Y. Muszkat, Law Offices
Libel & Media, Litigation, Civil, Commercial & Administrative Law, Real Estate Law, Labor Law, Planning & Construction, Commercial Real Estate, IP, Local Authority Law, Representation & Support of Int’l Deals

Company's Profile
Established: | 1971 |
Line of Business: | Libel & Media, Litigation, Civil, Commercial & Administrative Law, Real Estate Law, Labor Law, Planning & Construction, Commercial Real Estate, IP, Local Authority Law, Representation & Support of Int’l Deals |
Address: | 85 Yehuda Halevi St., Tel Aviv 6579614 |
Phone: | 972-3-5662038 |
Fax: | 972-3-5609882 |
Email: | [email protected] |
Website: | http://www.muszkatconsultants.com |

Company Executives
Orian Eshkoli Yahalom
Y. Muszkat, Law Offices
Shira Reich
Y. Muszkat, Law Offices
Menachem Avraham
Y. Muszkat, Law Offices
Daniel Muszkat
Y. Muszkat, Law Offices

About Y. Muszkat, Law Offices
Y.Muszkat is one of Israel’s leading libel and media law firms. Founded by Yoram Muszkat in 1971, the firm consults, represents and supports Israel’s largest media organizations (including “Globes” financial website and newspaper, Walla, “Jerusalem Post” website and newspaper, “Maariv” website and newspaper, 103FM radio, 99FM radio, news1 website and more) in commercial and libel lawsuits, as well as leading commercial entities including real estate companies (Industrial Buildings, FedEx Group, Billboard Hotzot company and media.
The firm specializes in commercial litigation in all instances, including libel law and media law (including internet), civil commercial, administrative law, real estate, labor law, planning and construction, commercial real estate, IP, local authorities law and representation on international transactions.
The Firm’s Lawyers
Adv. Yoram Muszkat - Graduate of the Hebrew University. Licensed to practice law since 1971. Published the monthly magazine “Monitin”. Specializes in comprehensive legal consultancy on the media, copyright, libel, real estate, planning and construction, and local authority matters. Extensive experience in court appearances and drawing up international contracts.
Adv. Orian Eshkoli-Yahalom - Graduate of the Law school of the College of Management and Member of the Israel Bar since 1998. An articled clerk at Lieblich-Moser, she joined the firm in 1999 and is involved in media law including representation, real estate, commercial lawsuits, commercial contracts and copyright. She also provides routine consultancy.
Adv. Shira Reich - Graduate of the Hebrew University’s Law Faculty and a Member of the Israel Bar since 1998. She joined the firm in 2000 and is involved in commercial law, specializing in real estate, labor law and international courier law. She also provides routine consultancy.
Adv. Menachem Avraham - Graduate of Haifa University’s Law Faculty and a Member of the Israel Bar since 2008. He came to Y. Muszkat in 2006 before his clerkship and continued through to 2008 when he joined as a lawyer. He is engaged in civil and commercial litigation and specializes in press law and libel, labor law, local authority law, and IP. He also provides routine consultancy.
Areas of Practice
The firm’s areas of practice include litigation regarding media (libel law, protection of privacy, IP), commercial law, real estate, planning and construction, environment and representing local authorities as well as routine consultancy to public and private bodies.
Notable Legal Achievements
The firm has taken part in, as advisor or representative for clients, many of the country’s main cases and significant precedent-setting achievements including: “Globes” v “Telegraph” and Mati Golan; “Haaretz” v Ifat (press cuttings co.) – an innovative precedent in copyright; Logistical Services v Sahar Marine Service – a precedent on trade secrets; Masof v Postal Authority – lack of goodwill of a public authority in conducting negotiations; High Court Appeal by “Globes” and journalist Yoav Yitzhak v TASE and others; High Court Appeal by Globes and journalist Yoav Yitzhak v Attorney General Yosef Harish and others; Herzliya Marina v marine engineers – precedent for professional responsibility of engineers; declarative ruling about the rights of veteran members of Kibbutz Glil Yam and their heirs; ruling about debts of elected local authority officials regarding Zion Hava; source protection matters – regarding Dr. Shlomo Cohen v “Globes”; revealing documents regarding Dubek; SuperPharm v Gabi Gazit; Rani Rahav v Gabi Gazit; David Spektor v “Globes”; Vernia v Globes. The firm represented the broadcasting authority in a lawsuit submitted against it by Tar and Isar Abbas, the sons of the Head of the Palestinian Authority Mahmud Abbas. The case ended in a settlement agreement. A lawsuit of Kamor Ltd. v the Board of directors and more.
The firm also acted for clients in two precedent setting rulings about law relating to the Internet:
Weintraub v Globes – where it was ruled that a website does not have the obligation to follow, monitor and remove talkbacks that slur people mentioned on the site. In the case of Aviv Bushinsky v “The Marker”, the firm won a precedent setting ruling that a website is bound to remove an article from its online archives that was part of a libel case by the client in addition to the financial compensation he was granted.
The Firm’s Clients
The firm represents many media, industrial, real estate and advertising companies, and local authorities. Clients include Industrial Buildings, “Globes”, Walla!, Bizportal, Azur Planning and Construction Commission, Azur Local Authority, Migdal/Shamgar Insurance, Club Hotel, FedEx, Power Card, CTV digital, Muse Media, Hotzot HaZahav billboards, Medifood (Foody), 103 FM radio, 99 FM radio and more.
Muszkat Consultants
The firm receives ongoing consultancy from Muszkat Consultants managed by Daniel Muszkat LL.B., who has extensive experience in international deals, recruiting investors and financing bodies and creating interaction between them. Daniel Muszkat was an authorized agent of the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), a member of the World Bank Group with an experienced background in international deals. He promotes deals for investors in developing countries while reducing risks including political risks.