Y. Y. Traklin Construction Company Ltd.


Y. Y. Traklin Construction Company Ltd.
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Company's Profile

Established: 2015
Line of Business: Construction
Address: 55 Bar Yehuda St., Kiryat Malachi
Phone: 972-8-6440501
Fax: 972-8-8586625
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.traklin.info
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Company Executives

  • Gadi Alush, Y. Y. Traklin Construction Company Ltd.

    Gadi Alush


    Y. Y. Traklin Construction Company Ltd.

  • Eliran Vaknin, Y. Y. Traklin Construction Company Ltd.

    Eliran Vaknin


    Y. Y. Traklin Construction Company Ltd.

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About Y. Y. Traklin Construction Company Ltd.

Y. Y. Traklin Construction Company Ltd. has been active for five years in real estate development and construction, mainly in Ashdod and its surroundings. Within this short timeframe, the company has managed to take part in about 10 NOP 38/1 and Pinui-Binui projects, of which four have already been successfully delivered to the residents satisfaction. The company aims to build aesthetically-pleasing and impressive buildings and accordingly uses stone paneling and impressive finishing levels. The company works with compassion, reliability and transparency, and with deep faith in the Lord who guides its path.

Executive Team

The company was founded in 2015 and is currently owned by Gadi Alush and Eliran Vaknin who serve as Co-CEOs. Alush is an economist and real estate appraiser with 26 years of experience in the real estate industry. Prior to founding the company, Alush worked in the finance and business development functions of leading and prominent real estate companies. Eliran, who works closely with him, is a construction practical engineer by education, who has extensive experience in construction execution. The combination of Alush’s intelligence and economic experience with Vaknin’s in-depth understanding and extensive experience in construction execution is the essence of the company’s strength.

One Stop Shop

One of the company’s major strengths is its position as both a developer and a constructor, which enables it both to identify its customers’ needs and to be flexible in the construction and customer service. This optimal combination provides the company with great independence without reliance on external construction contractors, with efficient operations with a fixed and low cost base, particularly high construction quality, personal supervision of the entire construction process and availability and transparency to the customers across all of the planning, construction and population processes.

Personal Attention and Service

As a boutique company, Y. Y. Traklin is characterized by personal and devoted customer service. This is particularly important and not only in the case of NOP 38/1, a relatively complex field where in many cases residents continue to live in a building that becomes an active construction site. The company understands this sensitivity and tries to be fully available to the residents while fulfilling their requests and requirements as best as possible. In light of the devoted service and the uncompromising construction quality, many of the company’s customers are residents who live near its active projects and are impressed by the company, its capabilities and its care for their neighbors. The company also cooperates and works closely with Amigur Ltd., which owns properties across Israel that undergo seismic retrofitting and renovation under the various provisions of the NOP Law.

A Single Point of Contact for the Residents

The company serves as a single point of contact for its residents from end to end –from the initial contact with the residents, through the design and engineering planning and the permits proceedings and up to the construction execution and the delivery of the keys at the end of the process. This enables the company’s customers to rest assured knowing that they have a single, sensitive and understanding point of contact across the entire process, and that the hand that signed their contract would be the hand that would actually build the project and the hand that would eventually deliver the apartment keys.

Personal Involvement of the Owners in Every Project

While Eliran Vaknin serves as the company owner, he is involved in the finest details of each of the company’s projects. This personal involvement enables the company to meet the requirements of every project, complex and challenging as it may be. In addition, the company aims to maintain a fixed professional composition and accordingly many of its employees, work managers and service providers have been working with it since inception. This creates a particularly efficient and fast work mechanism.

Financial Strength and Stability

The company benefits from financial strength from the aspects of both its equity and the full trust it earned from suppliers, customers and banks. This results, inter alia, from the company’s fundamentally prudent policy, without undue risk, and from its ability to locate and identify the safest and most attractive real estate opportunities.

Selected Projects

NOP 38


11 Ne’ot Sapir, Ashdod: Adding 12 new apartments to a building with 16 exiting apartments – completed and delivered.
2-4 Kaftor HaHolot, Ashdod: Adding 26 new apartments to a building with 32 exiting apartments – completed and delivered.
6-8 Kaftor HaHolot, Ashdod: Adding 26 new apartments to a building with 32 exiting apartments – completed and delivered.
8 Shabazi, Ashdod: Adding 18 new apartments to a building with 24 exiting apartments – completed and delivered.
32 Michashvili, Ashdod: Adding 26 new apartments to a building with 32 exiting apartments – populated.
15 Ne’ot Sapir, Ashdod: Adding 12 new apartments to a building with 16 exiting apartments – completed.
4 Milman, Ashdod: Adding 12 new apartments to a building with 16 exiting apartments – completed.

Under Construction

30 Michashvili, Ashdod: Adding 26 new apartments to a building with 32 exiting apartments – Form 4 stage.

In Planning

The company is in a process of receiving a construction permit for 2 NOP 38/1 projects, in 14 and 16 Kaftor HaHolot, Ashdod, as well as projects in Yehuda HaMacabbi and Mevo Admumuit. It is also developing and identifying locations that require Pinui-Binui and NOP 38 projects and diverse real estate transactions.
The company is currently conducting a massive advertising campaign for every apartment owner for renewing their home, their most precious asset, be an experienced, sensitive and devoted company with a particularly impressive execution record before the current NOP Law is amended.
The company is currently choosing projects for the next 3 years in order to continue with its fruitful operations. It operates in central Israel and anywhere where the demand justifies NOP projects. Such projects require long preparations and accordingly the company responds to any building that wishes to move forward or has a strong and quick house committee, and such entities may apply through the e-mail address and/or phone numbers below.