Warsha Asaf & Co. Law Office

Insurance and Tort, Bodily Harm and Property Damage

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Company's Profile

Established: 2000
Line of Business: Insurance and Tort, Bodily Harm and Property Damage
Address: 7 Masada (BSR Tower no. 4) Bnei Brak
Phone: 972-3-6000600
Fax: 972-3-5750322
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.warsha-law.com
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  • Asaf  Warsha, Warsha Asaf & Co. Law Office

    Asaf Warsha

    Partner, Manager, Founder

    Warsha Asaf & Co. Law Office

    View Profile

    Asaf Warsha
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About Warsha Asaf & Co. Law Office

Warsa Asaf & Co., established in 2000, is one of Israel’s elite firms in the field insurance and torts. The firm is known for its efficiency and is placed at the top of the chain both technologically and professionally. The firm’s unique organizational culture and its esteemed team of lawyers make it the popular choice for many companies, and both with plaintiffs and defendants. The firm specializes in providing day-to-day counsel for insurance companies, vehicle and transportation companies, and private individuals.

The firm is headed by Adv. and Notary Asaf Warsa, married and father of 4. Asaf is an LL.B. and LL.M. graduate of Tel Aviv University, certified mediator by the Israeli Bar Association and the court administration, and a certified arbitrator. Asaf acquired his vast expertise during his time working for insurance companies, as well as the Prosecutor’s Office, and private law firms. He is considered a sought-after lecturer in the fields of insurance and torts in general, and particularly in the fields of litigation and legal strategy.

Adv. Warsa held several key positions in the Israeli Bar Association, including as a member of the Tel Aviv District Judicial Nominating Committee and the Director of the Israeli Consumers Counsil. Today he is the (Co.) Chairperson of the Courts-Lawyers Committee as well as the Property Restitution and Compensation Claims Committee. Additionally, over the last decade, Adv. Warsa served as a mediator in legal disputes relating to torts and insurance matters, during which he managed many successful processes that concluded outside the court and to the satisfaction of all parties.

The firm maintains its years of community involvement. Among other endeavors, the firm supports “Alut” Association as well as supports and renovates senior citizens assisted living projects.

Areas of Practice

Insurance: the firm represents leading insurance companies, various factors in the transportation industry, and private clients. Over the years, the firm handled a wide range of cases, including vehicle accidents and thefts, possession burning and theft, flood damages, etc.

Property Damages: the firm is highly experienced in handling claims submitted against insurance companies or their clients, as well as property damage compensations caused to the insured or to third parties. On the other hand, the firm uses its expertise and skills to handle claims against insurance companies in a wide variety of subjects, such as damage caused to buildings, fire damage, flood damage, theft, and more.

Physical Injuries: the firm represents both plaintiffs and defendants. The Department’s lawyers have gained vast experience in handling injury cases caused by traffic accidents, work accidents (representing the employer and the National Insurance Institute), student injuries, urban hazards, etc. Services include initial consultation, representation in medical committees, negotiation with the insurer, filing a claim, and litigation.

Litigation: the firm handles hundreds of these cases in court every year, and before all tribunals. The firm’s team of lawyers accumulated extensive experience in litigation, and as such is highly knowledgeable, skilled, and capable of representing both private and commercial clients.

Transportation: the firm represents defendants in traffic courts, against whom an indictment has been filed for their involvement in a traffic accident, as well as for the offenses of speeding violations, intoxication, and confiscation of a driver’s license for various reasons.

Construction Defects: the firm specializes in representing apartment buyers from contractors, secondhand apartment buyers, and tenant organizations for construction defects as well as discovered defects, including defects of the common property. Among other things, the firm handles compensation claims, including loss of value, delays in delivery, receiving aids for carrying out repairs, compensation for emotional distress and breach of contractual obligations, and representation in customer protection procedures against claims made by contractors, craftsmen, etc.

Nursing: the firm holds vast knowledge in the field of exercising medical and financial rights under nursing policies. Over the years, the firm has represented countless clients, adults and young individuals, as well as victims of accidents and illnesses, and acquired extensive expertise in long-term care insurance claims, loss of working capacity and serious illnesses, including in cases of negligence which involve physical injuries.