Alter Attorneys at Law

Law Firm

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Address: 8 Shaul Hamelech Blvd., Tel Aviv 6473307
Phone: 972-3-6966633
Fax: 972-3-6966663
Email: [email protected]
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  • Anat Engel Tenne, Alter Attorneys at Law

    Adv. and CPA Anat Engel Tenne

    Senior Partner & Manager

    Alter Attorneys at Law

    View Profile

    Anat Engel Tenne
  • Nir Horenstein, Alter Attorneys at Law

    Adv. Nir Horenstein


    Alter Attorneys at Law

  • Ehud (Udi) Shostak, Alter Attorneys at Law

    Adv. Ehud (Udi) Shostak


    Alter Attorneys at Law

  • Helena Ben-Baruch, Alter Attorneys at Law

    Adv. Helena Ben-Baruch


    Alter Attorneys at Law

  • Eyal Schwarzwald, Alter Attorneys at Law

    Adv. Eyal Schwarzwald


    Alter Attorneys at Law

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About Alter Attorneys at Law

Alter Attorneys at Law is the leading tax law firm in Israel, exclusively handling tax law. The firm provides tax counseling to Israeli and foreign clients and specializes in consultancy and legal representation before Israeli authorities and courts. The firm was founded in 1990 by the late Dr. Avi Alter, and today is owned by its partners partners who have been part of the firm since its inception. The firm has been listed for many years as the top Israeli tax firm by international companies and Israeli ranking agencies.

Practice Areas

The firm provides tax consultancy to Israeli and foreign clients and specializes in tax and legal representation before Israeli authorities and courts, in all areas of tax, including income tax, international taxation, VAT, corporate tax, energy and infrastructure taxation, real estate, mergers and acquisitions, capital taxation and trusts. The firm has a proven record including approvals for tax postponements and reductions by the authorities, tax rulings and settlements, as well as achieving fundamental precedents for taxation in district courts and the Supreme Court.


With a reputation as Israel’s leading tax law firm, the firm serves as a professional address for lawyers, accountants and tax advisors seeking answers to tax issues requiring creative solutions. The firm represents clients with international activities, including large multinational corporations, and obtains approvals from the tax authorities in Israel and abroad.

The Firm Staff – Commitment to Excellence

Anat Engel Tenne, Adv. CPA Senior and Managing Partner - (LL.B. and B.A., Accounting summa cum laude, Tel Aviv University) Specializes in all tax law and is considered one of Israel’s leading experts. She has successfully handled hundreds of transactions and issues with the tax authorities and obtained tax settlements, before and after deals, resulting in minimal tax payments by the client. Adv. Engel Tenne is particularly involved in capital settlements, trusteeships, international tax, sales of operations and holdings and settling conflicts with the tax authorities. Adv. Tenne lectures in various forums on tax and publishes tax law articles and responses in the media.

Nir Horenstein, Adv. (Acc.) - Partner – (LL.M. & M.B.A. summa cum laude, Tel Aviv University) Specializes in real estate tax, energy and infrastructure taxation, representation of multinational corporations, VAT, income tax and litigation in court. Adv. Horenstein has co-authored the books “Real Estate Tax Reform,” and “Tax Reform in the State of Israel,” and was a weekly columnist writer in “Globes” on real estate taxation. Adv. Horenstein represents individuals, corporations, local authorities, and acts as an advisor in Israel for huge international tax firms.

Udi Shostak, Adv. (Eco.) - Partner – (LL.B. and B.A., Economics summa cum laude, Tel Aviv University) Former lecturer at Tel Aviv University and Ramat Gan College, Adv. Shostak has authored many articles in the media and professional periodicals. Adv. Shostak specializes in international tax, planning and setting up holding structures and activities for multinational groups, supporting Israelis operating in Africa, overseas trustee and financial arrangements, web marketing, and sales activities, tax options and controlling ownership in mergers and splits, and VAT.

Helena Ben-Baruch, Adv. (Acc.) - Partner – (LL.B. and B.A., Accounting, Tel Aviv University). Adv. Ben-Baruch specializes in capital market tax, trust tax, international tax, mergers, and splits. Adv. Ben-Baruch has co-authored a book on capital market tax and written articles on various taxes. Adv. Ben-Baruch advises on tax issues for multinational corporations, banks, investment and insurance companies, mutual funds, VC funds, and real estate developers. Adv. Ben-Baruch has been a party to precedent approvals and arrangements with the tax authorities for company structure changes, employees’ options, tax on securities revenue, and income from abroad, capital gains, foreign and returning resident tax, etc.

Eyal Schwarzwald, Adv. (Accountancy) – Partner – LL.B. and BA (Accounting), The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Specializes in real estate taxation, income tax, international taxation and VAT. Advises and accompanies complexed real estate transactions, including urban renewal transactions and taxation of the energy and infrastructure sector. Adv. Schwarzwald is a partner in accompanying voluntary disclosure arrangements in complexed cases of individuals and trusts, handling VAT cases including cases in which our clients received tax refunds in significant sums, and writing complexed opinions in various tax areas.

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