Urban Renewal

Buildings Reinforcement Demolition and Construction Projects in Raanana

Rank 2023Company Name Total Projects Total Projects Before Building Permit Total Projects That Received Permit Under Conditions Total Projects That Received a Building Permit Total Housing Units That Received a Building Permit Total Projects That Populated Total Housing Units That Populated
Rank 2023Company Name Total Projects Total Projects Before Building Permit Total Projects That Received Permit Under Conditions Total Projects That Received a Building Permit Total Housing Units That Received a Building Permit Total Projects That Populated Total Housing Units That Populated
6Promotion Management & Execution Y. N. U. V. Building & Development 54-190--
* Parent company ranked
Company data are evaluated Company data are evaluated
Company shares are traded abroad Company shares are traded abroad
The company trades in Israel The company trades in Israel
Highlighted companies – in addition to the company's profile page
הדירוגים עשויים להשתנות בהתאם למידע נוסף שיתקבל עד למועד פרסום שנתון DUN'S 100 לשנת 2023 המידע הכלול במכתב זה הינו מידע סודי המהווה קניינה הבלעדי של DUN'S 100.