Avrahami Yoav and Sons Ltd.


Avrahami Yoav and Sons Ltd.
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Company's Profile

Established: The 70’s
Line of Business: Infrastructure
Address: Moshav Zerakhia 73
Phone: 972-8-8582533
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.avrahami-yoav.co.il
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Company Executives

  • Gilad Avrahami, Avrahami Yoav and Sons Ltd.

    Gilad Avrahami


    Avrahami Yoav and Sons Ltd.

Leading Executives

    David Avrahami VP Execution
    Omer Avrahami COO
    Moshe Golan Deputy CEO
    Liza Lalush VP Business Development and Purchasing Manager
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About Avrahami Yoav and Sons Ltd.

Avrahami Yoav and Sons Ltd. is a leading family-run company in the field of infrastructure in Israel. The company was founded in the 1970’s by the late Yoav Avrahami from Zerakhia, who professionally and intelligently laid the foundation for its growth and development.
His three sons currently lead the company in his light, each within his domain. The company is founded upon by the core values the father passed to his children, including integrity, service, and professionalism. These values have served as the foundation for the company’s organizational culture, and they lead to its growth and prosperity.


To become our customers’ preferred choice by achieving excellence of high-quality execution while maintaining professionalism, integrity and fairness in our relationship with our customers, employees and suppliers.

Fields of Expertise

The company maintains unlimited contractor’s classification in the fields:
200 – Roads, infrastructure and development.
260 – Execution of water, sewage and drainage pipes.
In addition, the company holds a 100 C3 classification in the construction field and a 500 B4 classification pertaining to the foundation of electromechanics systems.

Project Execution – Laying water pipes, sewage pipes in sanitation and gravitation, renewing pipes (sleeve and detonation), establishing and upgrading pumping stations, sewage treatment facilities and water reservoirs. The company executes mega-projects that include complex underground work, in land and at sea.
Tunneling Works – Using Pipe jacking pushing, the company lays lines in inhabited areas and by crossing central infrastructures such as main roads, train tracks, rivers and other places in which an open digging is impossible. This method enables mining underground tunnels and laying infrastructure with minimum effect on ground level. Regarding these types of work, the company plans the foundation of the shaft, the length of the drilling, the layout of the pipes and executes tunnels in all land types, ground water, sand, mixed soil and hard rock.
Maintenance Services - The company provides water corporations, municipalities, and local authorities with ongoing maintenance services for water, sewage, and drainage of all types of pipes and diameters. The maintenance services include 24/7 immediate response in both emergencies and regularly, with fast and professional service that includes mobile service, nationwide.

Our Customers

Avrahami Yoav and Sons Ltd. provides professional services across Israel. The company’s customers include the largest water corporations in the country, such as Igudan and Mekorot, regional councils, municipalities, and private entities.

“The road to success is always under construction”

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