Boaz Kraus - Law Firm

Inheritance, Estate and Wills

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Company's Profile

Established: 1986
Line of Business: Inheritance, Estate and Wills
Address: 20 Heh Be’Iyar, Kikar H’Medina, Tel Aviv
Phone: 972-3-6912307
Fax: 972-3-6912312
Email: [email protected]
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Company Executives

  • Boaz Kraus, Boaz Kraus - Law Firm

    Boaz Kraus

    Founder & Owner

    Boaz Kraus - Law Firm

    View Profile

    Boaz Kraus
  • Vered Kraus, Boaz Kraus - Law Firm

    Vered Kraus


    Boaz Kraus - Law Firm

  • Chamutal Tsory Samina, Boaz Kraus - Law Firm

    Chamutal Tsory Samina


    Boaz Kraus - Law Firm

  • Tzipi Baruch, Boaz Kraus - Law Firm

    Tzipi Baruch


    Boaz Kraus - Law Firm

  • Amit Elzam, Boaz Kraus - Law Firm

    Amit Elzam


    Boaz Kraus - Law Firm

  • Noa Binder Steinberg, Boaz Kraus - Law Firm

    Noa Binder Steinberg


    Boaz Kraus - Law Firm

  • Barak Kraus, Boaz Kraus - Law Firm

    Barak Kraus


    Boaz Kraus - Law Firm

  • Yarden Kraus shoukron, Boaz Kraus - Law Firm

    Yarden Kraus shoukron


    Boaz Kraus - Law Firm

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About Boaz Kraus - Law Firm

Boaz Kraus Law Firm is one of a kind in Israel, specializing exclusively in inheritance, estates, and wills with large-scale activities. Focusing on these topics makes us a leading firm in its field, with experience and a sensitive and skilled approach. Our attorneys engage in a wide range of estate law including contesting wills or defending them, managing estates, and representation in complex cases.
In addition, the Firm’s dedicated team has unique expertise in processing unique methods in estates such as complex contesting procedures, protecting wills both in the preliminary stages and in contesting procedures, inheritance mechanisms for regulating future complexities, tax planning ext. . Every case is examined by a team of our attorneys to ascertain that every possibility has been discussed and considered. This provides clients with tangible advantages for optimal results.
The Firm places great emphasis on human resources. Our attorneys excel in their fields, frequently un-dergo practical and theoretical training and show deep commitment to our clients in facing the challenges in each case by integrating personal attention on sensitive topics and professional determination.

Adv. Boaz Kraus

Adv. Boaz Kraus has 40 years of experience, specializing in inheritance and estate law and serves as Chairman of the Estate Committee of the Israeli Bar Association. He is an Associate in the International Society of Estate & Trust Practitioners (STEP) which engages in trusteeship and estates.
Adv. Boaz Kraus lectures at Tel Aviv University as part of continuing study programs and as part of the activities in STEP. In addition Adv. Boaz Kraus lectures on estates at various legal forums, in courses for psychiatrists at the Tel Aviv University’s Medical Faculty and at the Israeli Bar association. Adv. Boaz Kraus has authored several books on Inheritance Law intended for both legal professionals and the general public, including;
“Inheritance and Estate Law” (six volumes comprehensively relating to all of inheritance and estate laws); “Legal competency and Guardianship”- presenting broad aspects of the incompetency, minors, vulnerability and more. In addition, he is the author of “Inheritance”, and “The Practical Guide to Heirs and Testators”.

Special Achievements

Our firm is proud of its precedent-setting rulings in its area of specialization and processing of many well-known cases. The firm promotes Knesset legislation on inheritance including Amendments for an adopted child as an heir, amendment of clause 5 of the Inheritance Law, regarding negation of rights of murderers to inherit when they have been declared unfit to stand trial and the Bill for caregivers to inherit estates from those they cared for, amendments dealing with “forgotten will” and dealing with many high-profiled cases.

Overseas Activities

Boaz Kraus Law Firm has extensive experience in handling international cases through ongoing contacts with a large range of law firms worldwide. The firm represents foreign residents with assets and trusteeships in Israel (in light of the Amendment to the Trusteeships Law enabling foreign residents to hold assets in Israel without tax liability), Israelis who inherited assets abroad, and foreign residents that inherited assets in Israel.

Areas of Expertise

The firm specializes in all matters relating to inheritance and estates with emphasis on the following special areas:
Annulling Wills - Expertise relating to contesting wills, competence to will, examining influence of various issues, an absence of legal competence to make a will, an involvement of the heir, interpretation, etc. Our firm has many years of experience and scope in these procedures, including all the legal aspects that allow the disqualification of a will.

Defending Contested Wills - Since we have been involved for many years in will contested cases, our firm also has special expertise in the protection of wills. This experience is used: when the will is drafted including using mechanisms that ensure the will probation after death and in court procedures defending contested wills.

Drafting Legal Wills - Drafting wills in cases requiring special mechanisms, including funds, support for a needy family member, ensuring the will remains unchanged between spouses as part of a mutual will, etc.

Estate Planning - The firm specializes in estate planning prior and after death, to attain optimal allocation of assets, in line with the deceased’s wishes and to minimize future family disputes and tax planning in the field of inheritance.

Estate Taxes - Tax planning is a matter of great importance in drafting a will ahead of time to prevent or minimize unneeded taxation payments.


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