Rotem Shani Ltd.

Rotem Shani is a public real estate company, three decades of experience in developing, planning and marketing residential projects

Rotem Shani Ltd.
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Company's Profile

Established: 1996
Line of Business: Real Estate Company
Address: Kibbutz Galil Yam, Herzliya 4690500
Phone: 972-9-9579577
Email: [email protected]
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Company Executives

  • Didi  Yedidia, Rotem Shani Ltd.

    Didi Yedidia

    Founder, CEO & Owner

    Rotem Shani Ltd.

    View Profile

    Didi Yedidia
  • Avi  Turiski, Rotem Shani Ltd.

    Avi Turiski

    Founder, Chairman of the Board & Owner

    Rotem Shani Ltd.

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    Avi Turiski
  • Guy Gross, Rotem Shani Ltd.

    Guy Gross

    VP Engineering

    Rotem Shani Ltd.

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    Guy Gross
  • Dalia  Turiski, Rotem Shani Ltd.

    Dalia Turiski

    VP Marketing & Sales

    Rotem Shani Ltd.

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    Dalia Turiski
  • Asaf Archia, Rotem Shani Ltd.

    Asaf Archia

    VP, Planning

    Rotem Shani Ltd.

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    Asaf Archia
  • Koren Shtern, Rotem Shani Ltd.

    CPA Koren Shtern


    Rotem Shani Ltd.

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    Koren Shtern
  • Nir Avidan, Rotem Shani Ltd.

    Nir Avidan

    VP Business Development

    Rotem Shani Ltd.

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    Nir Avidan
  • Gil Matsei, Rotem Shani Ltd.

    Gil Matsei

    Director of Rotem Shani Ella - Urban Renewal in the Tel Aviv Metropolis

    Rotem Shani Ltd.

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    Gil Matsei
  • Adir Ben Tovim, Rotem Shani Ltd.

    Adir Ben Tovim

    Manager of Service and Customer Relations

    Rotem Shani Ltd.

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    Adir Ben Tovim
  • Or Avisdris, Rotem Shani Ltd.

    Or Avisdris

    Sales Manager

    Rotem Shani Ltd.

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About Rotem Shani Ltd.

Rotem Shani has led the Israeli real estate industry for three decades, by excelling in urban renewal, setting groundbreaking standards, and creating a new vision of environmental and community living in our projects. Founded in 1996 by Avi Turisky and Didi Yedidya, Rotem Shani is managed by them to this day. The company is traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange and is considered one of the most creative and innovative real estate companies in Israel. The company manages a project scope of approximately 4,500 housing units*, alongside 200 thou-sand square meters (main) dedicated to employment and commerce**. Our activity focuses on initiating the planning and construction of residential projects in Israel, through urban renewal, combination transactions and conversions (Pinuy Binuy, NOP 38/2 and NOP 38/1), which provide the best improvement potential from a 360-degree per-spective: for the landowners, the company and the apartment buyers.

The Secret of Our Success

Our success comes from uncompromising commitment and attention to all phases of a project, from locating and initiating to planning, marketing, and implementation, and culminating in managing a long-term relationship with apartment owners and buyers. The execution of our projects is entrusted to the leading professionals and companies in Israel, which apply advanced technologies and construction methods under the company’s close engineering management and supervision. We strive to provide custom-ers with a quality service experience at all times, characterized by a sense of security, peace of mind, availability, and reliability.

The Hub of Urban Renewal

Our company has been successfully leading urban renewal projects since 1998, years before NOP 38 took effect. In the years since then, we have been able to weave and implement a new vision that extends not only to the house’s rooms, but also to the entire building and the urban environment surrounding it. Our success story is shaped by the trust and satisfaction of our hundreds of partners in our various projects, as well as our customers in our new apartments. Our proven expertise and years of experience in all aspects of urban renewal, along with our financial solidity, allow us to promote a significant number of projects and guarantee our customers peace of mind and security throughout the process, from the first meeting until they move into their apartment. We adhere uncompromisingly to construction quality, finishes, and delivery schedules for all our projects.
Residential complexes and selected urban renewal projects (Pinuy Binuy, NOP 38/2, NOP 38/1)
Netanya, Herzog - 206 housing units (Pinuy Binuy).
Beit Shemesh, HaSavion - about 542 housing units (Pinuy Binuy).
Binyamina, Givat Chen -
about 424 housing units (Pinuy Binuy).
Tel Aviv, Neve Kfir about 279 housing units (Pinuy Binuy).
Ra’anana, Brandeis - 136 housing units (Pinuy Binuy).
Tel Aviv, Givat HaPrahim - 95 housing units (Pinuy Binuy).
Tel Aviv, Hadar Yosef - 23 housing units (Pinuy Binuy).
Ra’anana, HaGdud HaIvri - 219 housing units (NOP 38/2).
Givatayim, Rachel - 56 housing units (NOP 38/2).
Tel Aviv, Clay - 46 housing units (NOP 38/2).
Givatayim, Sde Boker - 32 housing units (NOP 38/2).
Givatayim, Yad Mordechai - 30 housing units (NOP 38/2).
Givatayim, Sirkin - 27 housing units (NOP 38/2).

Entrepreneurial Excellence Proven Over Time

Since its establishment, Rotem Shani has initiated, planned, and executed inspiring residential complexes that became highly desirable during construction and afterwards.
Rotem Shani specializes in locating land in sought-after residential complexes in Israel, innovative and ground-breaking planning that provides a unique living environment, meticulous, high-quality execution, and adherence to schedules.
Residential real estate complexes - selected projects
Ganei Tikva, Ganim North - 426 housing units.
Kiryat Shekhakim Herzliya Commercial - about 200 thousand square meters mainly for commerce and employment.
** Kiryat Shekhakim Herzliya Residential - 307 housing units.
Ra’anana, Rotem Shani Towers - 305 housing units. Even Yehuda, North - 93 housing units *155 units in total.
Bat Yam, Kikar HaMeginim - 107 housing units.
Petah Tikva, HaKirya HaAkademit - 85 housing units. Tel Aviv, HaYarkon - 55 housing units.
Netanya, HaRav Kook - 50 housing units
Jaffa Tel Aviv, Yefet - 52 housing units and 880 square meters of commercial space.
Givatayim, Shinkin - 30 housing units.

Integrating Groundbreaking Community and Environmental Development

Our mission at Rotem Shani is to empower the community and invest in progressive and groundbreaking environmental development. We create accessible urban complexes that promote sustainability, abundant in green natural areas, community gardens, open-air workstations, and designated spaces for sports, which produce diverse community gatherings. In each of our projects, we study the specific needs of each community, analyze it thoroughly, and create a current interpretation of its past. *The data refer to projects that were populated, are under construction, and are in planning, including housing units in the subsidiary company Rotem Shani Ela. As of 12/23, following the selection of a representative and legal negotiations.
** In collaboration with Mivne Group and Kibbutz Galil Yam.

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Facts & Numbers

Three decades In developing, planning and marketing residential projects

Three decades

In developing, planning and marketing residential projects

A public company Traded on TASE

A public company

Traded on TASE

4,500 residential units populated, developed and planned

4,500 residential units

populated, developed and planned

200,000 square meters Pending

200,000 square meters


Effective Management Team

Effective Management Team