Nadav Lev, Law Office

Bankruptcy, real-estate, and commercial litigation

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Company's Profile

Established: 2011
Line of Business: Bankruptcy, real-estate, and commercial litigation
Address: 4th Ariel Sharon Street. (Ha'Shachar Tower, 34th Floor), Giv'atayim
Phone: +972-073-7925760
Fax: +972-076-5106350
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  • Nadav Lev, Nadav Lev, Law Office

    Nadav Lev

    Founder and Owner

    Nadav Lev, Law Office

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About Nadav Lev, Law Office

Nadav Lev is a leading law firm specializing in insolvency, real-estate, and commercial litigation. The primary strength of the firm lies in the combination of its being a boutique law office focused solely on its areas of expertise, with the professional excellence for which its partners and staff are known, being veterans of the leading law firms in Israel, who maintain top-tier professional standards.
The young and dynamic firm, which excels in the field of Insolvency law, is the cutting edge in its area of expertise, and represents its clients alongside the largest firms in Israel.
The firm was established in 2011 by Adv. Nadav Lev, when he charted off a new course based on uncompromising expertise, respect, professional ethics, and personal and professional integrity.
Since its foundation, the firm has grown owing to its professional excellence, and is now managing cases of considerable magnitude which generate media attention. The quality of the work and the excellence for which the firm is known, combined with the attentive approach and personal touch given to its clients by the partners, generate the added value recognized by the clientele.
Adv. Nadav Lev is frequently appointed by the courts as a trusted party to handle complex insolvency cases.
A further strength of the firm is its ability to attain the right results, while resolving complex issues, involving many parties and competing interests.

Areas of Expertise

Commercial Litigation
The firm maintains vast experience in representing clients in various judicial instances, including the Supreme Court, in complex civil cases, financial claims, temporary relief, dispute between shareholders (between themselves or between them and the company), in various legal fields, including insolvency law, disputes pertaining to the financial department’s authority in district courts, real-estate disputes, inheritance law, and labor laws, with the aim of swiftly and effectively settling disputes with the clients’ interests in mind.

The firm, which is known for its excellence in the field, specializes in bankruptcies and represents its clients in complex proceedings, including debt restructuring, stay of proceedings and corporate reorganization, liquidation of companies and individual insolvency cases. The firm’s founder, Adv. Nadav Lev, represents leading financial actors (creditors) in collection and insolvency cases, asset realization and operating companies in financial difficulties.
The Official Receiver, and the district courts frequently appoint Adv. Lev as a receiver, as executor, special manager and as a trustee. The firm grants first-rate legal services when handling complex cases, such as in asset recovery, in representing clients who seek to purchase commercial activity, design and execute debt settlements, operating business in financial distress, etc.

Real Estate
The firm representing private and commercial organizations in real estate transactions, including the purchasing of yielding property, and long-term leases. The firm also accompanies its clients in zoning-and planning laws proceedings. The firm deals with purchase and selling of private property, yielding real-estate, and partnership dissolution processes.

The Partners

Adv. Nadav Lev, Founder and Owner
The firm was established by Adv. Nadav Lev, the managing partner, in 2011. Adv. Lev specializes in the field of civil law, including bankruptcies, commercial litigation, and real estate law, and has longstanding experience in various legal instances, and focuses particularly on company reorganizations, stay of proceedings, company liquidation, asset recouping and debt and creditor settlements. Regarding commercial litigation, Adv. Lev represents many commercial clients, including public companies, in complex proceedings in the financial department in district courts, pertaining to control disputes, sale of shares, acquisition offers and representation of directors, among others.
Regarding insolvency, Adv. Lev is appointed on behalf of the Official Receiver, and on behalf of the district courts in complex insolvency cases, and is a trustee in debt relief agreements, liquidation and rehabilitation of companies in financial difficulties.
Adv. Lev represents parties in cases of insolvency, including preferred creditors, investors, and employees and ordinary creditors. Among others, Adv. Lev represented members of HaPoel Tel Aviv FC when the latter went bankrupt, served as the trustee during bankruptcy of Honigman Brothers, as a trustee in the bankruptcy of former oligarch Gabriel Miralshvili, as trustee to the creditors N. Shaked Apartments contractor, as executor of the Har Homa (Jerusalem) construction of 110 residential units project, as executor for a construction of 44 residential units project in Ma’alot (Northern Israel), represented the executor in 7 projects of the Hafziba case, was the appointee in the liquidation of the plastic plant in Kibbutz Na’an, handled the request for liquidation for “Yachad” party, and the company founded by the well-known Chef Guy Peretz.
In addition, Adv. Lev is listed in the unique list of trustees who handle complex insolvency proceedings.
Regarding real estate, Adv. Lev represents commercial entities pertaining to acquisition transactions and yielding real estate, acquisition groups, project initiation, and specializes in representation regarding transactions for acquisition/sale of private property, and representation in matters of municipal taxes and planning and construction.
Moreover, Adv. Lev lectures before the Israeli Bar, and the Israeli Accountancy Board in the field of insolvency.


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