Koren - Grodberg & Co. Law Office

Real-estate, commercial, technological and high-tech, litigation

Koren - Grodberg & Co. Law Office
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Company's Profile

Established: 1989
Line of Business: Real-estate, commercial, technological and high-tech, litigation
Address: Midtown Tower, 144 A Menachem Begin Rd.,
29th floor, Tel Aviv
Phone: 972-3-6042323 
Fax: 972-3-6044222
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://kg-law.co.il
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Company Executives

  • Avi  Grudberg, Koren - Grodberg & Co. Law Office

    Avi Grudberg

    Managing Partner and Head of the firm's Real Estate Division

    Koren - Grodberg & Co. Law Office

    View Profile

    Avi Grudberg
  • Etti Koren, Koren - Grodberg & Co. Law Office

    Etti Koren

    Managing Partner, Head of The Commercial and High-Tech Department

    Koren - Grodberg & Co. Law Office

    View Profile

    Etti Koren

Additional Partners

    Zohar Levy
    Yafit Montakyo
    Liat Sidranski-Yochpaz
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About Koren - Grodberg & Co. Law Office

Koren – Grodberg & Co., Law Offices is a leading law firm that practices all types of civil and commercial law, particularly in the High-Tech and Technology market, including corporate law, M&As, investment agreements, real-estate transactions, large lawsuits and labor law counseling. The firm’s unique strength stems from the combination between experience and uncompromising expertise, with a broad business perspective and profound understanding of clients’ businesses and needs, whilst providing a tight-knit service. All of the above enable the firm to provide its clients with an individually-tailored service, from both the business and legal aspects, and contribute to the long-term development of their businesses in a dynamic business environment.
The firm’s clientele includes, inter alia, real-estate developers, high-tech companies, start-up entrepreneurs, businessmen, investors, funds, importers and leading Israeli companies in the real-estate, industry, logistics, communication and technology sectors.

Practice areas


The department, headed by Adv. Avi Grodberg, who has decades of experience and is a partner in the firm since 1995, has extensive knowledge, expertise and experience in all types of real-estate transactions.
The firm represents leading developers and entities in the real-estate sector in Israel in all types of real-estate transactions, including sale, rent, combination and construction transactions, contracting, construction projects and urban renewal.
The firm facilitates and leads complex transactions for its clients, including the legal handling of the planning, financing, construction and marketing of high-tech industrial parks, office buildings, commercial centers, logistics centers, residential buildings and urban renewal projects.

Construction Projects – the firm specializes in legal support for various types of construction projects, as detailed above, including the construction of tailor-made buildings in accordance with planning programs and requirements of the end consumer. The firm’s knowledge, experience and ability to work with banks and financial institutes in order to receive construction financing, which serve as a major advantage, include legal facilitation and tailoring customized financing arrangements, with attention to special features of such agreements in cases of cooperations between different entities and companies.

High-Tech and Office Buildings – the firm has extensive experience in large-scope office and high-tech buildings, from the construction stage up to their marketing and leasing, with customized negotiations with each tenant, including profound familiarity with a variety of rental agreements, from both the tenant and the owner’s perspectives, which enables accurate legal services and optimal rent negotiations with a view of the needs of all of the clients, whether developer, a staring start-up company requiring flexibility, or a well-established high-tech company.

Yielding Properties and Commercial Centers – the firm is experienced in supporting the construction, management and marketing of yielding properties in general and commercial centers in particular. The combination of profound understanding, which the firm achieves in each project, with the direct communication with the project managers and the fertile dialogue with the firm’s clients, leads to the accurate solution from which the clients benefit.

Residential Real-estate, luxury residences and preservation buildings – the firm has extensive experience in supporting its clients in the establishment of neighborhoods and residential buildings, including handling the full spectrum of transactions of this type, such as sale agreements, combination agreements, urban renewal, purchasing groups, etc.
The firm provides all of the services for the construction and completion of the residential building, while implementing the relevant regulations. The firm is an expert in the complex and unique fields of luxury residences and preservation building purchasing, and it represented its clients in several mega-transactions for the purchasing of luxury apartments and preservation buildings in Israel’s most expensive in-demand areas.

Urban renewal – the firm has diverse experience in all of the special aspects of Pinui-Binui and Tama 38 transactions, in the representation of both developers and apartment owners. The firm has in-depth familiarity, skill and professional expertise on all matters relating to the complexity of urban renewal transactions, and the need to balance between the parties, and it facilitates direct communication between all parties in order to reach agreements between all of the stakeholders as to achieve optimal implementation and execution of the transaction.

High-Tech, Technology and Commercial law

The department, headed by Adv. Etti Koren, specializes in vast aspects of commercial law, whilst providing ongoing legal support for private and public companies operating in Israel and globally, including in the fields of corporate law, computer and technology law, IP law, tax law and non-profit law. The firm has extensive experience leading local and international transactions, in the fields of high-tech and technology, cyber, AI, including M&As, all aspects investments and financing agreements, distribution and licensing agreements, executives and employees options plans, OEM agreements, service agreements, counsel on various regulatory issues including privacy protection, GDPR, antitrust and more in Israel, Europe and the U.S., and recently also in the far east: India, China and more. The firm advises numerous investors, funds, founders and start-ups from the founding and fundraising stages, until their Exit.
The firm provides its clients with regular counsel on all of the transaction’s stages including tax and business aspects until its execution and success. The firm provides its clients with customized effective and creative solutions while promoting their business interest, and managing the entire transaction, in an optimal, fast and concise manner.
As part of its one stop shop service, the firm provides its clients also with labor law counseling, including preparation of employment and share option agreements.
The firm’s regular clientele includes leading high-tech companies, entrepreneurs and start-ups, investors and VC funds in Israel and abroad.

Disputes, Litigation & Arbitration

The department represents local and international companies and private clients in legal proceedings and arbitrations in all fields of the civil and commercial law.
The firm has extensive experience in representing its clients in commercial law fields including class actions, IP, contract law, banking law, libel, product liability, administrative law, tender law, and antitrust as well as promoting clients’ interests before various Knesset Committees in legislations.

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