Taamer Group

Real estate entrepreneurship, contracting

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Company's Profile

Established: 2015
Line of Business: Real estate entrepreneurship, contracting
Address: 9 Jabotinsky Rd., Bnei Brak,
Hachsharat Hyeshuv Tower
11 Salah Al-Din St., Kfar Bara
Phone: 972-50-3547777, 972-3-9035555
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.taamer.co.il
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Company Executives

  • Reda Assi, Taamer Group

    Reda Assi


    Taamer Group

    View Profile

    Reda Assi
  • Sofyan Assi, Taamer Group

    Sofyan Assi


    Taamer Group

    View Profile

    Sofyan Assi
  • Ameer Sharkawi, Taamer Group

    Adv. Ameer Sharkawi

    Legal Counsel

    Taamer Group

  • Kuzai Atzi, Taamer Group

    Kuzai Atzi


    Taamer Group

  • Nada Badran, Taamer Group

    Nada Badran

    Apartments Marketing Manager

    Taamer Group

  • Ibraheam Majadlih, Taamer Group

    Ibraheam Majadlih

    Project Manager

    Taamer Group

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About Taamer Group

The Taamer Group is a real estate development and project management group that has been operating in the construction field for over 20 years. Initially, the group operated as a subcontractor and later established itself as a main contractor for large contractors in the Israeli economy. Over the years, the group has managed diverse projects in the construction industry, building residential towers, establishing, and building residential neighborhoods, executing NOP 38/1, and 38/2, executing infrastructure and development works, project management, and more. The owner of the group is Reda Assi, and the CEO is Sofyan Assi.

The Taamer Group Today

Great Reputation in the Real Estate World: First-of-its-Kind Project in Kafr Bara

Throughout the years, the Taamer Group has gained extensive recognition in the construction world and is currently leading projects involving the initiation, establishment, and construction of residential neighborhoods in the Arab and Jewish sectors. This includes demolition and evacuation of areas intended for construction, the construction of high-rise towers, the promotion of neighborhoods based on a community background, as well as the thawing of agricultural land in favor of residential construction.

Taamer operates nationwide and across all sectors, bringing unique and radical news to the Arab sector by building new neighborhoods of saturated construction, for the first time in Israel. Thanks to its knowledge, resources, and human capital, the group has efficiently advanced the conversion of many agricultural lands into residential areas while constructing modern and aesthetically pleasing residential towers with hundreds of housing units.

The Human Capital

One of the strengths of the Taamer Group is its experienced human capital. The group’s team includes engineers, project managers, foremen, staff members, subcontractors, and some of the largest suppliers in the country. In addition to the professionalism and rich experience in the field, the group is characterized by excellent human relations, accessibility, and availability to clients, paying attention to the smallest details in cooperation with all relevant parties: apartment owners, consultants, buyers, execution contractors, marketers, lawyers, and licensing and enforcement authorities.

Entrepreneurship and Execution Under One Roof

Taamer operates in two capacities - both as an entrepreneurial company and as an executive company. This combined ability enables it to fulfill all commitments to clients while exercising absolute control over construction processes at its construction sites across the country. Furthermore, this integration allows the group’s leaders to closely monitor construction quality without compromise and use the best materials available.

The group’s teams accompany the tenants from the momentous decision to purchase an apartment, adapting the apartment to their needs and the community’s character. They continue to support tenants even after receiving the keys, providing full assistance at every stage of the process. At Taamer, satisfied clients bring in new satisfied clients, and a happy and content community is the foundation for the group’s future.

Diverse Execution Experience, Entrepreneurial Abilities, and Local Authority Strategies

Taamer’s success stems from a special combination that takes place under one roof: a group with many years of accumulated experience as a subcontractor and later as a main contractor, a real estate entrepreneur with high capabilities, connections in both the government and local authorities. Thus, the executive experience the group has gained, starting as a “production subcontractor” and later as a main contractor managing significant projects, has brought Tamir to the highest professional capabilities. Currently, this combination enables the group to execute all the projects that it promotes as an entrepreneur, reducing costs and promoting construction processes in various local authorities. This integration is also the reason for the success of the group, building its reputation over the years as a leader in the Israeli construction world.

Entrepreneurial Projects

Kfar Bara - The flagship project of the group, which was built under the “Residential Price” scheme, with some of the apartments allocated for eligible beneficiaries and others marketed in the free market. Eight buildings, each 5-7 stories high with innovative and functional planning, totaling 124 housing units. The project was built in a 50% partnership with Etgar Boutique Al.
Kfar Qasim - A project under the “Target Price” scheme, including the construction of 11 residential towers with about 107 new units, of which 55 are at target price and 52 in the free market. Approaching building permits.
Hadera - The group purchased land in an area of approximately 8.4 dunams in Givat Olga (Ein HaYam neighborhood) and is currently planning a residential project with approximately 450 residential units in 33-story residential towers with underground parking. The project is being built in a 50% partnership with Etgar Boutique Al.
Acre - Purchase of land of about 8 dunams of land, planning to build a commercial complex in partnership with the companies Barel, Rotem Yahalom, and Sela Shaked.

Projects in Progress

Hatzor Military Base - Foundation works of 5 lots in the Base. Completed.
Aluf Sade Ramat Gan Interchange - Earthworks and construction of a drainage collector. Completed.
Kiryat Malachi - Preparatory work and establishment of a project of 117 units. Completed.
Givatayim - Construction of a 12-unit residential building at 14 Rama St. Occupied.
Tel Aviv - Demolition and evacuation of an existing building at 50 Herzl Street. Completed.
Tel Aviv - Demolition work and evacuation of an existing building at 5 Moledet St. Completed.
Elkana - Quarrying and paving works in the Alkana terraced project + construction of 6 buildings of 30 units. Completed.
Tel Aviv - Demolition of an existing building that includes an active gas station building, 116 Herzl St. Completed.
Ramat Gan - Construction of a 25-unit residential building at 19 HaEshel St. Occupied.
Rehovot - Construction of a 55-unit residential building at 20 Hazon Ish St. Occupants. Completed.