Zuk Systems

Management and Production of Mechanical, Electro-Mechanical and Opto-mechanical systems on a full turnkey basis

Zuk Systems
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Company's Profile

Established: 1998
Line of Business: Management and Production of Mechanical, Electro-Mechanical and Opto-mechanical systems on a full turnkey basis
Address: 5 HaMa’alit, Kadima
Phone: 972-09-8899500
Fax: 972-9-8899501
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.zuk-systems.com
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Company Executives

  • David  Zukerman, Zuk Systems

    David Zukerman

    CEO and Owner

    Zuk Systems

  • Kfir  Zukerman, Zuk Systems

    Kfir Zukerman


    Zuk Systems

  • Avraham Avera, Zuk Systems

    Avraham Avera

    Engineering Department Manager

    Zuk Systems

  • Moshe  Nussinove, Zuk Systems

    Moshe Nussinove

    Production Manager

    Zuk Systems

  • Sagi Bashiri, Zuk Systems

    Sagi Bashiri

    QA Manager

    Zuk Systems

  • Ziv Dolgov, Zuk Systems

    Ziv Dolgov

    Production Manager

    Zuk Systems

Icon About

About Zuk Systems

Zuk Systems is a family company which was established in 1998 by David Zukerman, an engineer with a B.Sc. from the Technion. The company is active in the management and manufacturing of mechanical, electro-mechanical and optomechanical systems, on a full turnkey basis, for various industries including Industrial Digital Printing (paper and textiles), 3D Printing, Medical Equipment, Printed Circuits, Semiconductors and more. The company assembles and manufactures more than 300 different products for its customers – machines and subassemblies, and it owns a major assembly facility and has a partnership in a machining factory. 

The Work Process

Upon receiving the project’s specifications from the customer, Our Supply chain department starts to process the customer’s requirements and translates them into production procedures such as vendor selection, Catalog and form the Bill of material, selecting the appropriate production line, defining manufacturing production control procedures, and finally constructing a complete production file. Our engineering department leads and manage the project up until the customer’s approval. Zuk’s provides vast engineering experience and shares its R&D know-how with our customers in the process of their product development, that shortens their time to market.

Main Facility

The company’s headquarters and main assembly facility are located in the Kadima Industrial Zone in a complex of 2 buildings with a total built area of 4,100 sq.m. The company employs more than 100 employees, of which 7 are senior mechanical engineers and the others are manufacturing, logistics and administrative workers.

The Manufacturing Array

The company’s complex includes 3 active manufacturing floors with a total area of 1,800 sq.m. (and an additional inactive floor with an area of 600 sq.m.). The manufacturing floors include 2 clean rooms (Class 100 and Class 1,000) with areas of 75 sq.m. and 40 sq.m., respectively. The production processes are computerized and the work is executed on the basis of computerized production files that include assembly drawings, assembly instructions, and route cards. The manufacturing array handles the assembly and integration of electro-optical systems and integrated mechanical systems: mechanical components, sheet-metal, motion, pneumatics, electronics and wiring including grounding and HIPOT testing for high-voltage systems.


In response to the high requirements of our customers, Zuk Systems invested in high-accuracy machining and has 5-axis CNC machinery that handles parts up to 3*1.5*0.85 meters.

Uncompromising Quality

The products’ quality is the company’s main goal and accordingly ZUK systems implement constant improvement processes in its work methods, work environment, and product documentation. The company operates a strict quality control process including final testing for every system, dedicated testing instructions, and route cards. The company’s quality array includes KPI (key performance indicators) for products and suppliers alongside with organizational quality applications while utilizing computerized control processes in all of the company’s departments. Zuk Systems quality array guarantees high reliability of all of the company’s products. In this context, it should be noted that the company has a gold standard of the SII and it complies with various standards such as ISO9001 quality systems management, ISO14001 environmental management, ISO45001 for occupational safety and health management and ISO13485 for medical devices. In addition, the company complies with the international UL standard for systems and with the FDA’s registration requirements for a contract manufacturer. The company provides peace of mind for its customers and takes responsibility for the entire manufacturing process with an everlasting process of constant improvement.

Sustainability and Environmental Protection

Zuk Systems sees a safe and clean work environment as a top priority, and accordingly uses the most advanced safety equipment and provides its employees with all of the required means of protection. Moreover, the company believes that sustainability and environmental protection would determine how our future would be, and it works to further this goal by reducing the ecological footprint and protecting the environment with elements of power saving, computerization of production lines as a substitute for using paper, green building, recycling of materials such as cardboard, nylon, batteries, electronics, metals and compliance with waste disposal standards (storage and usage).