Pelles Mozer Cohen & Co. Law Offices
Real Estate, Urban Renewal, Arbitration, Labor Law, Family Law, Torts, Corporate Law, Securities, High-Tech Companies, handling Raising Capital and International Transactions

Company's Profile
Established: | 1988 |
Line of Business: | Real Estate, Urban Renewal, Arbitration, Labor Law, Family Law, Torts, Corporate Law, Securities, High-Tech Companies, handling Raising Capital and International Transactions |
Address: | Ayalon Insurance House, 12 Abba Hillel St., Ramat Gan 5250606 |
Phone: | 972-3-7539888 |
Fax: | 972-3-7518133 |
Email: | [email protected] |
Website: | http://www.pmlaw.co.il |

Company Executives
Eran Pelles
Founder, Owner & Head of the Firm
Pelles Mozer Cohen & Co. Law Offices
Yoav Mozer
Founder, Owner & Head of Real Estate Dept.
Pelles Mozer Cohen & Co. Law Offices
Neria Cohen
Founder, Owner & Head of Urban Renewal Dept.
Pelles Mozer Cohen & Co. Law Offices
View Profile
Neria Cohen

About Pelles Mozer Cohen & Co. Law Offices
Pelles Mozer Cohen & Co. (PMC) is one of Israel’s leading law firms in urban renewal, commercial real estate and litigation. The firm handles a range of matters, real estate and urban renewal, including court appearances, civil and criminal arbitrations, labor law, family law, torts and commercial law including corporate law, securities, high-tech companies and raising capital.
PMC renders top-tier legal services, emphasizing personal service and attention to each client. The firm’s clients come from the business, private and public sectors, including ministers, MKs, municipalities, banks and government companies, leading developers, and many private companies and businessmen in Israel and abroad. The firm has gained experience, profound knowledge and professional expertise including important legal precedents in complex real estate deals, family law, wills and inheritances, labor law, etc.
Practice Areas
Urban Renewal Dept.: Headed by Adv. Neria Cohen who is well versed in both sides of the field, representing entrepreneurs as well as residents. The dept. gained extensive knowledge, including supporting hundreds of projects, including a large number of populated ones. He supports clients throughout the project, as of the initial negotiation stage until receiving the keys to the new apartment. Tenants of buildings, developers or development companies interested in implementing a combination project or Pinui U’Binui, or building addition projects, TAMA 38 earthquake retrofits, must travel a bumpy road filled with many complicated legal and business challenges. Adv. Cohen accompanies his clients while maintaining experience regarding difficulties with various entities in substantial success rates and maximum personal attention, providing answers to all their needs. The client is given a complete and honest picture of the legal situation, current and future risks and opportunities and possibilities, while relating to economic viability for each legal possibility after a thorough, in-depth, proper analysis, stressing professional excellence. Neria accumulated experience accompanying projects vis-à-vis various municipalities, local and regional committees, the supervisor of real estate registration chambers, appeal committees, contractors, engineers, appraisers, accompanying banks etc., all of whom are essential for a successful project.
Litigation & Arbitration Dept.: Headed by Adv. Eran Pelles who represents his clients in all courts and also engages in arbitration and mediation proceedings on civil cases, companies and corporations, real estate, etc. PMC specializes in consultancy on potential disputes, strategies for managing crises, enforcing international legal decisions, and preparing legal proceedings conducted abroad. PMC also focuses on individual law including labor law, family law, inheritance law including Supreme Court petitions and class actions. The Department also engages in criminal law, white collar offenses, and many legal precedents in banking, contracts, tenders, inheritance, local authorities and cooperative associations.
Real Estate Dept.: Headed by Adv. Yoav Mozer, handles complex real estate deals including rezoning and developing agricultural land, developing contractor’s projects, combination deals and transaction financing, planning and construction. PMC is highly experienced, in both Israel and the world, in handling overseas real estate projects, particularly in Eastern Europe. PMC supports the various stages of preparing tenders for real estate sales and purchases, land rezoning procedures, land zoning changes, and real estate tax planning.
Commercial and Corporate Dept.: The Department handles all the areas required by Israeli and international companies operating in Israel and the world and, among other things, deals with all trade agreements and representation of companies including agencies, distribution, exclusive representation of companies, partnerships and franchises. PMC also specializes in the capital market fields, supporting companies in IPOs, in Israel and abroad, mergers, private placements for investors and mutual funds.
Torts Dept.: The department handles torts cases from representation in physical injury in road accidents, representation in work injuries before medical committees and National Insurance claims, including representation in torts suits against municipalities and insurance companies, as well as representing disabled soldiers.
Labor Law Dept.: PMC provides routine legal consultancy, support and representation in legal proceedings, in labor courts, arbitration and mediation and representation before the Economy Ministry, on issues related to labor law, while understanding the special sensitivities of this field.
Family Law Dept.: Routine legal consultancy in divorce suits in the rabbinical courts, including financial support suits, custody and property suits, common law spouse issues, and cases involving the Hague Convention. PMC handles contesting existing wills, drafting prenuptial agreements and divorce agreements.
The Senior Partners
Adv. & Notary Eran Pelles: serves as the legal advisor to political parties, ministers, MKs and many public figures. He is highly experienced in court appearances and arbitrations and, thanks to him, many legal precedents have been recognized in banking, contracts, tenders, inheritance, family law, local authorities, cooperative associations, etc. He is also very experienced in conducting arbitrations and mediations as well as legislative activities.
Adv. Yoav Mozer: Manages real estate cases in the public sector, including tenders for the Israel Land Authority. In the private sector, he handles large scale projects throughout Israel. Together with Eran Pelles, acted as the external legal advisor to Amidar for the past 10 years.
Adv. & Notary Nereia Cohen: Manages the Urban Renewal Dept. For over 15 years he managed PMC’s Banking Dept. and also engaged in commercial practice, corporate law, liquidations, etc. and was appointed by courts (as receiver, liquidator and special manager). Adv. Cohen has a deep acquaintance with the financial world and institutional market and has major experience, reputation and familiarity with agencies and organizations in the financial, commercial and real estate worlds, enabling the creation of quality, synergistic groups to promote large-scale projects.

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