Migdalim B.R. Development and Construction Ltd.
Real Estate Development

Company's Profile
Established: | 2009 |
Line of Business: | Real Estate Development |
Address: | 41 Kahlil Gibran St., Reineh |
Phone: | 972-4-6010201 |
Fax: | 972-4-6014143 |
Email: | [email protected] |
Website: | http://www.bonehrenih.com |

Company Executives
Anwar Bsoul
Migdalim B.R. Development and Construction Ltd.
Sa’id Bsoul
Migdalim B.R. Development and Construction Ltd.
Leading Executives
Yair Naftali Chief Engineer
Eyal Savir CFO
Samar Bransi Comptroller

About Migdalim B.R. Development and Construction Ltd.
Migdalim B.R. Development and Construction Ltd. is the development arm of Boneh Reineh Group. The company was founded in 2009 by the brothers Anwar and Sa’id Bsoul, and specializes in residential development and construction. Migdalim is responsible for the development and execution of large-scale high-density and urban renewal projects and its operations are based on the extensive reputation that it accumulated over time, a skilled management team, devoted and meticulous work, reliable service and strict compliance with the schedules. Over the years, the company has initiated and promoted numerous high-quality residential projects professionally to the full satisfaction of its customers. Currently, the company has a backlog of 7 projects with about 750 apartments and 1,000 sq.m. of commerce areas.
Boneh Reineh Construction and Development (2000) – The Execution Company
Boneh Reineh Construction and Development (2000) is a sister company of Migdalim which serves as its execution arm. The company was founded in 2000 and is one of Israel’s top 100 construction companies.
Boneh Reineh Construction and Development specializes in building residential, employment, commerce, industry and public institutions projects, and has high financial strength. Over the years, the company acquired reputation and made a name for itself owing to its construction quality, utilization of cutting-edge technology and innovative equipment. The company serves as the direct execution arm of Migdalim and also executes external projects for large companies and developers in the Israeli construction industry. Boneh Reineh’s projects are spread across the whole of Israel and include hundreds of thousands of square meters of shopping malls, office buildings, public institutes and factories and thousands of apartments and luxury towers. The wide variety and the scope of the projects serve as the best indication for the company’s high capabilities. The company has a contractor classification of C5 (including government works) and its customer base includes companies such as America-Israel, Azrieli Group, purchasing groups and numerous other developers and more.
Development and Execution as a One Stop Shop
Migdalim’s great advantage is the peaceful buying experience that it offers to the residents, stemming from the fact that they buy their residential apartment from a developer that has its own execution arm. This enables the company to achieve complete control of the construction process, to comply with every provision of the contract to the finest detail and to meet the schedules, whereas the company is even able to deliver the property to the customers before the contractual date. Midgalim employs the best and most experienced professionals in order to guarantee that the apartments are planned and built at a particularly high standard, using only high-quality raw materials in order to fully meet all of the customers’ needs. The company’s core values are professionalism, reliability, transparency, and high availability both to its customers and to its suppliers.
Selected Projects
Unique Hills, Nof HaGalil – a development project which combines government-cap (“Mehir LaMishtaken”) and free-market apartments in cooperation with America-Israel. 295 apartments. Under Construction.
Top Zemer, Haifa – a residential development project where the company built three buildings with about 30 apartments in the neighborhood of Givat Zemer. Completed and the apartments are being populated.
Tabenkin, Haifa – A residential development (asset-swap – “Combination” transaction) where the company will build 150 apartments. In planning.
Zalman Shneor, Haifa – A Pinui-Binui project where the company will build, in cooperation with Harri Eldaf, 110 apartments. In Planning.
Zichrona, Zichron Yaacov – A residential development project in cooperation with Taaz Development Ltd. 84 apartments. In planning.
Nazareth (Nof HaGalil) – a residential development project in cooperation with Doshi Commerce Ltd. 84 apartments. In planning.
20 Shimshon, Haifa – A Tama 38 demolition and reconstruction project where the company would demolish 8 old apartments and rebuild two modern buildings with 27 apartments.
Nof HaGalil – 156 apartments. In planning.
Haifa - 178 apartments. In planning.

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