Eitan Kohali - Law Firm

Family, Divorce, Inheritance and Wills Law

Eitan Kohali - Law Firm
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Established: 1999
Address: 5 Rashi St. Ramat Gan 5256005
Phone: 972-3-6127767
Fax: 972-3-6128131
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.kohali.co.il
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  • Eitan  Kohali, Eitan Kohali - Law Firm

    Eitan Kohali

    Founder & Owner

    Eitan Kohali - Law Firm

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    Eitan Kohali
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About Eitan Kohali - Law Firm

Eitan Kohali – Law Firm is a boutique firm which was established by Adv. Kohali in 1999 and is considered to be one of the leading firms in the field of family law, personal status, divorce, wills, inheritance and estates, lasting power of attorney (LPA), guardianship, mediation and arbitration. The firm has a reputation as a cracker of the toughest and most complex cases, asset-intensive and high-net-worth, through extraordinary creative thinking, a precise judiciary strategy, in-depth familiarity with the law and rulings and attention to the clients’ wishes. Among others, the firm represents in cases with international complexities while cooperating with foreign commercial and corporate law firms.
The firm’s team has in-depth knowledge in the fields of real estate, finance, capital markets, economics and business administration, and this enables it to manage large multi-layered cases as a one-stop-shop.

Investigation of Truth, Justice, and Devotion

The firm’s staff operates out of commitment to provide the best and most professional service to its clients, who arrive at a critical turning point in their lives, with maximal sensitivity to the subjective family nucleus, in each case, and the provision of an effective solution tailored to the client’s needs, with the wellness of the children being the ultimate goal at all times. Adv. Kohali fights for justice and aims to find a fair solution while establishing goals and targets. He determinedly strives to reach the goal until justice is brought to light. To restore the public faith in the legal profession and the judicial system, Adv. Kohali leads unique strategic moves with the value of truth as a guiding light. The firm’s clients benefit from a personal attitude and professional support throughout the entire process, including accompaniment to meetings in the assistance unit of the courts or the rabbinical courts. Each client receives legal service of the highest quality from Adv. Kohali, who has never lost a case, and his firm’s team, who provide a comprehensive response until the optimal result is achieved for them. The firm envelops the clients with support and understanding, extreme sensitivity for the circumstances and supreme expertise.

Adv. Eitan Kohali

Adv. Eitan Kohali has an LL.B. (with honors) from Sheffield University, and is a certified mediator, family mediator and arbitrator, member of the IBA’s Wills, Inheritance and Estates Committee and has more than 20 years of experience in family law and marital status. At the beginning of his career, he accumulated knowledge and expertise in the field of corporate and capital markets in the USA, which provided him with unique and essential tools for the management of cases with financial aspects, including proprietary claims in the personal status field and some of the most complex wills and inheritance cases in Israel and abroad.

Throughout all of his long years in the profession, he is led by the principles of justice and good faith, through which he even won judgments and precedents in the family law field in the highest courts. Adv. Kohali believes in solving family disputes through negotiation and mediation to minimize the negative impact on the parties and particularly on their children. The formulation of a fair agreement through a mediation procedure or negotiations is a reliable and important tool, in Adv. Kohali’s professional opinion, which protects the rights of the parties, provides an appropriate legal solution for the disagreements between the parties and sets mechanisms for guaranteeing the proper conduct of the parties in the future as well.

The mediation procedure is a cornerstone of Adv. Kohali’s approach since its very nature reduces the hostility between the parties, enables them to actively participate in the decision making and constitutes an efficient alternative for the parties from the economic and emotional aspects, and with the shortest timeframe. Through the mediation process, Adv. Kohali enables the parties to reach closure of their joint path with respect and understanding and to continue their separate lives while cooperating in the necessary times and places. This approach also matches the laws and current rulings in family law. Owing to his longstanding experience and reputation in litigation and cross-examination, and in cases where the circumstances do not enable negotiations, Adv. Kohali acts with skill and professionalism in order to achieve the best results for the benefit of the client, while understanding all of the components of the legal issue, building a legal strategy and tactic, and establishing goals and targets in accordance with the client’s wishes and the subjective family nucleus, with an emphasis on the benefit of the children.
In light of the latest amendments in the Legal Capacity Law, and in light of the great importance to any person nowadays to prepare an LPA, in order to handle his property, personal and medical matters, the firm opened a unique department that prepares and drafts LPAs, tailored to every client, from a forward-looking perspective and proper planning from the aspects of tax, pension planning and protection, management of businesses and companies and more. The firm’s team includes experts in this field, who are members of the IBA’s LPA Committee and are certified to prepare LPAs, preliminary guardian instructions and expression of will documents in accordance with the Legal Capacity and Guardianship Law, 1962.

In addition, the firm has unique departments in many other areas, including land tax, real estate, companies, finance and capital markets, execution and more, and its cases are managed in the various courts, including all levels of civil courts, including the Supreme Court, both as an appeal court and as The High Court of Justice, rabbinical courts and the Execution Chamber. Adv. Kohali is reputed mainly due to his numerous successes in extremely complex cases, with a difficult fact arrangement and complex legal issues which even arrived at the Supreme Court. In addition, international personal status claims, including representation in front of jurisdictions out-side of Israel. Adv. Kohali is target-oriented to reach the truth in every case while applying to any required court to protect the rights of his clients, appeals when necessary and even turning to the High Court of Justice in cases of a material breach of the client’s basic rights.

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