Rachel Fuchs Mor Law Office and Notary

Family, Guardianship and Inheritance Law

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Company's Profile

Established: 2006
Line of Business: Family, Guardianship and Inheritance Law
Address: 2 Hadar St. Herzliya
Phone: 972-9-9514804
Fax: 972-9-9514803
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.rfm-law.co.il
Facebook: Click to View
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Company Executives

  • Rachel Fuchs - Mor, Rachel Fuchs Mor Law Office and Notary

    Adv. Rachel Fuchs - Mor

    Founder and Owner

    Rachel Fuchs Mor Law Office and Notary

  • Liraz Yafeh, Rachel Fuchs Mor Law Office and Notary

    Liraz Yafeh


    Rachel Fuchs Mor Law Office and Notary

  • Malka Ango, Rachel Fuchs Mor Law Office and Notary

    Malka Ango

    Office Manager

    Rachel Fuchs Mor Law Office and Notary

Office Team

    Liraz Yafeh Advocate
    Malka Ango Office Manager
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About Rachel Fuchs Mor Law Office and Notary

Rachel Fuchs Mor – Law Office and Notary is a boutique law firm that specializes in the fields of family and inheritance law, mediations, receiverships, guardianships and notary services. The firm handles complex cases within its practice areas and is renowned for its professional excellence and its attention to first-class legal service, the devoted and sensitive personal attention to each and every one of its clients, while maintaining complete discreetness, for the sake of their privacy.

A Comprehensive Umbrella of Personal Services

The firm was founded in 2006 by Adv. Rachel Fuchs Mor, and since has accumulated almost 20 years of specialized proficiency, vast experience and deep knowledge on every aspect of marital law. The firm has achieved optimal results for its clients in marital status cases including management of cases of divorce, alimony and child support, custody and visitation arrangements, property claims and liquidation of partnerships, representation of parents in youth and adoption proceedings and domestic violence cases.

The firm is entrusted with the management of mediation proceedings, representing its clients in the management of negotiations, drafting of diverse legal agreements, including divorce, nuptial and joint living agreements. In addition, the firm provides to its clients professional legal services for all aspects of real estate properties in the framework of divorces, in such complement the services in the field of family and inheritance law, in order to provide a comprehensive and holistic umbrella of professional and creative solutions for all of the clients.

The firm greatly emphasizes the client-customized strategy! Owing to her extensive experience, Adv. Fuchs customizes and tailors the strategy personally and accurately for each client, in accordance with their wishes, needs and the legal proceedings which the case will require. The firm takes pride in the prioritization of its clients benefit at all times in each and every case which was entrusted to it, while providing a service courteously, sensitively and with a high level of availability.

Our firm believes in the mediation approach, which recognizes the fact that people lives are at stake, particularly when the proceedings involve minors, considering that a proper relationship can be maintained also after the divorce, to the benefit of all of the involved parties. The firm believes in close assistance to the client across the entire legal proceedings, with comprehensive legal services in the field of divorce, including drafting agreements, a field for which the firm is renowned as a leading firm.

The firm is entrusted with handling complex cases, from both the legal and human perspectives, due to Adv. Fuchs Mor’s unique strength in this field, she is also often appointed by the courts as a guardian in legal capacity matters.
Another distinct area of specialization of the firm is the representation of parents in youth and adoption proceedings. Adv. Fuchs is part of the parents representation function of the Legal Assistance Chamber, an organization of the select few who were trained and specialize in this field.

Adv. Rachel Fuchs Mor – Founder and Owner

Adv. Fuchs Mor has an LL.B. in Law and Business Administration from the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya – cum laude and has been a member of the Israel Bar Association since 2004.
Adv. Rachel Fuchs Mor, the firm’s founder and owner since 2006, serves as a certified family mediator of the Israel Bar Association. Furthermore, Adv. Fuchs Mor underwent numerous family law trainings, is certified to prepare a lasting power of attorney and serves as a notary.

Adv. Fuchs Mor views her joint work with the Legal Assistance Chamber as a mission that provides added value in professional assistance of the highest level to the populations that require it. As part of her work with the chamber she underwent unique and comprehensive trainings both in the fields of parents representation in youth and adoption proceedings involving the legal capacity and guardianship and is part of the unique organizations which manage these fields. She is a member of chamber’s “Justice Accessibility Station” in the Petach Tikva Court, which offers legal counsel and immediate assistance to eligible populations in urgent cases.

Adv. Fuchs Mor is appointed by the courts, and under the recommendation of the Legal Assistance, as the legal guardian of adults and as a court-appointed receiver.
Adv. Fuchs Mor lectures in courses and professional trainings in her practice areas, and is also entrusted with training lawyers, in light of her view of teaching as a mission.

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