Usage Terms on Duns 100 Website
Welcome to the Website of Globes Duns 100 - ranking the leading corporations in the Israeli economy by Dun & Bradstreet (Israel) Ltd. and the financial newspaper Globes (hereinafter, respectively - the "Company" and "Globes").
The use of and/or visit to the Website are subject to the provisions and terms appearing in this document and/or in the content of the Website itself ("Usage Terms"). These apply unconditionally to every user of or visitor to the Website ("Users").
Accordingly, you are requested to read the Usage Terms carefully. To the extent you do not agreed with the Usage Terms, you are not permitted to use the Website. Any entry into the Website or use thereof will testify to your having read and that you agree to the Usage Terms, unrestrictedly and unreservedly.
The Usage Terms are intended for both women and men and have been worded in the Masculine for reasons of convenience only.
The Company and Globes have the right, at any time, to alter the Usage Terms by revising this document, and such alteration shall bind the User in all respects as of the publication of the updated Usage Terms on the Website.
The Company and Globes have the right, at any time, without any notice and at their exclusive discretion, to discontinue or postpone the operation of the Website, partially or wholly, or to amend or alter the character and content thereof. Furthermore, the Company and Globes invest reasonable efforts in order to assure the maintenance and availability of the Website and the content thereof; however, despite the efforts of the Company and Globes, activity on the Website might be disturbed, discontinued, postponed or delayed, permanently or temporarily, due to factors or events beyond the control of the Company or against its will.
A great deal of information in many fields can be found on the Website, including, but not only, information on the ranking of the Globes Duns 100, profiles of the ranked corporations, articles, photographs, and more.
For your information, the Company and Globes rely on advanced protection mechanisms in order to secure the information on the Website. Any penetration into the computer systems of the Website and/or the Company and/or of Globes constitutes a criminal offence under the law prevailing in Israel. At the same time, the Company and Globes cannot assure absolute immunity against penetration into their computers, exposure of information or malfunctions and disturbances to the operation of the computer systems serving the Website, and you shall have no argument and/or complaint in this matter.
Links and Information Displayed on the Website
The Website may offer links, hyper-links or banners to other sites, service content, advertisements and the like that are displayed on the Website and given to the Company and/or Globes by third parties, displayed on the Website "as is" (hereinafter - "Links and Advertisements"). The Company and Globes do not supervise or examine the Links and Advertisements, their reliability or legality, and anything connected with their security and privacy protection policy. Accordingly, the Company and Globes will not be liable, in any way whatsoever, in connection with intellectual property rights or any other third party right, with respect to the Links and Advertisements, the content displayed therein or on any other site connected thereto or to the Website.
The Company and Globes shall not be responsible for use made by Users of the links to the Website of pages that are not on the Website or on other sites, and the Users undertake to obey and comply with the provisions and conditions of those sites or Internet pages and to communicate directly with the operators of those sites or pages in connection with the issues that may be raised as a result of the entry into, browse in or use thereof.
It is clarified that the ranking of the companies, as displayed on this Website, is in accordance with the Company's criteria and constitutes only the Company's estimate and an expression of its opinion.
The Company and Globes respect the privacy of every person who visits the Website. The privacy policy set forth below relates to the type of information which the Company and Globes shall have the right to collect, as well as the manner and purpose of processing such information. This policy of the Company and Globes shall also direct and instruct Users of the Website on how to act to the extent they are not interested in their personal particulars being collected or given to others in connection with their visit to the Website.
The Company and Globes shall have the right to manage a data bank and to process any data from the identifying particulars of the Users of the Website (such as name, address, telephone number, electronic mail address and the like) (hereinafter - "Personal Information" or "Personal Particulars"), which may come into their possession and knowledge due to the use of the Website and/or that are transferred by the Users voluntarily. The Company and Globes undertake that, to the extent they shall have such a data bank, the use thereof and the manner of its management shall be for any purpose in the framework of the business operation of the Company and as provided in the laws of the State of Israel applicable to that matter.
A User of the Website who has agreed to the terms described above with respect to the collection, storage and processing of his Personal Particulars as set forth herein, has the right to exercise any right reserved for him pursuant to the laws of protection of privacy prevailing in Israel. A Website User who is interested in exercising the said right shall do so by means of a written application or by electronic mail to the Company at the address: [email protected]
The Website services are provided for use "as is". The Company and Globes do not warrant that the service on the Website will be given in orderly fashion or without break and that they will be immune to unauthorized access to the Company's and Globes' computers or immune to damage, breakdowns, failures.
The use of the Website shall be on the exclusive responsibility of the Users. By making use of the Website you hereby waive any complaint, claim or demand against the Company and/or Globes and/or anyone on their behalf with respect to the features of the Website and the content offered therein, the availability, capability, limitation thereof or their suitability for your needs and requirements.
Users of the Website hereby absolutely, finally and irrevocably exempt the Company and Globes and/or anyone on their behalf from any liability for any damage, deficit, loss or expense of any kind whatsoever, which was and/or will be caused as a result of the use of the Website.
The Company, Globes and/or anyone on their behalf shall not bear any liability for the content and/or the form and/or accuracy and/or reliability of the content displayed on the Website, and they are not responsible for any damage to and/or infringement of copyright, intellectual property rights whatsoever, trademarks or commercial secrets in connection with the content displayed on the Website and/or in connection with any other use made by Users of the Website.
You undertake to indemnify and compensate the Company and/or Globes, as the case may be, with respect to any damage they may incur due to any action or omission by you in connection with your use of the Website, immediately upon their first demand.
Intellectual Property
All intellectual property rights on the Website, including patents, copyright, patterns, trademarks, commercial secrets and content services are the sole and exclusive property of the Company, or of third parties from which the Company duly received a usage permit. It is not permitted to copy, reproduce, distribute, sell, market, broadcast, display, perform in public, make available to the public, translate or make any other use of all or any part of the content, the information or the services included and/or offered on the Website without obtaining the Company's express prior written permission and subject to the terms of such authorization, to the extent it is given.
Notwithstanding the contents of Clause 5.1 above, nothing in the Website or stated therein, expressly or inferred, by virtue of estoppel or in any other way, shall constitute a license or right to use the trademarks appearing therein without the Company's written consent.
The terms and provisions set forth in these Usage Terms, and any amendment thereto or correction thereof, as well as the use of the Website, are subject to the laws of the State of Israel. Any case of discrepancy or dispute that may arise in connection with the use of the Website will be heard and clarified before the competent courts in the city of Tel Aviv - Yaffo.