Construction & Real Estate

Construction & Infrastructure

Rank 2023Company NameRevenues NIS MillionsRevenues Change(%)Equity NIS MillionsNet Profit NIS MillionsEmployees NoParent Company
Rank 2023Company NameRevenues NIS MillionsRevenues Change(%)Equity NIS MillionsNet Profit NIS MillionsEmployees NoParent Company
1 Shapir Engineering & Industries
The company trades in Israel
The company trades in Israel
3,030.0518.43,968.0914.0114Discount Investment Corporation
3Moriah 2,523.64.1210.4-83Jerusalem Municipality
5Electra Infrastructure 1,300.0-0.2-53.4310Electra
8 The Lesico-Leshman Group
The company trades in Israel
9Ben-Ari 636.424.0125.2-189-
10Y. Lehrer (Engineering)
Company data are evaluated
550.0----Y. Lehrer Holdings
11Olizki Infrusturcture 548.654.7223.9-200Olizki Mining (1990)
12K.S.M.G Construction And Development 548.50.4--130G.a. Matar Properties
13Bardarian Brothers 350.09.2--143-
14Bni Adel Jabali 330.06.5--70-
15Movilei Hamercaz - Kohav 327.046.0--30Movilei Hamercaz Kohav Investments
* Parent company ranked
Company data are evaluated Company data are evaluated
Company shares are traded abroad Company shares are traded abroad
The company trades in Israel The company trades in Israel
Highlighted companies – in addition to the company's profile page