Company's Profile
Established: | 1921 |
Line of Business: | Law Firm |
Address: | 31 Ahad Ha’am St., POB 2499, Tel Aviv 6520204 |
Phone: | 972-3-5670700 |
Fax: | 972-3-5660974 |
Email: | [email protected] |
Website: | http://www.s-horowitz.com |

Company Executives
Eran Bezalel
Managing Partner, Head of the Tenders Department
S. Horowitz & Co.
View Profile
Eran Bezalel
Yehoshua Horesh
The Late Alex Hertman
Tal Band
Ehud Arzi
Aharon (Anthony) Bloch
Avi Ordo
Avigail Kastiel
Amir Caspari
Clifford Davis
Eliya Zunz Koller
Michelle Liberman
Hagai Doron
Ran Vogel
Benjamin Sheffer
Mordehay Malca
Leor Nouman
Elisha Shor
Orit Yolles-Dabby
Eyal Doron
Dr. Asaf Rentsler
Amit Steinman
Pnina Sheffer Emmanuel
Ronen Brumer
Guy Firer
Dovev Apel
Ofir Pozner
Eran Bezalel
Ophir Kaplan
Noam Blei
Ohad Ben-Yehuda
Uriel Prinz
Moran Katz
Lior Mimon
Shay Gimelstein
Noa Glazer-Becher
Ran Feldman
Perah Rossler
Evyatar Azulay
Guy Wertheim
Shlomi Delgo
Gilad Katz
Yaron Lestrel
Amir Assali
Noam Zamir
Gitit Levin Grinberg
Michal Levanon-Porat
Ruthy Bodovich-Sagir
Keith Shaw
Avi Eldor
Dr. Omri Sender
Pini Azaria
Dr. Eyal Brook
Yair Ziv
Meital Malkiel Wertheim
Tomer Scheuerman
Avner Itzhaki
Moti Saban
Nicolas Gips
Amit Becher
Yael Rosenberg-Rubin
Hagar Pines Ginzburg
Caroline Walsh
Leor Meller
Adi Hoffman
Gal Arad-Cohen
Ronny Politi
Miriam Zaltsman
Adi Shlomo
Marina Roizer
Ilan Golod
Aviv Halperin
Moshe Zilberberg
Chen Zaefen
Katia Leokumovich
Ofer Kovacs
Gilad Gafni
Liraz Zehavi
Ori Oz
Eti Wissotzky-Cohen
Asher Heled of Counsel
Hugh Kowarsky of Counsel
Phillip Waldoks of Counsel

About S. Horowitz & Co.
S. Horowitz & Co. which recently celebrated its centennial, is one of Israel’s largest and leading law firms. By adhering to its long-standing values and commitment to provide services of the highest professional standards, the firm has sought to maintain its ingrained tradition throughout its 102 year legacy, while adapting its needs to accommodate and take into account 21st century advanced technologies and developments, all of which have not only enhanced its reputation, but consolidated and added to its constant wealth of experience. The firm is also recognized as a leader in its field by both the Israeli and international ranking directories.
The firm’s clientele comprises of reputable and well-established Israeli and international companies, operating in a wide array of fields and industries, including: energy, banking and finance, communications and media, aviation, real estate and infrastructure, pharmaceuticals and consumer products, local authorities and more. The firm employs more than 200 lawyers and interns, of whom 75 are partners.
Practice Areas
Litigation/Dispute Resolution – S. Horowitz & Co. has been described by Chambers Global as “without doubt, the best commercial litigation law firm in Israel”. The Firm has the most significant litigation department in Israel, which is consistently ranked as a leader in that area. The Firm is involved in many significant commercial disputes affecting Israel’s economy, collaborating, where necessary, with some of the leading law firms worldwide.
Corporate and M&A – S. Horowitz & Co. advises clients on complex and high-profile corporate transactions, including M&A, JVs, IPOs, and VC investments. Additionally, the Firm regularly accompanies and advises the boards of both private and public companies regarding their corporate governance and compliance obligations.
Banking and Finance – S. Horowitz & Co. is a leader in the field of banking and finance. The Firm advises banks, financial institutions, and borrowers on all financing aspects. The Firm has successfully represented most of the local and international banks in connection with their syndicated financings in Israel.
IP and Information Technology – S. Horowitz & Co.’s IP practice group is the largest amongst Israel’s commercial firms and has been described by Legal 500 as “a rare phenomenon in Israel”. The group is consistently ranked first in the international directories and is highly regarded for its professionalism and exceptional services. In addition to its expertise in IP litigation, the group advises on all non-contentious IP issues about the use, enforcement, licensing, and protection of IP rights.
Commercial Law – S. Horowitz & Co. advises its international and local clientele on the negotiation, drafting, and adaptation of all types of commercial contracts spanning a wide range of business-related activities. Additionally, the Firm provides ongoing support and accompaniment to companies applicable to their day-to-day operations.
Employment Law – Recently, S. Horowitz & Co. added the Asher Helad & Co., Law Firm, which is considered a leader in the field of labor law. The department represents a long list of leading companies and organizations in the economy, including tens of thousands of employees. The department represents banks, insurance companies, communications and hi-tech companies, employers and workers’ organizations, significant pension funds, corporate groups, hospitals and more.
Project Finance and Infrastructure – S. Horowitz & Co. has extensive experience in providing advice and representation on all aspects of project finance involving infrastructure and other sectors of industry. Furthermore, the Firm has extensive experience in accompanying entities in all project procedures encompassing both the commercial and litigation aspects.
Securities/Capital Markets – S. Horowitz & Co. regularly advises public companies, both at the required reporting level and on issuing bonds and other security interests. The Firm also represents financial institutions, underwriters and companies in matters covering IPOs, private placements, structured financing, securitization, and derivatives.
Antitrust/Competition – S. Horowitz & Co. provides its clients with full and comprehensive advice on a wide array of antitrust issues, including regarding the regulatory aspects and notification process applicable to M&A transactions, JVs, restrictive arrangements, etc.
Tax – S. Horowitz & Co.’s tax practice group offers broad advice and expertise on all aspects pertaining to business taxation, including in relation to M&A, restructuring, disclosure procedures, JVs, real estate, capital markets and international tax, where issues such as direct tax, indirect tax and/or international taxation are covered.
Commercial Real Estate – S. Horowitz & Co. provides comprehensive legal services in commercial real estate, including development, construction, financing, leasing and proceedings before the Israel Lands Administration. In addition, the Firm represents many clients in connection with property group acquisitions and urban renewal.
Pharmaceutical Industry/Life Sciences – S. Horowitz & Co. represents both domestic and international companies operating in the pharmaceutical and life sciences sector, including acting on their behalf in Israel and abroad, in both litigation as well as with regard to the regulation, licensing and commercialization of IP.
Hi Tech and Innovation – S. Horowitz & Co. advises on all the legal and commercial aspects spanning the business, financial, development and commercialization life cycle of start-ups and mature hi-tech companies. The Firm’s clients operate in diverse fields, including FinTech and algo-trading, crowdfunding, healthcare and medical devices, information security and cyber, AI and machine learning as well as the Internet of Things (IoT).
White Collar and Regulatory – S. Horowitz & Co. deals with a variety of issues in the fields of regulation and criminal law, among other things, in aspects of antitrust, taxes, securities, bribery, money laundering, computer and Internet violations, environment, business licensing, planning and construction, safety at work, labor law, pharmaceuticals, transportation, disciplinary proceedings, consumer offenses and more.
Environment – S. Horowitz & Co. is highly active in this area of law thanks to its comprehensive knowledge, vast experience, and breadth of accumulated expertise in the field, including in areas covering radiation, water, soil and air pollution, noise and odor nuisances, hazardous materials, and waste disposal.
Telecommunications and Media – S. Horowitz & Co. advises mobile phone operators, broadcasters, cable franchisees, content providers, satellite operators, service providers and financiers on all corporate and regulatory issues pertaining to telecommunications and the media.
Insurance and Product Liability – S. Horowitz & Co. represents insurance and reinsurance companies in all matters relating to litigation and commercial issues in this field.
Public International Law – S. Horowitz & Co. represents countries in proceedings to resolve international disputes, including before various international courts, such as the International Court of Justice in The Hague and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea in Hamburg. The Firm also advises governments, international organizations, and multinational corporations on a wide range of issues in public international law, including diplomatic and state immunities, border disputes, treaty law, investment agreements, war and humanitarian law, the law of the sea, state responsibility, and human rights.
Investment Funds – the funds department at S. Horowitz & Co. is involved in the establishment of investment funds, and the representation of private and institutional investors in investing in funds in Israel and abroad, while emphasizing the issues of regulation applicable to investors. The guidance on the issues of establishing funds (or similar joint investment instruments such as joint investments) includes guidance from the planning stage of the fund structure (including tax advice), the establishment of the fund, and ongoing support of the fund managers and the general partner team in connection with the conduct of the fund’s life and communication with investors.
Crypto – S. Horowitz & Co. offers a comprehensive range of legal and regulatory services to advise clients in the emerging field of blockchain and digital assets. The focus is on creating innovative and creative legal solutions tailored to blockchain-based products, while ensuring compliance with international laws and regulations. The Firm’s clientele list includes blockchain, crypto and web3 companies, as well as startups.
AI – A new field of activity at S. Horowitz & Co., under the leadership of Dr. Eyal Brook, in this developing and groundbreaking field of practice. The department provides legal advice in relation to aspects related to the development, licensing, protection, and use of artificial intelligence technologies, including in relation to the legal, regulatory, and ethical aspects of this field. Dr. Brock lectures in the field in academia and at national and international conferences in the field.
Cyber – S. Horowitz & Co. provides legal service to its clients on cyber protection and data protection including compliance, privacy by design, policy, databases’ registration and management, procedures (internal and external), engagement with serviced providers and other third parties, international aspects, addressing security and cyber incidents including representation towards regulators. The firms’ clients include a vast variety of entities, local and international, including banks, insurance companies, academic research institutions, health institutions and health service providers, administrative authorities, tech companies, startups, content providers, marketing companies, industry companies and more.

Company Rankings
- Law Firms
- Environmental Law
- Insurance
- Banking and Finance
- Taxation
- Internet Law
- Labor Law
- Anti Trust Law
- HighTech
- Insolvency
- Commercial Litigation
- Private Clients
- Defamation Law
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- Project Finance, Energy & Infrastructure
- Municipal Taxation
- Intellectual Property Litigation
- Non Profit Organizations
- International Trade
- Administrative Law
- Real Estate
- Cyber
- White Collar
- Intellectual Property Transaction
- Investment Funds
- Regulation
- Capital Market Law
- Class Actions
- Transportation
- Planning & Construction
- Media Law
- Criminal Law
- Social Security
- Leading Law Firms in Pro Bono Activity & Community Service
- Law Firms
- Environmental Law
- Insurance
- Banking and Finance
- Internet Law
- Taxation
- Labor Law
- Anti Trust Law
- HighTech
- Insolvency
- Commercial Litigation
- Private Clients
- Defamation Law
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- Project Finance, Energy & Infrastructure
- Municipal Taxation
- Intellectual Property Litigation
- Non Profit Organizations
- International Trade
- Administrative Law
- Real Estate
- Cyber
- White Collar
- Intellectual Property Transaction
- Regulation
- Media Law
- Class Actions
- Capital Market Law
- Transportation
- Planning & Construction
- Leading Law Firms in Pro Bono Activity & Community Service
- Law Firms
- Intellectual Property Litigation
- Media Law
- Planning & Construction
- Class Actions
- Capital Market Law
- Regulation
- Intellectual Property Transaction
- White Collar
- Cyber
- Real Estate
- Administrative Law
- International Trade
- Municipal Taxation
- Project Finance, Energy & Infrastructure
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- Private Clients
- Commercial Litigation
- Insolvency
- HighTech
- Anti Trust Law
- Labor Law
- Insurance
- Non Profit Organizations
- Environmental Law
- Transportation
- Taxation
- Leading Law Firms in Pro Bono Activity & Community Service
- Banking and Finance
- Environmental Law
- Insurance
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- International Trade
- Administrative Law
- White Collar
- Intellectual Property Transaction
- Regulation
- Local Authorities
- Media Law
- Anti Trust Law
- Labor Law
- Insolvency
- Project Finance, Energy & Infrastructure
- Intellectual Property Litigation
- Municipal Taxation
- Cyber
- Transportation
- HighTech
- Class Actions
- Commercial Litigation
- Planning & Construction
- Private Clients
- Law Firms
- Capital Market Law
- Investment Funds
- Real Estate
- Law Firms
- Environmental Law
- Insurance
- Taxation
- Labor Law
- Anti Trust Law
- HighTech
- Insolvency
- Commercial Litigation
- Private Clients
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- Intellectual Property Litigation
- Project Finance, Energy & Infrastructure
- Municipal Taxation
- International Trade
- Administrative Law
- Real Estate
- Cyber
- Intellectual Property Transaction
- Investment Funds
- Local Authorities
- Capital Market Law
- Class Actions
- Planning & Construction
- Media Law
- Banking and Finance
- Law Firms
- Environmental Law
- Insurance
- Taxation
- Labor Law
- Anti Trust Law
- HighTech
- Insolvency
- Commercial Litigation
- Private Clients
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- Project Finance, Energy & Infrastructure
- Municipal Taxation
- International Trade
- Administrative Law
- Real Estate
- Cyber
- Investment Funds
- Local Authorities
- Capital Market Law
- Class Actions
- Planning & Construction
- Media Law
- Intellectual Property Litigation
- Intellectual Property Transaction
- Banking and Finance
- Law Firms
- Environmental Law
- Insurance
- Taxation
- Labor Law
- Insolvency
- Commercial Litigation
- Private Clients
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- Project Finance, Energy & Infrastructure
- International Trade
- Administrative Law
- Real Estate
- Local Authorities
- Capital Market Law
- Class Actions
- Planning & Construction
- Intellectual Property Litigation
- Media Law
- Cyber
- Anti Trust Law
- HighTech
- Banking and Finance
- Administrative Law
- Capital Market Law
- Class Actions
- Commercial Litigation
- Environmental Law
- Insolvency
- Insurance
- International Trade
- Labor Law
- Local Authorities
- Media Law
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- Planning & Construction
- Private Clients
- Project Finance, Energy & Infrastructure
- Intellectual Property Litigation
- Real Estate
- Taxation
- Law Firms
- Anti Trust Law
- HighTech
- Banking and Finance
- Law Firms
- Administrative Law
- Capital Market Law
- Class Actions
- Commercial Litigation
- Insurance
- International Trade
- Investment Funds
- Labor Law
- Local Authorities
- Media Law
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- Project Finance, Energy & Infrastructure
- Taxation
- Intellectual Property Litigation
- Real Estate
- Environmental Law
- Anti Trust Law
- Banking and Finance
- Administrative Law
- Class Actions
- Commercial Litigation
- Environmental Law
- Insurance
- International Trade
- Investment Funds
- Labor Law
- Law Firms
- Local Authorities
- Media Law
- Private Clients
- Project Finance, Energy & Infrastructure
- Real Estate
- Taxation
- Anti Trust Law

Facts & Numbers

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