Yafo Tel Aviv Building Company

Real Estate Development

Yafo Tel Aviv Building Company
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Company's Profile

Established: 2016
Line of Business: Real Estate Development
Address: 2 HaShlosha St., Tel Aviv (Edgar Tower, 29th floor)
Phone: 972-3-7941698
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://j-tlv.com/
Facebook: Click to View
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Company Executives

  • Tzuri Saada, Yafo Tel Aviv Building Company

    Tzuri Saada

    CEO, Founder and Owner

    Yafo Tel Aviv Building Company

  • Kobi Saada, Yafo Tel Aviv Building Company

    Kobi Saada

    VP, Marketing and Business Development

    Yafo Tel Aviv Building Company

  • Benny Katz, Yafo Tel Aviv Building Company

    Benny Katz


    Yafo Tel Aviv Building Company

  • Ami Mesika, Yafo Tel Aviv Building Company

    Ami Mesika

    Chief Project officer

    Yafo Tel Aviv Building Company

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About Yafo Tel Aviv Building Company

“Yafo - Tel Aviv Construction” is a leading company by Lamir Real Estate Development, one of the longstanding and most experience in its industry, all of our properties are wholly owned by the company. The company was founded in 2016 and has vast expertise and extensive experience in building prestigious preservation and boutique projects throughout the city of Tel Aviv. The company combines the longstanding experience that it accumulated over the years with innovation and progress and leads diverse residential, commerce and mix-use projects across the city. “Yafo-Tel Aviv Construction” has a proven track record in developing as the company lives and breathes the city. The companyhas full control of the entire construction value chain, starting with the locations of the plots through the engineering planning, permits and licensing, and up to the supervision of the execution in the field. This absolute involvement provides the company’s customers with assurance and peace of mind through the entire process. throughout the years, the company demonstrated the ability to accurately locate attractive properties with redevelopment potential in prime locations, and the company provides its customers with highly professional and reliable service and promising investment channels and various redevelopment options.

Living inside a Story

Out of our passion for the city of Tel Aviv, its unique streets, and the stories that lay between and inside its buildings we made its our mission is to locate and promote one-of-a-kind projects in little Tel Aviv’s picturesque streets. We are looking for the stories, the sentiment, and the magic that occurs when the past meets future. In these projects, we emphasize the tenants that will purchase the apartment one day, the smart and groundbreaking designs, as well as the aesthetics and conservation of the artistic style that was used for the original building. The company specializes in conserving buildings with two popular construction styles: the Eclectic Style and the International Style, which is also known as Bauhaus, and believes in collaborating with the country’s leading architects.

Executive Team

Tzuri Saada, CEO, Founder and Owner
Tzuri has 40 years of experience in the real estate industry. He started his construction career at a young age and experienced the full spectrum of positions and niches in the industry over the years. Tzuri decided to focus on construction in the city of Tel Aviv due to his love to this city and its special character that combines historical nostalgia with innovation and progress, and he leads and initiates a variety of conservation projects across the city. His broad areas of expertise include locating, initiating, conserving, planning and redeveloping buildings, and are expressed in every stage of every project that the company leads and promotes.
Kobi Saada, VP, Marketing and Business Development
Kobi has 20 years of experience in marketing and business development. He has academic degrees from leading institutions in Israel and among other he has vast experience in construction supervision, analyzing construction rights, project management and initiation of urban renewal. Like Zuri, Kobi also has a passion for the building conservation field, and he specializes in initiation and business development in the segments of boutique and luxury buildings.
Benny Katz, CFO
Benny has 15 years of financial experience with an expertise in real estate finances. He started his training in Business studies in the College of Management Academic Studies, specializing in Finance. He previously managed audit files for BDO accountancy firm. He specializes in leveraging opportunities while focusing on financial stability.
Ami Mesika, Chief Project officer
Ami, who has 40 years of experience under his belt, is a contractor in his profession, who today leads the company’s projects and accompanies them daily on site. Ami holds experience in public and private building, including logistics and commercial centers, saturated construction and private homes, spreading all over the country. The work in Tel Aviv of our times demands sharpness, speed, and accuracy, and Ami is exactly all of those things. Even today, the world of construction constitutes for Ami a childhood dream coming true, and to him every project is as exciting as the first one.

Selected Projects

Past and Present
52 Pinsker, Tel Aviv: A project with a winning location at the center of Pinsker Street, a two-minute walk from Dizengoff Square and a 10-minute walk from the beach. The building would include 9 apartments in a varied mix of apartments, planned by architect Gidi Bar Orian, with only 6 stories. The building is located near the bubbly and young Bograshov Street that has picturesque cafés and high-quality restaurants. Construction is expected to begin in the summer of 2024.
6 Hevron, Tel Aviv: A unique project with 6 apartments in 6 stories. This boutique building is located on Hevron Street, withing the nostalgic triangle of Idelson, Pinsker, and Trumpledor streets, at the very heart of historic Tel Aviv. This small street enjoys peacefulness and intimacy, near the lively city center towards Bograshov St. and the beach. The apartments mix will include a garden duplex, 3-4-room apartments and a duplex penthouse with a balcony, with the finest specs. Currently under construction.
MOND Shenkin-Melchett, Tel Aviv: A boutique conservation building with only 5 stories in the most sought-after location in the city (Shenkin street on the corner of Melchett street) which is an absolute work of art, designed by Architect Pichu Kedem. The building includes 12 spacious luxury apartments, with attentive architectural planning.
Beit HaSofer – 6 Kaplan St., Tel Aviv – the project includes a building of 8 floors that serves as a rare connection between the old and the new, the result of Arch. Lea Rubanenko’s planning. The building has 23 unique apartments with meticulous architectural design. In the overall mix 3-5 room apartments, a garden apartment, and a penthouse. The parking lot has a parking elevator, the interior and exterior specifications are at the highest level.
9 Borochov, Tel Aviv: A boutique building with only 5 stories at the heart of Tel Aviv, on Borochov corner of Peretz Hayut, with 14 apartments The original building was built and planned in 1935 by the engineer and architect Mordechai Rosengarten, and as part of the municipality’s “White City” program it was declared as a conservation building.
19 Montefiore, Tel Aviv: Another unique project of the company, which is located on Montefiore St., one of “Little Tel Aviv”’s most sought-after streets. The building, which is also known as the Turkenitz House, was originally built in 1922 and boasts an impressive eclectic style. The project includes 4 stories and 13 apartments with a parking space for every resident. The project was fully sold and delivered in 2021.

Projects Pending Construction

70 Allenby St., Tel Aviv - The project on Allenby Street is located in a central location, enabling residents to enjoy all worlds - Sheinkin Steet’s style, HaCarmel market’s vividness, the tastes of Kerem Hataimanim, the nightlife of Allenby Street and the creativity of Nahalat Binyamin. The building will include a unique mix of apartments, suited to the environment and planned by Odo Architects.
10 Ibn Gabirol St., Tel Aviv - a boutique project that includes 33 residential units and a commercial floor. The project is located on Ibn Gabirol Street, near the Sarona Complex and additional leisure centers.