Urban Renewal

Buildings Reinforcement Demolition and Construction Projects in Tel Aviv

Rank 2021Company NameTotal ProjectsTotal Projects Before Building PermitTotal Projects That Received Permit Under ConditionsTotal Projects That Received a Building PermitTotal Housing Units That Received a Building PermitTotal Projects That Populated During 2020 Total Housing Units That Received a Building Permit
Rank 2021Company NameTotal ProjectsTotal Projects Before Building PermitTotal Projects That Received Permit Under ConditionsTotal Projects That Received a Building PermitTotal Housing Units That Received a Building PermitTotal Projects That Populated During 2020 Total Housing Units That Received a Building Permit
7Baitvegag 1044275--
12Almi Group 1355356--
15Keren Real Estate 831492--
17Radco Tama 38 531164--
18Yaron Tibet Building Co 8-1789--
22Shikun & Binui Real Estate 862----
23Urban Renewal - InitIating & Real Estate 954----
27Shalom & Natan 13112----
28Ram Aderet 3--245118
30Egoz Group (Israel) 3-1252--
31Y-TLV 621222117
* Parent company ranked
Company data are evaluated Company data are evaluated
Company shares are traded abroad Company shares are traded abroad
The company trades in Israel The company trades in Israel
Highlighted companies – in addition to the company's profile page