Shelef Law Firm

Class actions, commercial litigation, mediation, and arbitration, Legal advise, environmental protection.

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Established: 2022
Line of Business: Class actions, commercial litigation, mediation, and arbitration, Legal advise, environmental protection.
Address: BSR Tower 3, Floor 31, 5 Kinneret Street,
Bnei Brak 5126237
Phone: 972-3-7671500
Fax: 972-3-7671501
Email: [email protected]
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  • Yohai Shelef, Shelef Law Firm

    Adv. Yohai Shelef

    Founder and Owner

    Shelef Law Firm

    View Profile

    Yohai Shelef
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About Shelef Law Firm

Shelef Law Firm is a leading boutique law firm, headed by attorney Yohai Shelef, who has 22 years of professional experience, 16 of which were spent as a lawyer and partner in the litigation department of one of the most prestigious law firms in Israel.

Attorney Shelef is an expert in the field of commercial litigation and is skilled in representing major corporations within the framework of legal proceedings and arbitration relating to commercial/financial disputes, class actions, Administrative Law, and more.

Attorney Shelef frequently advises companies dealing, among other things, in the fields of food, retail, imports, and electronics in regulatory matters, including consumer protection laws, television and radio advertising, tenders, and Administrative Law.

In addition, attorney Shelef is a qualified arbitrator and mediator who is on the list of mediators of the Israeli Court Administration.

Attorney Shelef was previously described in the international guide Legal 500 as dedicated to his clients and having precedent-setting achievements in court. He lectures on arbitration and mediation, consumer protection laws, unfair competition in advertisements, class actions, and more.

Articles written by attorney Shelef, including in the field of Constitutional Law, are published from time to time in newspapers dedicated to economics.

Class Actions

Adv. Shelef represents defendants in class actions in a variety of fields, including economic cases, consumer law and consumer fraud, accessibility, food, imports, distribution, retail, etc. He has accumulated rich experience since the enactment of the new Class Actions Law in 2006 and has represented clients in many dozens of class actions.

Commercial Litigation

The firm represents leading corporations in legal proceedings and arbitration relating to complex commercial and economic disputes, contractual disputes between companies, unfair competition, disputes between shareholders and partners, disputes between manufacturers and distributors, disputes relating to real estate, administrative law, tenders, injunctions, and temporary remedies.

Mediation and Arbitration

Adv. Shelef is an arbitrator in commercial disputes and a qualified mediator who is on the list of mediators of the Israeli Courts Administration. He has experience and expertise with regard to mediation in commercial disputes, class actions, consumer protection laws and consumer regulation, financial cases, shareholder and partner disputes, real estate and more.

The extensive experience of over two decades in the fields of litigation and mediation assist to direct the energy of litigious parties toward constructive channels and find a format for a fair resolution of disputes between them.

Ongoing Legal Advice

The firm provides ongoing consulting to leading companies, including regulatory issues, consumer protection law, television and radio advertising, distribution agreements, tenders, administrative law, etc.

Environmental Protection

Providing ongoing advice and representation in class actions and administrative proceedings for corporations on all matters relating to environmental protection, including emissions from industrial plants.

Clients of the Firm

The firm’s clients include prominent companies and corporations, inter alia in the fields of real estate, food, electronic imports, retail, etc.

The firm advises, accompanies and represents these clients in complex cases that are litigated in the courts and arbitration proceedings and before State authorities.

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