Criteria for Sectorial Rankings
By total assets.
Calculated according to the following components:
1. Balance;
2. Gross premiums earned.;
3. Total Profit;
By income from commission fees.
By total assets managed in NIS millions, divided according to the following components:
1. Portfolios Managed;
2. Mutual Funds;
3. Exchange-Traded Funds (ETF);
4. Provident Funds.
By sales volume. In addition, the leading companies in the industry were ranked according to the % increase in revenues
Industrial companies are companies which meet the following criteria:
1. The company is registered in Israel.
2. Over 50% of income derives from production activities by the company and subsidiaries in its control.
The data according to which the rating is determined is a sales turnover.
The figure by which the rating is determined is a sales turnover. In addition, the ranking of leading companies in high-tech was based on % of increase in revenues.
A high-Tech company is one that meets the following criteria:
A. Listed in Israel *;
B. Over 50% of its income is generated by R&D activities.
* Exception–companies that are not registered in Israel but most of its development activities are carries out in Israel and its management is located in Israel.
By operating revenue. In addition, the leading trade companies were ranked according to the % of increase in revenues.
By operating revenue. In addition, the leading services companies were ranked according to the % of increase in revenues.
Service & Trade Companies meet the following criteria:
1. The company is registered in Israel.
2. Over 50% of income does not derive from production activities.
It is important to note that the rankings of service and trade companies do not include financial and financing companies such as banks and insurance companies as well as construction, development and real estate companies. These companies have a separate ranking.
By income derived from construction and development and infrastructures. Two secondary rankings are presented: infrastructures, construction, and development, where the company’s secondary ranking is determined by its basic area of specialization, which represents its principal income.
In the first sorting phase, each company was required to meet a financial strength threshold and a professional review by the Economic Department which assessed its financial capabilities (as of the ranking date). In addition, comprehensive business data was reviewed, including: The company's risk rating, professional experience, ownership structure, residents' claims, whether there is negative information (warnings) on the company and more. In the second phase, the ranking reviewed the number of projects, the number of apartments, the duration of the project's stages, the project's geographical location, the existence of a financing entity or lack thereof, the law firms which accompany the project and the residents and more. The third phase included a comprehensive research by the ranking team: in-depth analysis, review and verification of all of the data that was received and collected from various sources. The fourth phase included the ranking of the companies through a weighted-average model – with more weight assigned to projects at advanced stages. In Addition, the project's size (no. of apartments) was weighted in accordance with its current stage.
The ranking includes only publicly-traded companies. The ranking is based on a weighting of the following parameters:
1. Revenues from Initiation Activities – An average of the last 3 years;
2. Total Real-Estate Inventory (Current Assets + LT Assets) including Land Reserves, Apartments Inventories, and Buildings for Sale.
3. Leverage – Financial Debt (Gross) / (The Sum of Equity + Financial Debt (Gross).
4. Total Equity / Total Assets.
The ranking includes only exchange-traded companies. The ranking is based on a weighting of the following parameters:
1. Revenues from Yielding Properties;
2. Consolidated NOI;
3. FFO;
4. Total Assets.
Ranking is calculated according to the following three components:
1. Hotels' operating income;
2. Number of rooms;
3. Average income per room.
The rating is based on the number of populated housing units.
Ranking according to the following components:
1. Number of assessors;
2. Volume of appraisals;
3. Scope of Assessments / Appraisers.
The ranking parameters are the number of employed professionals and the number of accompanied projects.
By the number of architects and architectural engineers employed.
By number of professional employees in the engineering sector employed by the company, and secondary rankings for engineering design offices, project management offices, offices including planning and project management.
By number of lawyers employed by the firm as of 31.12.2021.
The ranking of the top-25 firms includes thresholds, which refer also to variety and prominence: A firm must practice at least five practice areas, out of the total niches in the ranking.
Presenting leading law firms in a range of practice areas. Ranking of firms are based on estimates, among other things, of data gathered on: substantial cases, large clients, precedent-setting rulings, professional publications and searching interviews with leading figures in every sector and with key customers.
Ranks leading IP law firms and patent attorneys. Ranking of firms are based, among other things, on data gathered on: substantial cases, large clients, complexity and experience.
By several components:
1. Number of accountants;
2. Number of academic professional employees;
3. Number of companies audited;
4. The number and size of public companies audited (in Israel and worldwide);
5. Major customers in the audit.
6. Revenues.
In addition,
1. The offices are rated according to four areas of consultation: Taxation; Economic Consulting; Internal audit; and Investigative Auditing. The ranking in each area was examined by the volume of activity hours, type of customers, and number of professional employees who provide consulting services.
2. The ranking of accounting firms according to the number of companies traded in Israel and abroad that the Ministry audits their financial statements.
By balance sheet, as well as two sub-ratings: financing leasing and operational leasing.
According to gross freight forwarding income, Approved Economic Organization (AEO) status, and existing agreements with international freight forwarding companies.
The ranking was determined by an overall perspective of data collected by: questioners filled out by hundreds of doctors, who were asked to specify about: their areas of expertise, position and institution, refers to the rankings, and, of course, they were asked to recommend colleagues that are leaders on their respective specialties and subspecialties. Opinions given by relevant medical authorities on their colleagues – we consulted with some of the country’s heads of hospitals, medical wings, and medical institutions as well as other medical officials.
Companies with a score of 20 or less were not ranked according to Dun & Bradstreet's ranking model.
Companies with a "going concern" warning were not ranked (subject to Dun & Bradstreet's discretion).
Sales volume and operating income are as per company financial reports.
Exports/Overseas Sales
Includes exports of goods and services from Israel and sales of subsidiaries abroad.
Exchange Rate
Figures that were presented in foreign currency were converted according to the average rate in 2019 Figures for equity and assets were converted according to the currency exchange rate as of December 31, 2021.
Figures for Net Profit and Equity
The figures shown do not include those with minority rights.
Consolidation of Other Companies into the Data
Controlled subsidiaries in Israel and abroad (data would be consolidated in a case of ownership of more than 50% of voting shares).
Reporting Period: All figures are for the year ending December 31, 2021.