Yekutiel & Co.

Real Estate, Urban Renewal

Yekutiel & Co.
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Company's Profile

Established: 2009
Line of Business: Real Estate, Urban Renewal
Address: 23 Begin Rd., Tel Aviv
Phone: 972-3-6915656
Fax: 972-3-6915655
Email: [email protected]
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Company Executives

  • Guy Yekutiel, Yekutiel & Co.

    Adv. Guy Yekutiel


    Yekutiel & Co.

    View Profile

    Guy Yekutiel
  • Tamar Ingbir, Yekutiel & Co.

    Adv. Tamar Ingbir


    Yekutiel & Co.

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About Yekutiel & Co.

The law firm of Yekutiel & Co. is one of Israel’s leading urban renewal law firms, in terms of longstanding experience in the field, the level of professionalism, the clients’ satisfaction and the number of projects.
The firm was founded in 2009 by Adv. Yekutiel, who has 16 years of experience in the real estate field (mainly in the urban renewal segment), together with his wife, Adv. Tamar Ingbir, who also has longstanding experience in real estate and urban renewal.
Over the years, the firm has accumulated extensive experience in a wide variety of real estate topics – from sale agreements, through legal assistance to contractors, asset-swap (“combination”) transactions, and of course, urban renewal – in both seismic retrofitting and expansion projects (Tama 38/1), and demolition and reconstruction projects – Tama 38/2 and Pinui-Binui. To date, the firm has represented more than 100 house delegations, from the planning stage through the construction phase and up to the registration of the new properties in the Land Registrar, with thousands of apartments, mainly in prime locations in central Israel.

Adv. Guy Yekutiel

The firm’s Real Estate and Urban Renewal department headed by Adv. Guy Yekutiel. Guy has an LL.B. from Tel Aviv University and an M.B.A. with a specialization in finance from Tel Aviv University (Recanati Graduate School of Management). Guy is a member of the Israel Bar Association’s Real Estate Committee and its Urban Renewal Subcommittee and was involved in several urban renewal legislation proceedings, in light of his experience and understanding of the needs in the field. Guy also authors numerous articles in this field, appears in the media on matters of urban renewal, lectures and trains in professional courses.

Working with Passion

The firm is deeply passionate about construction and urban renewal and is happy to play a significant part in a modern Zionist process that offers the residents of older and underprivileged neighborhoods a leap step with a dramatic increase in their life quality. The firm is endowed with professionalism and sensitivity and emphasizes a high level of service and a fertile and clear discourse, unpresumptuously, both with the residents and with the developers.
Since the firm is a home for professional knowledge for its clients, the design of the office conveys homeliness and warmth, with the aim of making the firm’s clients feel comfortable, that they are always welcome and greeted with a smile.

Developer Public Tenders as a Form of Art

The vast experience that Adv. Yekutiel accumulated in urban renewal led him to develop a structured method for facilitating Pinui-Binui and Tama 38/2 projects. The firm turned the management of Pinui-Binui complexes and Tama 38/2 projects into an artform – the “reverse tender” process that the firm manages which leaves the power in the hands of the apartment owners and leads eventually to the execution and completion of successful projects, where the apartment owners receive the best possible consideration, including an excellent match between the selected developer and the character of the project.

Recommended by Urban Renewal Administrations

The firm is recommended by the urban renewal administrations in the cities of central Israel (such as Ezra and Bitzron in Tel Aviv, The administration of the Ramat Gan Municipality, The administration of the Petach Tikva Municipality, The administration of the Bat Yam Municipality and more) and by other urban renewal entities. The firm is also constantly ranked as a leading firm in the urban renewal segment, and was ranked as one of the top 15 firms in representing residents by residents satisfaction surveys that were conducted by TheMarker.

Notable Projects

Yefet, Yafo C – A Pinui-Binui project that was promoted with the assistance of Ezra and Bitzron, and where the residents would receive a very high consideration relatively to the industry’s standard. In the framework of the project, seven townhouses with 84 existing apartments would be demolished, and in their place, an 18-story residential tower and five lower 7-story buildings would be built, above a commercial façade and employment areas with an area of about 800 sq.m. In total, the complex would include 273 new apartments. The public tender documents that the firm formulated already included a final Pinui-Binui agreement which protected the apartment owners completely, thus forcing the developers to sign it in advance, without negotiations. And indeed, the public tender was phenomenally successful, and the firm received 16 bids from Top 20 developers. After a filtering process which included several stages and after the house representatives reviewed the construction quality of the development company, the company of Yossi Avrahami was selected for this project.
Some of the high considerations that the residents received: a substantial additional area of 40 sq.m. per apartment, underground parking, storage room, a 12 sq.m. balcony, and bonuses of NIS 40,000 upon signing, NIS 50,000 for apartment upgrades and NIS 30,000 for buying electric appliances. In addition, the technical spec of the apartment, which was set in advance and attached to the tender, was lavish and at a very high level.
Yoseftal, Petach Tikva – A mega Pinui-Binui project in the longstanding neighborhood of Yoseftal. Currently, the complex includes 1,380 apartments, in townhouses and detached houses, and about 992 of the existing apartments are designated for urban renewal, where the town houses would be demolished and about 3,278 new apartments would be built in their place. This was also a case where the firm accompanied the apartment owners in the “Reverse Tender” method, with a pre-approval of a Pinui-Binui agreement and a lavish technical spec for the apartments, which were integrated into the public tender for selecting the developers. Thus, the firm produced an excellent agreement for the residents, and prevented the endless negotiations with the developers at a later stage.

Real Estate on the Snow

In the past few years, the firm has been hosting the “Real Estate on the Snow” convention – a professional convention for real estate and urban renewal professionals, where the best lecturers participate. The firm also organizes seminars on urban renewal topics, such as the rights of the elderly, first steps in the field for young persons in the framework of “Real Estate on the Bar”, and pro bono lectures in the framework of the urban renewal administrations.

“We subsist off what we receive. We live off what we give” No less important than the professional activity, the firm sees great importance in its relationship with the community and in volunteering work.
The firm’s heads believe that volunteering covers a broad spectrum of values, including social solidarity, mutualism, trust and a sense of belonging.
Accordingly, the firm chooses to be involved, to influence, to make a difference and to design the society in which we want to live. Inter alia, the firm adopted the “Youth Bridge” NGO – a non-profit association for youth at risk, helps distributing food to families in need, provides free legal advice to residents and managed pro bono cases.

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