Liad Vertzhaizer, Law Office

Commercial Litigation, Class Actions and Defamation, Administrative and Constitutional Litigation

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Line of Business: Commercial Litigation, Class Actions and Defamation, Administrative and Constitutional Litigation
Address: 22A Mazeh St., Tel-Aviv
Phone: 972-3-9070770
Fax: 972-77-4704415
Email: [email protected]
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  • Liad Vertzhaizer, Liad Vertzhaizer, Law Office

    Adv. Liad Vertzhaizer

    Founder and Owner

    Liad Vertzhaizer, Law Office

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About Liad Vertzhaizer, Law Office

The law firm of Liad Vertzhaizer is a boutique firm that specializes in litigations of all types, and offers its clients first-class legal services in a broad range of practice areas, including complex civil and commercial disputes, corporate law, class actions, defamation, administrative law and constitutional law.

The firm’s longstanding experience, in combination with the professional knowledge that it has accumulated, and the professional expertise of its head, Adv. Liad Vertzhaizer, in every aspect of representing her clients before courts of all levels, and in the framework of alternative dispute resolution frameworks, mediation and arbitration, led to the excellent reputation from which it benefits. In light of the firm’s longstanding experience in representing both plaintiffs and defendants, it benefits from a unique strength in the practice area of class and derivative actions, creating added value for its clients. The firm’s team provides the clients comprehensive, thorough and deep legal management of their case, while applying creativity and creating original solutions, and takes care to provide personal and devoted service at all times, with commitment to achieving optimal outcomes for each and every client.

The firm’s numerous professional successes, in combination with its particular specialization in class actions and in administrative and constitutional litigation, position it as a boutique firm which is renowned as an authority in its practice area. The firm’s vast professional experience included representing clients in significant and complex cases that received extensive media coverage, such as the case where several mega-corporations committed to provide disclosure when their products are promoted by Instagram influencers. In addition, the firm was entrusted with representing its clients in case where the Supreme Court accepted Adv. Liad Vertzhaizer’s argument, and was later joined by the Attorney General at the time, Avihai Mendleblitt, against the social network Facebook, in a proceeding that discussed whether the provisions in Facebook’s terms and conditions that determine the governing law and interpretation in a case of dispute, is an unconscionable clause in a standard-form contract. The court determined that lawsuits from small businesses and private clients would be subject to Israeli law.

Practice Areas

The firm offers legal services with a specialization in civil litigation, commercial litigation, class and derivative actions, administrative and constitutional litigation, and dispute resolution and mediation.

Civil and Commercial Litigation

The firm handles all aspects of civil and commercial litigation, representing and counseling its clients in this field, on a broad range of issues, including contractual disputes, struggles of control, shareholders disputes, and defamation.

Class and Derivative Actions

The firm has a material advantage in all aspects of practicing class and derivative actions, in light of its longstanding experience in representing clients from both sides of the trench – both plaintiffs and defendants. This unique experience provides the firm with a unique strength that creates deep legal understanding and a broad perspective, while applying the firm’s extensive familiarity with a wide range of legal fields, such as consumer law, capital markets, environmental protection, labor law, communication and tourism.

Civil and Constitutional Litigation

Liad Vertzhaizer, Law Firm represents its clients in the practice areas of administrative, constitutional and public law, including filing applications to the administrative courts and Bagatz. This, in addition to representing private individuals and corporations vis-à-vis government agencies and authorities.

Dispute Mediation and Resolution

Liad Vertzhaizer, Law Firm specializes in mediations in commercial disputes and in civil and class actions, in a mediation proceeding that enables to resolve diverse disputes outside of the courts, while creating mutually-agreed solutions, protecting the mutual interests and lowering costs.


Adv. Liad Vertzhaizer – Founder and Owner

Adv. Liad Vertzhaizer has longstanding experience in civil, commercial and administrative litigation. She specializes in representing companies, NGOs and private individuals in a broad range of subjects, including complex commercial disputes, shareholders lawsuits, class actions, derivative actions, administrative proceedings, and defamation lawsuits.

Adv. Vertzhaizer worked for a decade as an associate in the litigation departments of first-class Israeli law firms. She interned in the chambers of Judge Uzi Fogleman in the Supreme Court.

Adv. Vertzhaizer has an LL.B. (cum laude) from Tel Aviv University, and an LL.M. from New York University, where she received an academic-merit scholarship. She was admitted into the Israel Bar Association (2008) and the NY Bar Association (2010).

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