Goldblatt Gindes Yariv Advocates

Law Firm

Goldblatt Gindes Yariv Advocates
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Company's Profile

Established: 1996
Line of Business: Law Firm
Address: 7 Menachem Begin Rd., 29th Floor, Ramat Gan
Phone: 972-3-7549933
Fax: 972-3-7549934
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Click to View
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Company Executives

  • Shalom  Goldblatt, Goldblatt Gindes Yariv Advocates

    Shalom Goldblatt

    Founding Partner

    Goldblatt Gindes Yariv Advocates

    View Profile

    Shalom Goldblatt
  • Ehud  Gindes, Goldblatt Gindes Yariv Advocates

    Adv. Ehud Gindes

    Founding Partner

    Goldblatt Gindes Yariv Advocates

    View Profile

    Ehud Gindes
  • Harel  Yariv, Goldblatt Gindes Yariv Advocates

    Harel Yariv

    Founding Partner

    Goldblatt Gindes Yariv Advocates

    View Profile

    Harel Yariv

    Shalom Goldblatt
    Ehud Gindes
    Harel Yariv
    Liat Tsarfati Shalom
    Rahav In-Dar
    Daniel Tabakov Sadan

    Hai Michael
    Lihi Yablonka
    Roy Shalev
    Tslil Dahan Kenan
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Facts & Numbers

Partners 5



Lawyers 10



Operating Since 1996

Operating Since


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About Goldblatt Gindes Yariv Advocates

Goldblatt Gindes Yariv Law Office is a leading law firm specializing in insolvency, corporate rehabilitation, debt arrangements, and turnaround processes. The firm is renowned for handling the largest and most complex insolvency cases, corporate rehabilitations, and debt arrangements in Israel (“mega cases”), successfully restoring companies to stable business operations. Additionally, the firm boasts expertise in mergers and acquisitions (M&A), real estate, and litigation, offering multidisciplinary legal services tailored to companies facing complex financial challenges or involved in insolvency proceedings. Recognized for its excellence, the firm is ranked as a top-tier law firm by D&B and BDI.

Areas of Expertise

Insolvency and Corporate Rehabilitation
The firm has extensive expertise in insolvency and corporate rehabilitation of operational companies, public corporations, and bond companies. It provides top-tier legal services using advanced economic recovery strategies and creative, efficient solutions, offering personalized and comprehensive support to restore corporate financial stability.

Debt Arrangements
A leader in corporate debt arrangements, the firm specializes in managing complex financial situations, negotiating debt settlements, developing legal strategies to address liabilities, and representing clients in debt arrangements and insolvency proceedings. Services include initiating communication with creditors, negotiating terms, drafting agreements, and professionally implementing debt resolutions.

Corporate Liquidation
The firm is an expert in corporate liquidation, representing corporations and shareholders in liquidation proceedings while focusing on rehabilitation processes and creditor arrangements.
Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)
The firm leads innovative and significant M&A transactions, emphasizing the acquisitions of companies in complex financial situations or as part of insolvency proceedings.

Real Estate and Property
Goldblatt Gindes Yariv excels in real estate, initiating transactions, and supporting developers in diverse projects. The firm offers multidisciplinary expertise in handling real estate deals or real estate companies under financial distress or insolvency.

Civil Litigation
The firm provides high-quality litigation services, representing corporations, shareholder disputes, and corporate control battles. It has multidisciplinary expertise in handling claims related to the liability of officeholders and executives in corporations facing financial challenges or insolvency.

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