Tal Itkin Law Office

Family and Inheritance Law

Tal Itkin Law Office
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Company's Profile

Established: 1999
Line of Business: Family and Inheritance Law
Address: 2 Pal Yam St., 1 Eshel Building, 4th floor, Haifa, 3133202, p.b 33356
Phone: 972-4-8661919
Fax: 972-4-8664599
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.itkintal.co.il
Facebook: Click to View
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  • Tal Itkin, Tal Itkin Law Office

    Tal Itkin

    Lawyer, Founder and Owner

    Tal Itkin Law Office

    View Profile

    Tal Itkin


    Tehila Garbawi, Adv.
    Tova Sluk-Lev, Adv.
    Ester Manashirov, Adv.
    Tzuf Priemer Azion, Adv.
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About Tal Itkin Law Office

Attorney Tal Itkin established her office over two decades ago out of a true sense of mission and with the goal of providing clients with the best, most professional, and humane personal service - with the understanding that the field of Family Law and inheritance is a complicated and complex field both legally and emotionally. The professional work is done while maintaining high and uncompromising professional standards and an unprecedented proficiency, and in particular, in the interface between Family Law and Commercial Law. Tal Itkin Law Office provides its clients with the best service available while offering a personalized approach, extensive experience, humanity, proficiency, and exceptional expertise.

Our office has over two decades of experience in handling clients with the most complex and delicate cases, including playing a key role in establishing landmark laws that shaped the personal status field, including:

• An extraordinary precedent in a Hague Convention case in which the Supreme Court ruled that the best interests of a minor is to remain in her mother’s custody in Israel and not to be returned to her previous residency.
• Winning the Bagatz which set the determining time rankings in the jurisdiction race.
• Winning the case in the Supreme Court (extended panel) concerning the authority of the rabbinical court to force a divorce on a person who escaped abroad.
• An innovative and publicized ruling that required, for the first time in Israel, the mother to pay child support for a child in the father’s custody.
• Winning an appeal in the supreme court concerning the applicable jurisdiction in the case of spouses who divorced in Israel and have assets abroad.
•Winning the Bagatz, which facilitated, for the first time in Israel, public shaming against a man who refused to grant a divorce (extended panel) to assist a “chained” woman.

Adv. Tal Itkin, Founder and Owner

The firm’s founder, Adv. Tal Itkin, licensed lawyer, has been a certified mediator and notary for over two decades. Attorney Itkin is currently completing the writing of her doctoral dissertation in Law, at Reichman University with the guidance of Prof. Ruth Zaffran and Prof. Dov Greenbaum, which deals with the status of the family in Copyright Law; the challenges of ownership of a work created within the family space, and is a pioneering international study on the relationship between the family and the formation of Intellectual property ownership and models for dividing intellectual property between spouses. Attorney Itkin graduated with an LL.B., from the University of Sheffield, England, as well as an LL.M. with high honors (Commercial Law), from Reichman University (formerly the Herzliya Interdisciplinary Center). Additionally, Attorney Itkin will soon begin teaching a unique course on Family Law and business.

Professionalism, Commitment, Creativity and Personal Approach

The firm combines extensive knowledge in Family Law with profound understanding of adjacent and complementary issues, operating at the forefront of the interface between Family Law and Commercial Law.
In every case, the team’s excellent argumentation and drafting skills, rapid learning capabilities, and exceptional analytical, legal, and comparative research give them a distinct advantage - something reflected in their proven results on the ground.

Practice Areas

Our firm deals with classic personal status law matters, including divorce proceedings, alimony, custody, and visitation arrangements, as well as mediation and drafting agreements - financial agreements, divorce agreements and agreements between heirs, and inheritance and estate planning. We accompany our clients in issues such as valuation, dissolution of jointly owned assets, intellectual property rights, and intangible assets, and family business dissolution. Using a wide range of legal, financial, and business strategies and tools, we provide our clients with comprehensive, innovative, and thorough solutions to a wide range of issues.

Intellectual Property Rights and Intangible Assets
In the 21st century, globalization and innovative technological developments gave birth to “new assets”. No more traditional property such as a residential apartment to be divided between the spouses. Contemporary law finds itself dealing with the division of intangible assets such as patents, shares, and copyrights. These rights are unique in nature, and their formation is based on the individual and unique abilities of the creator, so dividing them between spouses isn’t an easy task. Due to the innovative and intangible nature of the “new assets,” their distribution is complex and branched, among other things, as a result of many external consequences and influences, which require complex calculations, along with the fact that there are no regulated laws and no guidelines in court rulings.

Pre-Nuptial Agreements - Nowadays, people often get married while possessing considerable assets. In spite of the unromantic feeling it might invoke, it is very important to pre-arrange the division of property in the case of a divorce, which may save unnecessary legal struggles.

Divorce - This field requires extreme sensitivity due to its consequences that involves children and minors. The firm specializes in assisting the achievement of a desired solution, with minimal impact on the children. Due to the personal and unique nature of every family situation, the firm believes in operating from close attention to its clients, in order to find the best practical and legal path for everyone involved, and boldly guide and lead them through all of the various emotional, financial and legal aspects into a strong opening position in their new way.

Mediation - The firm manages mediation processes based on the belief that before taking legal action, it is best to try and mediate, thus enabling the parties to move-on with their lives and leave the dispute behind. The firm is highly experienced in successful mediations, while using all available tools to better resolve each situation, thus protecting clients’ and children’s interests with law-compatible agreements and without unnecessary legal struggles.

Inheritance - The firm has profound understandings of inheritance laws and has handled some of the most complex inheritance cases in Israel. The firm has the required legal and financial knowledge for handling the multi-dimensional and multi-party struggles of complex inheritance cases, with numerous wills, heirs and assets in Israel and abroad, including testamentary defects and unmarketable international assets.

Pro Bono - Adv. Itkin serves as the legal counsellor of the “Second Childhood” for children at risk, and the firm handles Pro Bono cases from the Bar.
In addition, the firm represents clients in various pro bono cases involving custody disputes between spouses, including representation in a dispute between female partners over a child born from fertilization.

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Facts & Numbers

Years of Operation 22 Since 1999

Years of Operation


Since 1999

20 Years of Volunteering for "Second Childhood" NPO


Years of Volunteering for "Second Childhood" NPO

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