan Financing Solutions, Malran Projects and Trading and others), in financing transactions of all types, including transactions which include collaborations between financiers.

Real Estate Transactions in All Forms - The firm represents developers and real estate companies in various transactions, including complex transactions. It provides comprehensive legal support for establishing the project and its ongoing operation, including large-scale projects. From the beginning of the negotiation process, the firm provides professional representation and support for the purchase of income-generating properties (apartments, shops, commercial centers, offices, etc.), and due diligence, through representation in lease agreements, management agreements, handling municipal taxation, contracting with marketing bodies, improving and maintaining the properties, and registering rights in various registries. Among the firm’s clients are developers, real estate income-generating enterprises, as well as Klalit Health Services, for whom the firm handles lease agreements pertaining to clinics and medical centers.

Urban Renewal Projects - The company has extensive experience in representing developers in the field of urban renewal, including Pinuy Binuy projects with a total scope of thousands of housing units as well as NOP 38/1 (reinforcement) and NOP 38/2 (demolition and construction) projects. Developers can rely on the firm for comprehensive and full legal advice and assistance in all matters related to urban renewal (planning and construction, real estate, taxation, appeals committees, etc.).

Corporate Law and Company Acquisitions - The firm has extensive expertise and is well versed in Corporate Law. A full range of legal services related to the establishment of companies is provided by the firm to its clients, including the drafting of all founding documents, investment agreements, founders’ agreements, agreements between shareholders, as well as all contractual agreements between the shareholders and between the company and the shareholders.

Insolvency - Insolvency is also one of the firm’s areas of expertise. Adv. Assaf Englard has represented and continues to represent banks and other creditors in the major insolvency cases in Israel, including Perry Real Estate, Moshkowitz Group, Baranovitz, Noga Electrotechnica, Gad Zeevi, the Heftziba case, the Eliezer Fishman cases, as well as the group of companies under his ownership, Eurocom Group, Ortam Sahar veterans and many other cases.

Litigation - The firm’s staff provides comprehensive legal representation on various issues, including representation of banks in complex financial claims, particularly the extent to which the bank is liable towards third parties, lien laws, guarantee laws, bank offset laws, collateral, the status of a bank accompanying combination transactions, and much more. As part of the proceedings he handled, Attorney Englard set precedents in the Supreme Court.