May Marcovitz, Law Offices

Medical Malpractice Pregnancy, Childbirth and Children

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Established: 2010
Line of Business: Medical Malpractice Pregnancy, Childbirth and Children
Address: 1st The Wine St., Zichron Ya’akov
Phone: 972-77-5150252, 972-52-3333396
Fax: 972-77-5150253
Email: [email protected]
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  • May Marcovitz, May Marcovitz, Law Offices

    Adv. May Marcovitz

    Founder and Owner

    May Marcovitz, Law Offices

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About May Marcovitz, Law Offices

May Marcovitz, Law Offices is a boutique law firm that specializes in obstetrics and pediatrics malpractice. The firm is headed by Adv. May Marcovitz, who has many years of experience in filing and representing in medical malpractice lawsuits in these fields.
The firm handles only cases of irreversible damage and to date it has achieved damages with an accumulated sum of more than NIS 100M for many families whose children were harmed due to medical malpractice.

In addition to her vast experience and excellent legal proficiency, Adv. Marcovitz is distinct in her extensive medical knowledge (inter alia, she can interpret fetal ultra-sound and MRI tests), which provides her with a clear advantage both in analyzing and preparing the case and in examining the legal experts in the courts.

Furthermore, in addition to the legal consulting and the representation against the defending entities, the firm finds the best and most suitable legal experts for its clients, in order to receive their medical opinions, guides them about their medical and legal rights and provides answers and solutions for any other needs that relates to managing the proceedings.

Works with a Sense of Mission

Adv. Marcovitz works from a deep sense of mission with the understanding that unfortunately, she is unable to reverse the harm that was caused and heal the child, but she can achieve economic security and assistance for the present and for the future, for the children and their families. She started her professional career in a law firm that specializes in medical malpractice, and that was where she was exposed to obstetrics and pediatric malpractice for the first time, and then she sensed that this is her calling and started making a name for herself in this practice area. Since she opened her own firm, she has been handling hundreds of cases with determination and creativity while fighting relentlessly for the families. In parallel, she returned to the academy, where she completed her preliminary doctorate research about the struggle of parents of preterm babies. Adv. Marcovitz education is indeed particularly extensive, as in addition to her LL.B. she also graduated with an LL.M. from Haifa University with a specialization in “Medicine and Law”, also from the “Obstetrics Malpractice” and “Medicine for Jurists” programs of Tel Aviv University. In light of her vast experience and tremendous proficiency in the field, Adv. Marcovitz is considered to be a popular lecturer, and among others she lectures to teams of the pediatrics departments and fetal monitoring nurses in various healthcare institutes.

Accompanies the Families Emotionally

Adv. Marcovitz realizes that lawsuits from special-needs children aren’t regular tort lawsuits, rather lawsuits that involve a deep emotional aspect for the families, and therefore, when she opened her firm, one of her goals was also to provide emotional support for the families.
The firm’s distinct combination of the professional and the emotional has gained Adv. Marcovitz nationwide reputation, and despite the firm’s location in Zichron Ya’acov, she also meets clients in central Israel and it attracts families from all across Israel - from Kiryat Shmona to Eilat. In cases that require her urgent presence, such as in pediatric emergency rooms etc., she doesn’t hesitate to arrive to any hospital in which her presence is requested by the family.

Practice Areas

Pregnancy Medical Malpractice – Providing legal representation in cases of medical malpractice in diagnosing birth defects in systems reviews during the pregnancy, negligence in nuchal translucency exams, failure to refer the patients to genetic counseling or genetic counseling misdiagnosis, or negligence in fetal monitoring by the obstetrician, negligence in failing to diagnose genetic syndromes during pregnancy, failing to inform the patient of various tests during the pregnancy such as CMA or Exome, non-prevention of listeria during pregnancy and more.

Childbirth Malpractice – Providing legal representation in cases of medical malpractice during childbirth, cases such as inattentiveness of medical staff to fetal distress signals and overdue delivery that causes severe harm to the baby, or normal births where complications arose and the medical staff failed to deliver on time through c-section, various birth complications that weren’t handled on time and led to severe harm to the baby, such as, instrumental delivery against medical procedures that caused brain hemorrhage to the baby, cystic fibrosis and more.

Pediatric Medical Malpractice – Providing legal representation in cases of non-referral / non-execution of the required medical exams following various complaints by the child, negligent health monitoring of test results and failure to apply the appropriated treatment misdiagnosis of severe illnesses in children, misdiagnosis of brain tumors, misdiagnosis of meningitis, and any medical treatment of a child which was managed inappropriately and led to severe damage.

Promoting Legislation for Increasing the Compensation and Assistance for the Families of Special Needs Children

Adv. Marcovitz formerly promoted a legislation that expanded the compensation and assistance the families of special-needs children receive, regardless of medical malpractice lawsuits. In this framework she appeared before the relevant Knesset committee in order to present the implications of the injury on the lifestyle of the children and their family members, and increased awareness for the importance of handling this issue and increasing the disability benefits that these children receive from the National Insurance Institute. Thanks to this activity, almost 5,000 families nowadays receive an additional 1,000 Shekels in their children’s monthly benefits.