Company's Profile
Established: | 2001 |
Line of Business: | Real-estate and urban renewal |
Address: | 7 Abba Hillel Silver St., Ramat Gan 5252204 |
Phone: | 972-3-6121313 |
Fax: | 972-3-6122022 |
Email: | [email protected] |
Website: | http://www.tasalaw.co.il |
Facebook: | Click to View |

Company Executives
Aviv Tasa
Founding Partner
Aviv Tasa, Law Office

About Aviv Tasa, Law Office
Aviv Tasa, Law Offices is one of Israel’s longstanding and renowned real estate law firms and urban renewal in particular. The extensive professional knowledge and the years-long experience it accumulated provide it with its senior position in this field and serve as the basis for its excellent reputation.
The firm has an in-depth mastery of all aspects of real-estate, including representation and support during complex real estate transactions, development transactions, combination transactions, purchase groups, land transactions - options, trading and sale, support and representation during planning and construction, expropriations, complex litigation cases and especially in real estate and/or disputes arising from real estate, with an expertise in urban renewal transactions representing tenants all over the country, in transactions of all types and magnitutes.
The firm’s leader and owner, Adv. Aviv Tasa has unique experience in adjacent fields, which together create the added value for the firm’s clients. Adv. Tasa led the move for the Knesset legislation to reduce the required majority for an approval of Tama 38/2 and gained extensive experience in the legislation field. His experience in the IDF’s Rescue Forces brought him to realize the profound importance of safety in urban renewal, and as a student, when he helped disadvantaged children, he learned the value of social action and leadership, and of the emotional difficulties in distressful periods. His academic experience includes establishing the first Urban Renewal School.
The far-reaching operations of the firm, the complex and intricate projects it led, the appreciation and the kind word of his colleagues and, above all, the clients’ satisfaction weren’t overlooked by the Israeli rating guides who ranked the firm on the exclusive Top Urban Renewal Law Firms ranking table.
Adv. Tasa’s deep legislative understanding and his years-long participation in the various committees of the Knesset create an additional added value for his clients since his involvement in the bills enables him to predict which future moves would be the right moves. His academic activity created the second pillar of this added value, which is expressed in the unique specialization he developed in his practice area. He is recognized as an authority in his field both by the media and by the supervisors. Adv. Tasa developed a unique insight, according to which an urban renewal transaction is an emotional transaction, therefore a firm that specializes in the field is required. Thus, our firm maintains a customers’ relations manager, and Adv. Tasa is personally involved.
The firm is involved in a very large number of completed projects, handles many dozens of projects in various execution stages, and takes pride in its vast proven experience in the urban renewal field in numerous and diverse projects it occupied with great success.
Expertise, Innovation and Creativity
Adv. Tasa predicted the beginning of the urban renewal phenomenon with its implications and effects for the Israeli economy. Since, the firm takes care to deepen its knowledge, detect changes in the field in real time, develop original methods for overcoming challenges and insist on a creative solution where necessary. The firm operates out of the recognition of the importance of carrying out the project in a manner which protects the interests of all of the involved parties, and therefore emphasizes the protection of the residents’ interests while maintaining the urban texture and the initiators’ interests.
Practice Areas
Real-Estate – The department is noted among Israel’s most professional and versatile real estate professional departments, and has a unique specialization in land betterment, accompaniment during procedures vis-a-vis the Land Authorities, entrepreneurial transactions, complex combination, acquisition groups and real estate transactions as well as representation on planning and construction committees.
Urban Renewal – The firm is one of Israel’s leading urban renewal law firms and provides comprehensive legal services in many dozens of projects of different kinds, including Tama 38, Tama 38/2, Pinui-Binui projects and more. The clients include private residents, initiators, and construction companies. The firm’s numerous and impressive achievements over the years received extensive media coverage and Adv. Tasa is often requested to provide his professional opinion on urban renewal matters on various media channels.
Representation in front of Multi-Occupancy Houses Supervisor – Adv. Tasa represented more than a thousand multi-occupancy houses cases, gained immense knowledge and became an expert on the topic of objector residents. The firm’s staff has a unique specialization and significant and longstanding experience in the representation of many hundreds of house committees before various courts, the firm successfully represents in proceedings also before The Supervisor of Multi-Occupancy Houses.
Civil Litigation – The department has a unique combination of extensive knowledge and many years of experience regarding civil and commercial litigation procedures in general, and in the field of real estate in particular. The firm provides comprehensive legal advice, support, and representation to both private and business clients, including representation before all legal courts in financial claims, business disputes, real estate disputes, tenant representation, claims against developers, and many other diverse procedures, as well as before various committees on planning and construction matters, expropriations, and property taxes.
Adv. Aviv Tasa – Founding Partner
Adv. Tasa specializes in real-estate and planning and building transactions and is one of the pioneers of the urban renewal field. Adv. Tasa gained a vast knowledge and extensive experience in the support of a wide spectrum of real-estate transactions and appeared before the Supervisor of Multi-Occupancy Houses. He is the Chairman of the Dan District’s Urban Renewal Committee of the Israel Bar Association, the Vice-Chairman of the Bar Association’s Urban Renewal, and Acting Chairman of the Bar Association’s Property and Real Estate Forum. In this scope, he was present in the Knesset and committees that discussed and promoted the urban renewal field in Israel. In addition, he was involved in the legislation and regulation updates on urban renewal in recent years.
Furthermore, Adv. Tasa also acts as an arbitrator for The Israeli Institute of Commercial Arbitration (IICA) on matters relating to real estate and urban renewal, thanks to his vast accumulated knowledge. Over the years, he settled many business real estate disputes.
Additionally, Adv. Aviv Tasa represented the Israeli Residents Association in 12 cities in central Israel, including Tel-Aviv, was one of the founders of the Tama 38 Companies Union in the Chamber of Commerce and was also its legal counselor.

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