Amir Eliraz, Law Firm

Family and Inheritance Law

Amir Eliraz, Law Firm
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Company's Profile

Established: 2002
Line of Business: Family and Inheritance Law
Address: 7 Jabotinsky, Moshe Aviv Tower 51st floor, Ramat Gan
Phone: 972-6869187
Fax: 972-6549549
Email: [email protected]
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Company Executives

  • Amir  Eliraz, Amir Eliraz, Law Firm

    Amir Eliraz

    Founder and Owner

    Amir Eliraz, Law Firm

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About Amir Eliraz, Law Firm

Amir Eliraz, Law Firm is a boutique firm that exists since 2002 and specializes in all aspects of family and inheritance law and represents its clients in all of the courts – the family courts, the rabbinical courts and the magistrate, district and Supreme courts.
The firm specializes in complex in challenging proceedings and believes in complete discreetness, and is characterized by close support for its clients while emphasizing the personally customized strategy building and long term planning for each case, while creating a complete and supportive umbrella for every client.

The Firm’s Practice Areas

Over the years, the firm gained a reputation as a leading, creative and victorious firm in two main practice areas: family law and inheritance law. In the framework of its family law practice, the firm handles cases concerning divorces, marriage, child custody, common law spouses, alimony and child support, division of property, nuptial agreements, property claims, marital harmony etc., and its inheritance law practice the firm handles wills, objections, probates, estate management, heir lawsuits, estate alimony etc. the firm also has unique expertise in the inheritance of farms.

Record-Level Discreetness

In all of the cases he encounters, Adv. Eliraz champions the attentiveness to the clients and the aspiration to victory through the vast legal proficiency he accumulated over the years and his first-class litigation and cross-examination of witnesses and experts skills. Over the years, he has been representing prominent figures in the Israeli economy and accordingly the firm perfected its level of discreetness to a record level, and it accompanies its celebrity clients with every step of the way devotedly and respectfully. Throughout the years the firm led to the creation of precedents which are studied in universities and law faculties across Israel.

Adv. Amir Eliraz, Owner and Founder

Adv. Eliraz has an LL.B. and he interned in leading law firms. Immediately upon completing his internship, he opened his independent firm, which has almost 20 years of reputation.

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