Etgar Boutique Al Ltd.
Construction Initiation

Company's Profile
Established: | 2012 |
Line of Business: | Construction Initiation |
Address: | 120 Yigal Alon St., Tel Aviv |
Phone: | 972-3-6092535 |
Fax: | 972-3-6092533 |
Email: | [email protected] |
Website: | http://www.etgarb-al.co.il |

Company Executives
Eyal Raz
Owner and CEO
Etgar Boutique Al Ltd.

About Etgar Boutique Al Ltd.
Etgar Boutique Al Ltd. is a real estate projects initiation and management group, which has been operating in real estate initiation since 2012, and its sister company “Etgar Al Engineering Ltd.” which has been managing real estate and engineering projects since 1999.
The group originated as “Etgar Al Engineering Ltd.”, which provided initiation and construction services for various engineering projects, including public institutes, residential buildings, various offices and commercial buildings and more. During its years of operations, the group recognized demand from its customers and entered the real estate initiation segment, and for this purpose it founded “Etgar Boutique Al Ltd.”.
Throughout its 30 years in the market, “Etgar Al Engineering Ltd.” has managed more than 500 various residential, yielding properties, commerce and industry properties projects. Currently, the company is managing around 70 projects across the country. Simultaneously, “Etgar Boutique Al Ltd.” is responsible for around 15 real estate projects under Tama 38/1, Tama 38/2 and Pinui-Binui programs, some of which are under construction and the remainder in planning stages. “Etgar Boutique Al” focuses mainly on the cities of Central Israel and among others it is building and planning projects in Ra’anana, Holon, Herzliya, Yahud, Tel Aviv, Ramat Gan ,Givatayim, Ashkelon and Hadera.
Executive Management
Eyal Raz, the company’s CEO and owner, has more than 30 years of experience in construction engineering. Eyal has a B.Sc., Civil Engineering from the Technion and in the past he served, inter alia, as the manager of Ashtrom’s branch in Eilat, project manager for the construction of Paradise Red Sea Hotel in Eilat, and project manager of City Tower Ramat Gan. Eyal is a Major (res.), and in his military service he served as a manager of an elite infantry unit and as a construction officer.
Alongside Eyal, there are professional and skilled team of engineers and architects working for the company in a various projects.
The Human Capital
One of the secrets of group’s strength is its experienced human capital. The Group’s team of employees includes engineers, project managers and headquarters staff, and they are differentiated by, in addition to their professionalism and extensive experience in the field, their excellent interpersonal skills and their availability to customers.
Attention to Details and Collaborating with all of the other Players
The company applies preliminary and strategic planning, to the finest details and in full cooperation with all of the relevant professionals, with attention to each of the project’s arms: The apartments’ owners, advisors, buyers, execution contractors, marketers, lawyers and permit, planning and authorities. Etgar Boutique is renowned for its meticulous engineering planning of every project where it is involved, both in its capacity as an initiator and in its capacity as a project manager. As part of the company’s professional integrity, it employs an architect whose entire role is to create optimal planning of a high-quality, and perform in-depth reviews for each executed project in order to detect inconsistencies in the decisions of all of advisors and planners. This unique function led to the fact that the construction deviations in the projects it leads is less than 0.5%.
Long-Term View and Organized Methodology
The company has a broad view which looks many years ahead in order to provide its customers with the planning flexibility that would facilitate the development and growth throughout the project’s lifecycle. Furthermore, the company works through an organized methodology with ongoing control processes that accompany the entire execution process from start to finish.
Prominent Projects
20 + 22 Klausner St., Raanana: Two buildings being constructed adjacently at the heart of Raanana within a Tama 38/2 project, in which the company would demolish 19 apartments and would rebuild two 42-apartment buildings. In permits stages.
David Marcus St., Yahud: A Tama 38/1 project where the company renovated and seismically retrofitted a building with 32 existing apartments and added to it 22 new apartments. The project has been populated.
Herzl St., Ra’anana: Construction of a boutique building that is uniquely designed in Raanana, within a Tama 38/1 project. In the framework of the project, the company would renovate and seismically-retrofit this longstanding building and would add to it 7 luxury apartments of more than 160 sq.m. each. A permit was received and at 60% exution stage.
Arlozorov St., Ra’anana: In the framework of the project, the company would renovate and seismically-retrofit this longstanding building and would add 12 new apartments (4,5 and 6 rooms) to 12 existing apartments. The project received its permits and at 75% exution stage.
Sheshet HaYamim St., Holon: A Tama 38/2 project located at the heart of the city, where the company would demolish an old building with 16 apartments and would rebuild a modern building with 45 new apartments and two underground basement floors. The project is in the planning and permits stages.
Bara village: a reduced housing project in which 124 residential units will be constructed in two complexes. 7 5-7-story buildings with innovative and functional planning. The project at 25% exution stage.
South Africa, Ashkelon: A Tama 38/2 project in which the company will demolish a 25-unit building and replace it with a 80 unit building with underground parking. The project was approved by the authority and promoted to committee protocol.

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