Gal-On Kapel Shmueli Law Office

Inheritance and gifting in the family, family law, real-estate and corporate law

Gal-On Kapel Shmueli Law Office
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Established: 2010
Line of Business: Inheritance and gifting in the family, family law, real-estate and corporate law
Address: 150 Menachem Begin Dr., WE Towers 7th Floor, Tel Aviv 6492105
Phone: 972-72-338-0603
Fax: 972-3-603-3231
Email: [email protected]
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  • Or Gal On, Gal-On Kapel Shmueli Law Office

    Or Gal On

    Founding Partner

    Gal-On Kapel Shmueli Law Office

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    Or Gal On
  • Keren  Kepel Shmueli, Gal-On Kapel Shmueli Law Office

    Keren Kepel Shmueli

    Founding Partner

    Gal-On Kapel Shmueli Law Office

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    Keren Kepel Shmueli
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About Gal-On Kapel Shmueli Law Office

Gal-On Kepel Shmueli Law Offices is a boutique law firm which specializes in inheritance and property transfers within the family unit, family law, and real-estate and corporate law. This combination of expertise by the firm’s partners allows for first-rate, thorough legal services, and this is done personally by the firm’s partners, while focusing on their respective expertise, in order to obtain the best result for their clients.

The firm was founded in 2010 by Adv. Or Gal-On and Adv. Keren Kepel Shmueli. The firm has a unique specialty in probate and inheritance law, and gifting within the family unit, which revolves around inheritance disputes, objections to testaments, managing inheritances, suits determining the body of inheritance, return/abrogation of gifts/allowances/loans given within the family unit, reconciling conflicts between inheritances and the Law Concerning Property and prenuptial agreements.

In addition, the firm handles divorce, alimony, property settlements, child custody, etc. Moreover, the firm has a real-estate and commercial department managed by Adv. Keren Kepel Shmueli, that specializes in commercial law, including international transactions, real-estate ventures and Urban Renewal (TAMA 38).

The synergy that is generated between inheritance (and family) law and the commercial areas, provides a unique and comprehensive solution to all issues pertaining to inheritance, gifting within the family (and family law), including real-estate, corporate, business, and commercial law. In this regard, the firm specializes in handling complex inheritance disputes, which include substantive property division, e.g. in High-Tech companies, public companies, real-estate and considerable estates.

The firm represents its clients, starting with the initial consultation, setting the goals and strategy in managing the case, handling the case at all judicial levels, administering arbitration and arbitrage (as well as managing the negotiations thereof), and through finalizing the case, either by accepting the judicial verdict, or filing a settlement and implementing it, placing an emphasis on creativity, a personal touch, thoroughness and professional excellence.

The firm works in collaboration with the finest experts, including accountants, assessors, psychologists, social workers, private investigators, actuaries and appraisers.

Adv. Or Gal-On, who heads the inheritance and gifting department, delivers many seminars at the Israeli Bar. The firm has earned considerable experience, and is credited with legal precedents on objections to wills, execution of wills, undue influence on testaments, testament abrogation, fiduciary wills, annulment of gifting, recouping of loans within the family, etc.

The firm drafts wills, will abrogation and contestation, inspects the validity of the inheritors, assesses the legality of wills and the existence of undue influence, deals with flaws in wills, manages estates and division of property between legatees - particularly in complex inheritances, which involve a large volume of settlements.

The firm also handles complex proceedings, whose object is the cancellation or the upholding of gifts/loans/transactions done within the family unit.

Adv. Kepel Shmueli has extensive knowledge and experience in international and real-estate transactions, including apartment purchases, commercial lease agreements, acquisitions from contractors, commercial real-estate, collective acquisitions, land-sharing agreements, urban renewal (TAMA 38), demolition-reconstruction (Pinui-Binui) and more.

Adv. Kepel Shmueli accompanies clients of all sorts, private, entrepreneurial, and corporations at every stage of a deal, and assists contractors and tenant-associations in TAMA 38, and TAMA 38 (2) projects.

The Partners

Adv. Or Gal-On - Adv. Or Gal-On specializes in the field of inheritance and estates, family law and personal status, and has rich experience in representing clients in complex inheritance disputes, as well as divorce proceedings, which include aspects of commercial, corporate, real-estate and international law. Adv. Gal-On deals with a variety of fields, including inheritance, will disputation, financial conflicts within families, marriage and divorce, property and wealth settlements between spouses, division and balancing of resources, dissolution of partnerships, spousal and child alimony, custody, visitation rights, abduction and emigration, violence within the family, jurisdictional issues, divorce settlements, prenuptial agreements and more. Adv. Gal-On is extensively involved in the activities of the Israeli Bar in the field of inheritance and family law, and serves as the chairman of the Rabbinical courts commission of the central district of the Israeli Bar, and deputy chair of the Family Law committee in the Tel Aviv District, and deputy chair of the Family Law committee in the Central District.
In public institutions, Adv. Gal-On serves as an adjudicator in the disciplinary tribunal of the Israeli Bar, and for the past 8 years serves as a full-time member of the committee on attorney fees in the Israeli Bar. In addition, Adv. Gal-On has been the senior clerk for the tribunal of the National Association of Riding Sport in Israel for the past 3 years. Adv. Gal-On also lectures and delivers talks in the field of inheritance law and gifting before the Israeli Bar, and before other bodies.

Adv. Keren Kepel Shmueli - Adv. Keren Kepel Shmueli specializes in business-commercial law, corporate and real-estate law, and assists corporations, businesspeople and entrepreneurs in a wide spectrum of investment deals, mergers and acquisitions, vetting, negotiations and commercial dealings in Israel and abroad, which stem from a deep commercial and business transactions. Among her clients are leading companies in the high-tech sector, add-tech, regulation, distribution and marketing, private clients, entrepreneurs and businesspeople. Adv. Kepel Shmueli has vast experience in real-estate deals, assisting private clients, entrepreneurs and companies in launching initiatives, purchases and selling of land for dwellings and commerce, including secondhand transactions involving apartments, contractor-side deals, group acquisitions, and representing and accompanying tenants in TAMA 38, and Pinui-Binui projects. Adv. Kepel Shmueli holds an LL.B. in Law and Economics, as well as a M.A. in Business Administration from Bar Ilan University. Adv. Kepel Shmueli serves as deputy chair of the corporate commission in the central district of the Israeli Bar, deliver seminars at the Israeli bar and at academic institutions, and lectures on a directors’ course on behalf of Bithonet and the Bar Ilan University’s Continuing Education Institute.

In addition, Adv. Kepel Shmueli, alongside others, conceived and founded the Israeli NPO for Functional Training, as part of the effort to promote and allow easier accessibility to the field. The NPO, registered in Israel, promotes and facilitates the field of functional training to society to all strata of society. Adv. Kepel Shmueli serves as a member of the board, and attorney for the nonprofit, pro bono.

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