Ran Braz from Levy Tyller, Nardia, Har-Zvi, Braz & Co.
Ran Braz מחברת Levy Tyller, Nardia, Har-Zvi, Braz & Co.

Ran Braz

Managing Partner, Head of the Real Estate, Urban Renewal and TAMA 38

Levy Tyller, Nardia, Har-Zvi, Braz & Co.
Real Estate & Urban Renewal: Urban Renewal, Evacuation and Reconstruction, NOP 38, Acquisition Groups, Commercial and Private Transactions, Civil and Commercial Litigation, Estate Management. Insolvency: Receivership, Corporate Liquidation, Stay-of-Proceedings, Corporate Recovery, Debt Arrangements and Bankruptcies. Litigation and Banking: Monetary and Contractual Claims, Business Disputes, Financial Agreements.
Year of Birth: 1976
Email: [email protected]
Fields: Has extensive back-round in representing and accompanying sales transactions, including providing services for apartment owners and promoting TAMA 38 projects (earthquake proofing), acquisition groups, combination deals, Pinui-Binui, etc. In addition has experience in realizing real-estate assets in insolvency and execution proceedings as well as in the receivership and liquidation of real estate companies
Position: Managing Partner, Head of the Real Estate, Urban Renewal and TAMA 38
Additional Positions: Head of the Real Estate, Urban Renewal and TAMA 38 Department, Levy Tyller & Co. Law Firm; Lectures on TAMA 38 and Urban Renewal in lawyers' training courses, as well as in trainings made for representative offices, house committees and tenants.
Seniority in position: Since 2004
Education: LL.B., Tel Aviv University (99-03); Courses in variuos real-estate fields such as: urban renewal, TAMA 38, combination deals, sales agreements, real estate taxation and contract draftings; Certified Mediatior and Arbitrator, specializing in real-estate dispute resulutions in general and urban renewal and TAMA 38 in particular.
Languages: Hebrew, English
What are the major measures recently undertaken that will lead to the strenbgthening of the firm in the coming years?
In recent years, the firm has invested resources in promoting and developing the Urban Renewal Department. The Department leads TAMA 38 projects both through tracks for demolishing and rebuilding or strengthening and adding to the building. The firm operates throughout the Greater Tel Aviv area and mainly in Tel Aviv, Ramat Gan, Ra'anana and Petah Tikva, while focusing on representing the apartment owners.

What is the most significant action that you have recently led?
Selling the rights of 40 different owners in the old bus station complex to a group comprising Levenstein and Shikun U'Binui for NIS 560,500,000. The sales procedure is going to change the face of one of Tel Aviv's most neglected neighborhoods and allow an urban renewal boom.

What are the firm's most significant strengths in your eyes?

The firm is one of Israel's top boutique firms and combines high professional quality, determination, seriousness, thoroughness and uncompromising integrity with efficiency and service excellence. Ten energetic, professional, and hard working lawyers, clerks and a skilled auxiliary staff strive to be completely available for clients and fully attuned to their needs in order to achieve the best results for them.

What advice would you offer a young lawyer who is starting out?

Remember to take a deep breath and distinguish between what is important and what is trivial.

What is important to remember in difficult times?

That everything is temporary……