Dr. Zvi Gutmacher

Prosthodontics and Dental Aesthetics

Dr. Zvi Gutmacher
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Line of Business: Prosthodontics and Dental Aesthetics
Address: 82 Moriah Av., Haifa
Phone: 972-4-8111074, 972-50-2063330
Fax: 972-4-8111075
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://gutmacher.co.il
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  • Zvi Gutmacher, Dr. Zvi Gutmacher

    Dr. Zvi Gutmacher

    Dentist \ Prosthodontist \ Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Specialist .Director of the Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Department and Temporomandibular Diseases Unit of the Rambam Hospital in Haifa

    Dr. Zvi Gutmacher

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About Dr. Zvi Gutmacher

Dr. Zvi Gutmacher is the director of the Prosthodontic & Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Department and Temporomandibular disorders (TMDs (Unit of the Rambam Hospital in Haifa. He is specialist in prosthodontics & Maxillofacial Rehabilitation.

Dr. Gutmacher served as a member of the Israel Health basket Committee, as Chair of the Israel Society of Prosthodontics and as the editor in chief of the Israeli Prosthodontics Journal. Dr. Gutmacher is a member of several national and international associations.

Dr. Gutmacher holds an academic appointment as senior lecturer at the Technion School of Medicine, and lectures in Israel and abroad on topics related to prosthodontics, maxillofacial rehabilitation, and temporomandibular diseases. He also is an active researcher with publications in the fields of maxillofacial prosthodontics following excision of oncologic and benign tumors, innovative dental restoration techniques, and dental implantology and osseointegration. Furthermore, Dr. Gutmacher serves as a reviewer for several dentistry journals.

Dr. Gutmacher also has a specialty certificate in maxillofacial rehabilitation. Within the scope of his work at the Rambam Hospital, he is entrusted with maxillofacial restorations following extensive resections of malignant or benign tumors, or as a result of congenital deformities or trauma In addition.

Dr. Gutmacher’s prosthodontic practice focuses on oral rehabilitation and restoring smile aesthetics.

Dr. Gutmacher graduated magna cum laude, in 1996, the Hebrew University- Haddasah Ein Kerem School of Dental Medicine in Jerusalem prosthodontics specialty program .In 2007, Dr. Gutmacher completed his second residency, in maxillofacial rehabilitation, in the Rambam Hospital. Between 1991 and 1998, he served as a clinical instructor in the prosthodontics department of the Hebrew University – Hadassah Ein Kerem. Since 1997, he serves as examiner in the general dentistry, maxillofacial, and prosthodontics specialties licensure exams. Since 2008, Dr. Gutmacher holds an appointment as visiting professor at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, and since 2013 he serves as the Chair of the Prosthodontic & Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Department and Temporomandibular Diseases Unit of the Rambam Hospital. Since 2012, he also coordinates the course “Being a Doctor – Exposure to Medical Practice” for third year medical students. In the past he was charged with composing the national exams for prosthodontics residents.

Dr. Gutmacher considers prosthodontics specialists to be entrusted with the patients’ comprehensive oral rehabilitation treatment plan. This plan also considers surrounding structures such as the skull, the jaws’ alignment and position, and the gums that support the teeth, to provide the best treatment outcomes and long-term prognosis.

Dr. Gutmacher’s professional approach is conservative and attempts to preserve natural teeth and surrounding bone structures.