Hayut Greenberg, Law Firm

Insolvency, Commercial Litigation, Company Rehabilitation and Labor Law

Hayut Greenberg, Law Firm
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Established: 2014
Line of Business: Insolvency, Commercial Litigation, Company Rehabilitation and Labor Law
Address: 7 Menahem Begin Rd. (Beit Gibor Sport), 12th floor,
Ramat Gan
Phone: 972-3-6090976
Fax: 972-3-6960486
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.hglaw.co.il
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  • Hayut Grinberg, Hayut Greenberg, Law Firm

    Hayut Grinberg

    Founder and Owner

    Hayut Greenberg, Law Firm

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    Hayut Grinberg
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About Hayut Greenberg, Law Firm

Hayut Greenberg, Law Firm is a boutique firm that specializes in civil-commercial law, crisis management and financial rehabilitation. The firm is considered to be a leader in the insolvency field and assisted complexed proccesses of well-known companies from various fields of the market. in the commercial area the firm provides ongoing assistence to large organizations. The longstanding firm tends to its private and business clients in a variety of proceedings, in the various courts and tribunals, while meticulously maintaining uncompromising service, professional excellence, a comprehensive legal perspective, thoroughness and a great responsibility.
One of the firm’s main practice areas is financial rehabilitation and insolvency with all of its various aspects, representation of private debtors and distressed companies, corporate rehabilitation, bankruptcy proceedings, debt restructuring and representation of the employees of distressed companies.
Another significant Practice area is labor law in the various courts, where the firm represents some of Israel’s leading employer’s alongside employees, in complexed proceedings. in that area the firm is one of four firms who represent the Labor Branch of the Ministry of Economy in criminal proceedings.

The Human Interest, Growing Out of the Crisis To Rehabilitation and Recovery

The firm’s uniqueness stems from its tools and humane aspect, which its staff provides, from a pan-situational view of the crisis, and the understanding that in this situation, the firm’s clients are at a sensitive and difficult point, from both the business and the personal aspects. The firm’s guiding light is the provision of the appropriate tools for its clients in order to grow out of the crisis into which they wondered. Therefore, the firm handles the crisis with attention, support, and guidance that, required to grow out of the situation towards a successful resolution and a better future.

Professional and Comprehensive Perspective

Adv. Hayut Greenberg takes part in all aspects of the judicial event. The concept in the light of which the firm operates, is the extraction of pre-legal proceedings and attempts at rehabilitation over liquidation, understanding the importance of maintaining control in the hands of the company itself, and preventing deterioration in its financial status. In addition, Adv. Greenberg serves as a court appointed officer in various insolvency proceedings (mainly liquidations and stay of proceedings), she also represents commercial lenders, private and corporate debtors as well as employees in insolvent companies. In the labor law practice, the firm represents both employers and employees. This provides the firm with a profound understanding of any legal situation from all of its aspects, including other fronts, and provides the clients with first-rate legal services, while implementing its comprehensive professional perspective.

Adv. Hayut Greenberg, The Firm’s Owner

Over her 18 years of experience, the firm’s owner, Adv. Hayut Greenberg managed various insolvency proceedings in all of the field’s aspects. She serves as a court appointed officer of the court at various tribunals, and represents commercial lenders, employees, companies and private debtors. The various proceedings in which she participated include companies from the security and cleaning, retail, construction, fashion, high-tech industries, etc. Some of the cases in which she was involved in recent years: the collapse of “Vaniglia” ice cream chain, “Allen Carr”, “Jil Teichmann Lighting”, “Ambos” watches chain, “HaSushia” chain, The “LaGa’at Ba’Ochel” chain, the HaPo’el Tel Aviv soccer team, the Globus Max movie theaters chain, the kid’s fashion chain “MishMish”, the construction company Ortam Sahar and others. In addition to her insolvency practice, she manages complex civil-commercial litigations in various courts. A professional legal team, with experience in public and private corporate law, works alongside with Adv. Greenberg.

Practice Areas

Corporate Rehabilitation, Insolvency - The firm has an extensive legal and practical experience in counseling and directing companies in distress, prior to reaching a “dead end”, including the formulation of individual arrangement with the creditors or banks, with a reorganization and partial relief of the company’s debts, in such a way that would enable it to continue and operate without requiring a legal proceeding, according to the circumstances, the capabilities and the needs of the company. The firm has numerous successes in managing insolvency proceedings in the courts, including a stay of proceeds applications and creditor arrangements. The firm provides personal and professional service from an understanding of the responsibility and commitment of the company and its shareholders towards various creditors, with the aim of navigating the company into a safe haven, with an emphasis on working in short timeframes, availability and damage mitigation to the extent possible.
Opening of Proceedings and Arrangement with Creditors - The firm is highly experienced in representing debtors in insolvency proceedings. In contrast to execution proceedings, the advantage such a proceeding is that the debtor has a real opportunity to “start fresh”, and receive a full exemption from all obligations created until that point within a short time of submitting the application for an order to open proceedings, and in accordance with the provisions of the law.
Representation of Employees in Companies Insolvency Proceedings - The firm tends to the employees throughout the process, from day one to its completion with the receiving of all the rights, and a complete solution along the way for the employees’ bureaucratic, procedural and financial needs. The firm’s experience and expertise in these proceedings lead for a full execution of the employees’ rights, including even rights that employees are unaware of their entitlement (such as various expansion orders in the economy, etc.). In addition, the firm is also very experienced in the representation of companies and commercial lenders in such proceedings.
Counsel and Representation of Employers in the Labor Law Field - The firm has a broad clientele of business clients from various sectors, which receive comprehensive legal support and counsel. The firm regularly counsels its clients in all of their business-commercial steps and in all of the processes that relate to employment, while verifying that it remains abreast and proficient in current rulings and legislation.
Civil-Commercial Litigation - The firm represents corporations and individuals, in civil and commercial proceedings in various courts and tribunals, including in arbitrations and mediations. The firm is highly experienced in the formulation of effective and balanced dispute resolution strategies to the benefit of the client, including representation in out-of-court dispute resolutions, while understanding the needs of the clients, efficiently, reliably and professionally.
In recent years, Adv. Greenberg is the legal advisor of many large entities in the Israeli market, and her firm provides over-all legal support in day-to-day commercial mattes, including work relations, association laws and various proce.

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