Moriel Matalon from Gornitzky GNY
Moriel Matalon מחברת Gornitzky GNY

Moriel Matalon

Chairman of the firm’s Executive Committee

Year of Birth: 1948
Email: [email protected]
Fields: Infrastructure & Project Finance; Real Estate & Construction; Corporate; High-Tech & Biotech; Mergers & Acquisitions; Hotels, Travel & Leisure; Banking & Finance; Energy & Natural Resources; Non-Profit Organizations; Trusts, Estates & Private Wealth Management; Telecoms & Media. Consistently recognized by leading international and Israeli legal guides as a leading expert in the aforementioned fields.
Position: Chairman of the firm’s Executive Committee
Additional Positions: Chairman of the Israeli Fund for UNICEF (The United Nations Children's Fund).
Past positions: Ministerial Assistant in the Israeli Government (1969-1970); Military Prosecutor and Deputy Head of the Israeli Defense Forces' International Law Department (1973-1975); Associate in the New-York based Law Firm, Amen, Weissman and Butler (1975-1978); Director of Bank Hapoalim (Switzerland).
Education: LL.M. (cum laude), The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (74);LL.B., The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (70).
Member in: Israel Bar Association.
Languages: Hebrew, English.