Avivit Moskovich, Law Firm

Law Firm – Family Law

Avivit Moskovich, Law Firm
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Established: 1999
Line of Business: Law Firm – Family Law
Address: BSR Tower 3, Masada 9 St., Bnei Brak
Phone: 972-3-6113995; 052-3986655
Fax: 972-3-6113996
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.avivitmoskovich.co.il
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  • Avivit Moskovich, Avivit Moskovich, Law Firm

    Avivit Moskovich

    Lawyer, Founder and Head of the firm

    Avivit Moskovich, Law Firm

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    Avivit Moskovich
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About Avivit Moskovich, Law Firm

Avivit Moskovich, Law Firm was founded in 1999 and is one of the most prominent and leading law firms in the field of family and divorce law. The firm is headed by Avivit Moskovich, with whom a highly professional and senior team of first rate family law attorneys work. The firm combines longstanding legal proficiency with exceptional service and personal accompaniment, while meticulously building a strategy suited for every client, with devotion and sensitivity.
The firm handles all aspects of family law for clients in Israel and worldwide – divorce, wills and inheritance, civil marriages, prenuptial agreements, child abduction, refused divorces and more.

The Added Value of the Firm

Seniority and Expertise – The firm is comprised by a longstanding proficient team of lawyers whose exclusive expertise is family and inheritance law, under Adv. Moskovich. Most of the team maintains 20 years of legal experience.
Work Method – The firm developed many tactics for solving complex problems within the family and excellent negotiations skills, with proven success. Every case is examined while recruiting longstanding experience regarding case management and litigation in courts and rabbinical courts, alongside reaching agreements, according to the circumstances.
Transparency and Credibility as a Leading Value – The firm operates with full transparency towards the client throughout the entire process. As of the beginning of the road, the client is presented with a relevant strategy, including risks and probabilities.
• Holistic Approach – The firm works with the leading professionals in their fields, including psychologists, psychiatrists, couple’s and family therapists, economists, private investigators, land appraisers, rabbis and rabbinical judges including international ones – in order to provide the client with the most comprehensive support.
• International Ties – Among the only Israeli firms that is a member of the prestigious IAFL organization, providing us with international ties in every country.
In addition, the firm maintains strategic cooperation with American law firms, especially in Los Angeles and New York.
• Economic Cases – Our firm specializes in prominent economic divorce cases and represents owners of large and renowned companies in Israel.

Adv. Avivit Moskovich

The founder of the firm, Adv. Avivit Moskovich, is known for her groundbreaking innovative legal approach, which has led to many successes and impressive achievements for her clients over the years.
Adv. Moskovich believes that the firm deals with people above all, therefore the team, headed by her, sees itself as responsible for the clients’ and their children’s wellbeing, and the ramifications of their legal procedure.
Availability and accessibility for the clients is a leading value for Adv. Moskovich, alongside excellence and uncompromising professionalism.
Adv. Moskovich maintains experience regarding representation in courts and in rabbinical courts and is renowned for her articulation and complete control of each case. She is known for her professional capabilities to save cases that are “lost causes” and complex, including intricate divorce cases with prominent economic aspects, inheritance cases and child abduction cases.
Adv. Moskovich is also a notary, a mediator and a certified arbitrator, thus maintains a wide perspective regarding family disputes and their fast, effective and successful solutions, for the benefit of the clients.

Areas of Expertise

Divorce – The firm specializes in intricate and complex divorce cases and is known for salvaging lost cases. The firm has developed excellent tactics and strategies in order to obtain the most beneficial results for the clients. The firm strives to shorten the processes for divorce case clients as much as possible and assist them to achieve a divorce agreement or a domestic harmony agreement as an alternative to divorce.
Distribution of Property – The firm specializes in creative solutions and is considered to be an expert in all matters of goodwill (which is a liquidable asset). Furthermore, the Firm is proficient in the field of corporations and has great success in divorce cases in which one of the parties is the owner of a company or companies.
Alimony and Child Support – The firm files and defends claims for alimony and child support at the highest possible levels, specializing in all matters of alimony related to Jewish couples married under civil law and mixed religion couples and couples where one of the parties lives overseas.
Child Custody – The past decade has brought about an impressive development in child custody judgments. The firm tracks every innovation and also innovates in the field. The firm handles the subject of child custody very sensitively as the children are the future generation and the firm feels responsible for their wellbeing.
Domestic Violence – The firm handles all matters of domestic violence, including minors in need. The cases involving domestic violence are particularly sensitive and demand careful and skilled handling to assist in preventing the perpetuation of their dire consequences.
Common Law Marriage / Civil Marriage – There are relevant rulings for these categories and the firm specializes in handling such divorces/separations.
Child Abduction – Child abduction, according to the rules of the Hague Convention, requires immediate actions to return the minor. The firm has extensive experience in the complexity of child abduction cases including the specific professional know how required to successfully handle abduction cases.
Emigration – Filing relevant migration motions where one parent wishes to move from his domicile with his children and the other parent refuses to do so. The firm files in such cases migration suits on behalf of its clients, in the wake of which the issue is settled to the benefit of the child, his relationship with his parents, expert opinions, etc.
Wills and Inheritance – Considerable expertise is required in the field of wills and inheritance and also acute attention in order to avoid undesirable results for people in the throes of family disputes, as well as for those who aspire that their property be distributed pursuant to their wishes after their demise.
Same Sex Couples – The Firm handles many files of same sex couples and is highly proficient in all the innovative rulings at the relevant fields for same sex couples.
Financial Agreements – Financial and prenuptial agreements became common among couples who wish to marry or arrange their relationship. The firm leads to these agreements in a professional and sensitive manner.
Sperm Theft - The firm handles in a professional and efficient manner cases requiring to rule on custody, visitation, alimony and in some cases claims of sperm theft.
Divorce Refused and Agunot – The firm has a center for Jews worldwide and in Israel, focusing on divorce refusal and “agunot”, offering unique and creative solutions for the problem.

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