Sigal Pail & Co., Advocates

Personal and Collective Labor Law

Sigal Pail & Co., Advocates
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Company's Profile

Established: 2016
Line of Business: Personal and Collective Labor Law
Address: 3 HaNehoshet St., B Tower, 1st floor Ramat HaHayal, Tel Aviv 6971068
Phone: 972-3-6286858
Fax: 972-3-6286859
Email: [email protected]
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Company Executives

  • Sigal  Pail, Sigal Pail & Co., Advocates

    Sigal Pail


    Sigal Pail & Co., Advocates

  • Zohar  Gips, Sigal Pail & Co., Advocates

    Zohar Gips


    Sigal Pail & Co., Advocates

  • Yifat  Tavor, Sigal Pail & Co., Advocates

    Yifat Tavor


    Sigal Pail & Co., Advocates

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About Sigal Pail & Co., Advocates

Sigal Pail & Co., Advocates is one of Israel’s leading labor law firms, with a comprehensive expertise in its practice area (personal and collective labor law). The firm provides first-class personal counsel and legal representation, and its professional excellence, including the panoramic view and the out-of-the-box thinking, lead to comprehensive solutions that encompass all of the clients’ characteristics. The firm was founded by Adv. Sigal Pail, an expert in personal and collective labor law for more than 20 years. She represents and counsels some of Israel’s leading entities in numerous complex struggles, including Israel’s largest collective labor disputes, both in court litigation and negotiations as well as finding solutions that, in some cases, make court litigations unnecessary. The firm represents local authorities, unions, labor organizations and senior employees, and appears before all of the labor tribunals, and represents and manages labor-related administrative appeals and education laws, and before Bagatz in principle cases. The firm has vast experience in comprehensive legal management, with an accurate balance between its ability to manage tough struggles and its advanced mediation and dispute settlement abilities, as necessary in order to optimally achieve its clients’ goals. Adv. Pail manages collective negotiations for employers, from the public and private sectors, and unions, represents in complex class actions, manages collective and personal legal proceedings, and provides ongoing counsel to employers of all sizes – including commercial companies, local authorities, public and academic institutes and international corporations. Adv. Zohar Gips and Adv. Yifat Tavor, both highly experienced labor law experts, partnered with Adv. Pail, and lead a selected team of professional attorneys.
The firm sees labor law as a vital field, and specializes, inter alia, in sexual harassment and occupational harassment prevention. The firm believes in community service and represents worthy pro-bono clients and donates to various NPOs and associations.

First-Class Legal Services from a Broad Legal Perspective

The firm views each case from a macro-perspective point that takes into account all of the client-related aspects, including the public interests, externalities, the needs of employees and executives, and the competition. The firm has expertise in crisis management and reaching agreements that are optimal for its clients, with efficient and professional court appearances. The recommendations that the firm provides to its clients take into account all of the labor-related problems, and the personal service and counsel leads to longstanding and long-term relationships with the clients.
The firm believes that high-quality counsel and facilitation can solve the vast majority of labor law legal problems, and works uncompromisingly for the benefit of its clients.

Practice Areas

Employers Counsel and Support - The firm represents employers from the public and private sectors, including business companies and international corporations, authorities and more, and provides opinions, defends against lawsuits in courts, counsels in hearings, and terminations, handles compliance with labor provisions, prepares employment agreements with customization to the organizational needs and executive levels, accompanies reorganizations, layoffs, privatizations and rehabilitation.

Collective Labor Law - Over the past few decades, Adv. Pail accompanied some of Israel’s largest and most influential collective disputes and handled the negotiations and the drafting of significant collective agreements. The firm provides comprehensive services from the initial unionization stage, management and handling of labor disputes, negotiations on collective agreements and facilitation of large and significant labor disputes, including representation in various tribunals.

Representation of Unions - The firm accompanies and supports labor and trade unions in collective agreements and provides counsel to their members to the extent necessary for protecting their rights.

Representation of Employees - The firm accompanies employees in various claims until they receive everything that is rightfully theirs, represents in investigations, hearings, and terminations, and provides a complete service pack of defense. In addition, the firm supports executives and senior staff members in all stages of employment or its termination. Furthermore, the firm has vast experience and expertise in exposing workplace corruption, including in representation in the State Comptroller and labor courts in this matter.
Adv. Pail has a particular expertise in workplace sexual harassment prevention, from the prevention stage and through inquiries and conclusions. investigation of allegations. In addition, she serves as an Ad-Hoc external supervisor in investigations under the sexual harassment prevention law.

Criminal Labor Law - The firm represents clients in labor-related criminal proceedings and administrative proceedings before the Ministry of Economics, accompanies and represents employers and executives in all aspects of offenses that relate to the provisions of the Increased Enforcement Law, Foreign Employees, Ministry of Economics audits and labor criminal litigation. The firm represents employers through all stages of the criminal and the administrative proceedings, including in the submission of documents to the various authorities, plea bargains and appearance before various tribunals.

Adv. Sigal Pail

Over the past decades, Adv. Pail took part in most of Israel’s major and influential labor market moves, including negotiations, settlements, preparation of the most significant reforms and collective agreements, and crisis management on an international, local and professional levels.
Alongside her professional expertise, she has experience in public service. She served as a member of the Tel-Aviv City Council and was in charge of the city’s education function, was one of the founders of “Dor Shalom” (Peace Generation), “The Middle East’s Young Leaders Network”, and more.
She lectures in workplaces and trains executives on work place relations and labor laws. Furthermore, Adv. Pail conducts sexual harassment seminars for executives and employees, provides external consulting to companies that handle sexual harassment allegations and represent employers and senior employees in the various courts when lawsuits are filed. She has the skill, knowledge, and capabilities for handling highly sensitive topics, which require also excellent interpersonal skills, creativity, peaceful meditation, with representation and presence in various courts, and a unique and vital combination of professionalism, experience and creativity, determination and uncompromising progress towards an optimal result.

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