Levy Zadik & Sons - Agricultural Products Marketing Ltd.

Wholesale marketing of fruits and vegetables

Levy Zadik & Sons - Agricultural Products Marketing Ltd.
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Company's Profile

Established: 1930
Line of Business: Wholesale marketing of fruits and vegetables
Address: Givat Shaul Wholesale Market, Pavilion 9, Jerusalem City
Phone: 972-2-6522424
Fax: 972-2-6528205
Email: [email protected]
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Company Executives

  • Yoni Levy, Levy Zadik & Sons - Agricultural Products Marketing Ltd.

    Yoni Levy


    Levy Zadik & Sons - Agricultural Products Marketing Ltd.

  • Eli Levy, Levy Zadik & Sons - Agricultural Products Marketing Ltd.

    Eli Levy


    Levy Zadik & Sons - Agricultural Products Marketing Ltd.

  • Ron Levy, Levy Zadik & Sons - Agricultural Products Marketing Ltd.

    Ron Levy

    CEO Attorney and CPA

    Levy Zadik & Sons - Agricultural Products Marketing Ltd.

  • Shai-El Levy, Levy Zadik & Sons - Agricultural Products Marketing Ltd.

    Shai-El Levy

    Vice President of Supply and Logistics

    Levy Zadik & Sons - Agricultural Products Marketing Ltd.

  • Kuti Kind, Levy Zadik & Sons - Agricultural Products Marketing Ltd.

    Kuti Kind

    Vice President of Sales

    Levy Zadik & Sons - Agricultural Products Marketing Ltd.

  • Uzi Salah, Levy Zadik & Sons - Agricultural Products Marketing Ltd.

    Uzi Salah

    Chief Operating Officer

    Levy Zadik & Sons - Agricultural Products Marketing Ltd.

    The late Zadik Mordechai Levy, Founder
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About Levy Zadik & Sons - Agricultural Products Marketing Ltd.

Levy Zadik & Sons Agricultural Products Marketing Ltd., is one of the oldest and largest companies in the country for wholesale marketing of fruits and vegetables and has been operating for over 90 years.

In 1930, a few years after immigrating to Israel, Zadok Levy opened a small shop in the Mahane Yehuda market, where he sold mainly watermelons, citrus, and potatoes.

In addition to his reputation as a merchant of supreme grace, he was also competent and decent. He was revered by farmers across the country as “Abu Yonah”.
As the business developed, Yonatan and Eliyahu, two of Zadik’s sons, joined it, and it developed into a leading wholesale company in line with the values and spirit of the founder.

Since its earliest days, Levy Zadik & Sons chose to work with integrity and fair trade, competitive prices, daring, self-belief and striving for excellence, mutual guarantee, employee partnership, and community involvement. To this day, the company operates according to these principles.

The Transition to the Wholesale Market in Jerusalem

With the opening of the wholesale market at Givat Shaul in Jerusalem in May 1962, the company’s activities were moved to a large and central store in the middle of the vibrant market. Today, it is the only business active in the wholesale market since its inception.
As the decades passed, the company grew while establishing a partnership with Tnuva, opening new departments, and acquiring additional real estate properties in the wholesale market complex.
Currently, Levy Zadik & Sons is the largest company in the wholesale market and operates stores and warehouses with a total area of about 600 square meters, while it also owns leased real estate properties in the market.

Solutions for all Types of Kashrut

One of the reasons for the company’s meteoric growth was the wisdom of its managers to provide a solution for all types of kashrut, including kashrut of the ultra-Orthodox community, kashrut under the supervision of the Jerusalem Rabbinate, Rabbi Efrati and additional adorned kashrut.
In the Shemita years, the company operates a suitable kosher store.

Company Departments

Fruit Department - A department that works in a significant partnership with Bereshit and operates two stores that sell all types of fruit, mostly at Kashrut Badatz.
Premium Vegetable Department - A department that sells all types of vegetables, including selected premium vegetables.
Vegetable Institutional Department - “Shemita leHumra” department that sells all types of vegeta-bles. - Suitable both to the institutional market and to premium quality.
Potato and Carrot Department - A department that sells kosher potatoes and carrots in both varieties.

Company Suppliers

The company’s greatest asset is its excellent reputation and good name built over nearly a century of operation. The company has extensive and strong relationships with hundreds of suppliers of all types, including growers, marketers, importers, packing houses, and cooperative associations, and it makes sure to maintain relationships with them along the way. The company has several exclusive arrangements with some of the largest packaging houses in Israel. One of the developing segments in the company is the imported produce segment, and with the impact of the Shemita year, the company has built fruitful trade relations with major suppliers from Europe in the past year.

Company Customers

Levy Zadik & Sons focuses on selling agricultural produce to its customers in the company’s warehouses. The company has hundreds of customers including marketing companies, supermarkets, Yeshivot, traders in markets, retail chains, restaurants, and the entire range of businesses in the field of food and vegetables. Additionally, the company works extensively with the Arab sector, and many of its customers come from the city’s east and from Palestinian Authority.

An Island of Coexistence in Jerusalem

The company employs about 30 workers who come from all walks of life in Jerusalem and its surroundings including Jews, Arabs and Christians, women and men, religious and secular. The company advocates a family atmosphere and is proud to be an island of coexistence in which all sub-populations in Israel work together in complete harmony and a mutually beneficial way.

Development and Progress - with a Forward-Looking Attitude

Currently, the company is in the process of developing and growing, including intergenerational transition, which brings with it a fresh and new spirit, extensive experience, familiarity with the industry, and high motivation to develop, all while preserving the company’s values. In addition to utilizing the most advanced equipment and tools, the intergenerational transition also involves technological and organizational advances, as well as expansion into other segments andindustries.