Granit Group - Urban Renewal

Property Development, Urban Renewal

Granit Group - Urban Renewal
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Company's Profile

Established: 2016
Line of Business: Property Development, Urban Renewal
Address: 8 Shaul HaMelech Blvd., Tel Aviv (Beit Amot Mishpat)
Phone: 972-72-2633544
Fax: 972-77-4701638
Email: [email protected]
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Company Executives

  • Yosi  Harari, Granit Group - Urban Renewal

    Yosi Harari

    Owner, CEO

    Granit Group - Urban Renewal

    View Profile

    Yosi Harari
  • Yariv Becher, Granit Group - Urban Renewal

    Yariv Becher

    Owner, V.P. Engineering

    Granit Group - Urban Renewal

  • Tomer Shemer, Granit Group - Urban Renewal

    Tomer Shemer

    V.P. Business Development

    Granit Group - Urban Renewal

  • Itay Kahan, Granit Group - Urban Renewal

    Itay Kahan

    Planning and Permit Manager

    Granit Group - Urban Renewal

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About Granit Group - Urban Renewal

Granit group specializes in urban renewal projects, one of the leading boutique companies in the domain of urban renewal in Tel Aviv-Yafo. The group’s activity is focused on initiation of Urban Renewal projects, including ‘NOP 38’ and its different variants, and ‘Pinui-Binui’ (clearing and building) projects, mainly in the Tel Aviv-Yafo area. Today, the company leads more than 20 different projects throughout Tel Aviv-Yafo. Granit is a group in constant growth and has managed to achieve a total vote of confidence from homeowners, business partners, lawyers and suppliers.

Houses Are Us

For Granit Group, Tel-Aviv is a center of inexhaustible interest and excitement. The owners are entrepreneurs who live in the city and are strongly connected to it, which is how they end up creating the buildings they wish they were living in. A confidence in the city’s immense potential and a passion for preserving its unique magic are the cornerstones of the group. These make for the driving force behind the group’s projects and their impeccable standards when it comes to design, sustainability, and the wellbeing of the apartment owners.

Strong Financial Backing

As a subsidiary to the public real estate company “Effi Capital Real Estate”, Granit Group has a strong financial backing that allows it to initiate a significant number of large-scale projects, and secure endorsement from the country’s leading financing establishments.
Partnership with Homeowners – a Value and a Principal
Each project begins with the partners the group holds in the highest regard - the apartment owners. A true partnership is a guiding principle for Granit, one that can prevail only when the relationship is based on trust. The apartment owners in Granit’s projects know that they have a direct contact with the company at every stage, one who personally handles every request and strives to do everything for them to generate the maximum value out of the project. Perhaps most importantly, the process is led by decency and a human approach – with transparency, without cutting corners, and with no hidden clauses. While the mutual work is carried out, the apartment owners get access to a dedicated app with live updates regarding the status of the project and a representative, who answers all their questions and requests.

Experienced and Professionals

Granit was founded in 2016, but their expertise in the field of Real Estate began long before that. Therefore, the group enjoys the inexhaustible energy that usually characterizes a professional starting point, combined with dozens of years of managerial experience in the field of Real Estate and Urban Renewal. The group’s founders’ careers as entrepreneurs, engineers, and project managers along with their uncompromising professionalism at each step of the way have created a unique dynamic for Granit Group. The company’s human capital is what makes it one of Tel Aviv best boutique companies. This is the key to our distinct brand, success, and the excellent feedback we consistently get from the apartment owners in their projects and from fellow colleagues alike.

Controlling Shareholders

Effi Capital Real Estate - Has been active in the Israeli Real Estate domain since 2006 and specializes in residence complexes. The company is one of the leading initiation and building companies, with around 7,000 housing units and around 150,000 sq.m. of yielding Real Estate all over the country. The company executes the projects it initiates, which allows for maximal flexibility and total control of all work processes (planning, marketing, architecture, and execution), without the need to depend on external factors. The mix between the Effi Capital’ competency, its vast experience, financial strength, and the human capital, accompanied by high standards of service, provide their thousands of customers a peace of mind when approaching their most important purchase - a new house for their family.
Yosi Harari - Owner, CEO - An Army officer, graduate of the center for computing and information systems in the field of data security. Holds an MBA in Business Administration with specialization in Real Estate financing from IDC Herzliya, and BA in Business from the College of Management Academic Studies. Harari, officiating as a CEO of Granit Group from its very first day, holds an extensive experience in Real Estate for housing and is one of Israel’s leading entrepreneurs in the field of Urban Renewal - clearing, building and TAMA 38 on all its different aspects. Before his time in Granit, Harari was a senior board member in various tech and retail companies. In the different routes of his career, Harari has gathered vast managerial experience in guiding big and innovative organizations, managing tens-of-millions budgets, and operating complex arrays of extensive manpower.
Yariv Bechar - Owner, V.P. Engineering - A Real Estate entrepreneur, graduate of IDF’s well-known Sayeret Matkal. A civil engineer, honored graduate from the faculty of Civil Engineering in Haifa’s Technion. Founder and owner of ‘Yariv Bechar, Engineering, Management and Supervision Ltd.’. Bechar has over 20 years of experience in managing and operating complex Real Estate projects in Israel. Over the years, Bechar has escorted, supervised, and managed dozens of projects with hundreds of housing units. He has exclusive experience in the procedures of TAMA 38 and is considered one of the most experienced professionals in this field. Bechar has a “Green Building” certificate from the Standards Institution of Israel and implements these principles in his work.

Prominent Projects

21 Zirelson St., Tel-Aviv - NOP 38 project of demolition and building close to HaYarkon Park. A 3-storey building will be destroyed and a new luxe building of 7 storeys will be built. 16 Rembrandt St., Tel-Aviv - NOP 38 project of demolition and building close to Rabin Square. A 4- storey building will be destroyed and a new exclusive building of 8 storeys will be built.
21 David Ha’Melech St., Tel-Aviv - NOP 38 project of demolition and building. A 4-storey building will be destroyed and a new building with premium amenities of 8 storeys will be built.
7 Zlatopolsky St., Tel-Aviv - NOP 38 project of demolition and building, overlooking the beach and Ha’Atzmaut Garden. A 4-storey building will be destroyed and a boutique building of 7 storeys will be built.
21 Ovadia Bartenura St., Tel Aviv – NOP 38 project, demolition and building, located at the heart of the old north in the Bazel Complex and close to the green areas of the Yarkon Park. The project will include the demolition of the existing building, and a beautiful 24 apartments new building will take its place.
44 Veidat Katowice St., Tel Aviv – NOP 38 project, demolition and building, located in a luxurious small street close to Ben Yehuda Street and the Yarkon Park. The project will include the construction of a 5-floors boutique building with 12 apartments.
7 Ben Gamliel St., Tel-Aviv - NOP 38 project of demolition and building, close to the flea market. The existing building with its 12 apartments and a commercial floor will be destroyed, and a new 8-storey building with 28 apartments and a new commercial floor will be built.
14 Modigliani St., Tel Aviv - NOP 38 project of demolition and building, located at the heart of the 4th quarter and adjacent to Rabin Square as well as to Gan HaIr. The project will include the demolition of an existing 4 storeys building and the construction of a new 9 floors luxurious building in its place.
5 Sprinzak St., Tel Aviv - NOP 38 project of demolition and building, located at the heart of the 6th quarter and overlooking the Cinematheque Square. The project will include the demolition of an existing 4 storeys building and the construction of a new and unique floors building in its place.

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