Gama Management and Clearing Ltd. ("Phoenix-Gama")

Credit Card Receivables Financing and Clearing (Payment Facilitator), Credit Card payment Reconciliations, Checks Discounting, Factoring, Financing of Import and Equipment, Loans to Businesses, Financing Against Real Estate Assets, Construction finance and Financial Guarantees

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Company's Profile

Established: 1998
Line of Business: Credit Card Receivables Financing and Clearing (Payment Facilitator), Credit Card payment Reconciliations, Checks Discounting, Factoring, Financing of Import and Equipment, Loans to Businesses, Financing Against Real Estate Assets, Construction finance and Financial Guarantees
Address: Phoenix Art Tower, 3 Masada St., Bnei Braq
Phone: 972-3-6162939
Fax: 972-3-6162941
Email: [email protected]
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Company Executives

  • Erez  Yosef, Gama Management and Clearing Ltd. ("Phoenix-Gama")

    Erez Yosef

    Chairman of the Board of Directors

    Gama Management and Clearing Ltd. ("Phoenix-Gama")

  • Benzi Adiri, Gama Management and Clearing Ltd. ("Phoenix-Gama")

    Benzi Adiri


    Gama Management and Clearing Ltd. ("Phoenix-Gama")

Icon About

About Gama Management and Clearing Ltd. ("Phoenix-Gama")

The Phoenix Gama is a leading credit provider to the business sector, established in 1998. The company is fully owned by The Phoenix group, and its bonds and securities are traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange. The company serves as the credit arm of The Pheonix Group. The company is rated Aa3 positive by Midroog (MOODY’S). The company holds expanded licenses for both the provision of credit and for the provision of services in financial assets; it also complies with the PCI standard. Phoenix-Gama serves as a one stop shop for the credit needs of businesses, providing the following services: credit card receivables financing, credit card clearing (Payment Facilitator), GamaPay - a business payment app, credit card vouchers reconciliations, loans to businesses, financial guarantees, financing against real estate properties, construction finance, check discounting, factoring, financing of import and equipment. The company provides services to approximate 17,000 leading businesses, companies and retail chains, as well as SMEs. The company financial strength, due to, among other things, the fact that it is part of the Phoenix group, allows its customers to benefit from good financing terms, and personal, fast and professional services. Phoenix-Gama offers a wide range of financing products, utilizing advanced technologies it has developed, excellent service levels and a professionalism of its workforce.

Areas of Activity

  • Credit card receivables financing
  • Credit card clearing (Payment Facilitator)
  • GamaPay - a business payment app
  • Credit card vouchers reconciliations
  • Loans to businesses
  • Financial guarantees
  • Financing against real estate properties
  • Construction finance
  • Check discounting
  • Factoring
  • Financing of import
  • Financing of equipment.


Credit card receivables financing • credit card clearing (Payment Facilitator)

The company provides management, financing, clearing (as a Payment Facilitator) and financing of credit card payments and a service allowing the receipt of an immediate and lump sum payment in respect of payment credit card transactions, normally in up to 36 installments, while implementing innovative technological systems. Credit card clearing enables businesses and companies to erase debts/customers from financial reports, as the payment for their transactions was made.

GamaPay - a payment app to businesses

Phoenix-Gama allows business owners and free professions to charge their customers through their mobile phone or PC using a dedicated payment app without the need to use a terminal, to send a payment demand to customers, issue an invoice and receive payment through a credit card or the “Bit” app.

Credit card vouchers reconciliations

The company provides a unique reconciliation system that renders credit card control and supervision simple. When a company receives financial services for credit cards, it receives a full daily reconciliation of all the business transactions with all credit card companies including direct orders sent directly to its bookkeeping systems.

Loans to businesses

The company offers varied solutions for short and medium-term credit for the purpose of growth, development, inventory, investments, working capital, bringing payments forward, and bridge loans. The loans provided by the company are outside the banking obligo.

In addition, the Ministry of Finance approved the company’s joining as a service provider to offer state-backed loans to small and medium businesses.

Financial guarantees

Phoenix-Gama revolutionizes the field of guarantees; The company provides guarantees without holding a deposit, subject to underwriting, as part of a quick and simple process, in competitive terms outside the banking obligo. Guarantee types offered: a guarantee for business lease, tender guarantee, guarantee advances and more. The Ministry of Finance has given the company permission to issue guarantees for tenders of the government, government ministries and authorities.

Financing provided backed by real estate properties

Phoenix-Gama provides credit against the pledging of real estate properties; such credit can be used to purchase real estate properties, as bridge loans, financing for the purpose of developing and improving the customer’s business activity, and loans for other purposes. The fast response, as well as the high level of flexibility, enables customers to quickly take actions regarding business opportunities, and in convenient terms.

Construction finance

Pheonix Construction finance, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Phoenix Gama, specializes in finance and support of leading companies’ construction projects. The company supports and finances public and private companies, large and small, offering varied solutions, including sales law guarantees, guarantees for landowners, tender and performance guarantees - through Phoenix Insurance, financing of land purchase costs and construction costs, senior credit financing and credit to supplement capital. The company has vast experience in this field. The company supports hundreds of construction projects that include thousands of residential units in various stages of finance and support, and provides a one stop shop for all its customers’ financial needs.

Checks discounting

Phoenix-Gama allows businesses to immediately receive the proceeds of a postdated check it received from a customer. The checks discounting service improves the business cash flow.


The factoring service allows businesses to bring forward the payment in respect of invoices it receives from its customers.

Import Financing

Phoenix-Gama provides importers with financing solutions, in order to bridge the cash flow gap between the purchase and the selling of goods.

Financing of equipment

Phoenix-Gama provides financing for the equipment purchase needs of the business.

Technological innovation

Phoenix-Gama has innovative and exclusive computing, software, and control systems, which are among the most advanced of their kind in the field. The company provides businesses with information about the transactions’ amounts, transmission dates, payment dates, and the dates on which the bank account was credited.

The company’s website is updated 24 hours a day and reflects the customer’s activity; it also allows control, management and monitoring of all transactions that were conducted. Using the website, customers can analyze costs and transactions’ turnovers in accordance with the payments’ spread, and the depositing and crediting dates.

Long-standing reputation

The company has to date more than 180 employees, and it is a growing company.

The company’s representatives are deployed across the country.