Yesodot Ha’ir – Building From Generation to Generation

Real Estate Entrepreneurship

Yesodot Ha’ir – Building From Generation to Generation
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Company's Profile

Established: 2015
Line of Business: Real Estate Entrepreneurship
Address: 16 Hartom street, Red Tower, Har Hotzvim, Jerusalem
Phone: 972-73-2190666
Fax: 972-2-5711567
Email: [email protected]
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Company Executives

  • Shmaya Porush, Yesodot Ha’ir – Building From Generation to Generation

    Shmaya Porush


    Yesodot Ha’ir – Building From Generation to Generation

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About Yesodot Ha’ir – Building From Generation to Generation

Yesodot Ha’ir is a leading real estate entrepreneurship company, with a reputation of decades in the field of building and initiative in Jerusalem and outside of it.
The company was established in 2015, but its roots began decades ago. Over the years Yesodot Ha’ir has gathered vast experience in leading building projects (including purchase groups) and was involved, exclusively or by partnership, in prominent projects in Jerusalem and Hadera. The firm also deals with property management for wealthy families, including promoting urban building schemes, property improvement and more. Most of the company’s projects are built based on its own capital and it is advocating financial conservativeness that gives all customers a great deal of peace of mind.

The Porush Family, Builders of the New Jerusalem

The roots of the company Yesodot Ha’ir are in the vast real estate activity of the Porush family, a well-known Orthodox family that has lived in Jerusalem for over 9 generations and is among the builders of Jerusalem outside the city’s original walls. The extended Porush family built, among other things, the Orthodox neighborhoods Sha’arei Chesed and Ohalei Torah (known as “The Houses of Broyda”) in the nowadays area of Mahane Yehuda Market, and the neighborhoods Knesset, Etz Chaim, Zichron Moshe and more. Yesodot Ha’ir continues the family legacy while managing modern and new projects in Ramat-Shlomo, Romema and more.

Shmaya Porush, The Company CEO

The CEO of Yesodot Ha’ir is Shmaya Porush, the next generation of the family, a real estate entrepreneur who lives and breathes the construction world from his youth. Shmaya has massive experience in all aspects of the world of building initiative, construction, finance, business development etc. He brings a new and creative spirit that fits in with the vast experience of the company, and the fulfillment of the vision of renewal and professional, trustworthy building in Jerusalem and its surroundings.

The Company’s Strengths

Reliability: Yesodot Ha’ir is managed by a veteran team who see the values of credibility and transparency as the cornerstones of each project.
Proven Experience: The company has more than 50 years of experience of initiative and building in Jerusalem and out of it.
Professionalism: The expert team has extensive knowledge in the procedures of building and leads various projects while meeting the highest quality standards.

Returning Customers

As a result of the company’s seniority and vast experience, many customers who purchase apartments from it are returning customers, whether it is young couples and families buying an apartment for living, or real estate investors. Some of the clients are families who purchased an apartment from the company 40 and 50 years ago, and now obtain a home for their adult children.

Selected Projects

Ein Hayam, Hadera - A residential tower project of 14 stories, that includes 52 housing units. Completed and populated.
Kidmat Yam, Hadera - Four buildings, of 8 floors each with 17 housing units. Completed and populated.
Yirmiyahu St., Romema, Jerusalem - Building the boutique project “Mikedem” in the prestigious Orthodox neighborhood of Romema in Jerusalem. This unique building is only 5-stories high with 9 luxurious housing units of 6 rooms each. The penthouse is considered especially grandiose. Completed and populated.
The New Ramat Shlomo, Jerusalem - A project in which the company built 4 buildings of 8 floors each, for a total of 103 housing units. This project was built on a higher standard than the other apartments in the neighborhood with an extremely high technical specification that includes subfloor heating, deluxe kitchens, spacious parking, Succah balcony for each apartment, a pastoral inner yard and more. Completed and populated.
Giv’at Shaul, Jerusalem - Three Buildings with 25, 17 and 27 housing units, which are in the various stages of planning and execution.
Rafa Plant, Jerusalem - The company has purchased the pharmaceutical company Rafa laboratories Ltd. building and executed an extremely complex zoning change from designated commercial and industrial zone to designated residential area. Three buildings was planned with 100 housing units and below them a school and a commercial floor.

The Flagship Project

Jerusalem Story, Jerusalem - The company has purchased the Lemel complex - the last piece of land in the city center, that lies on the seam between the Orthodox Geula neighborhood and Jaffa Street, via Mahane Yehuda market. The company built a luxurious estate - with a few 8-9 floor buildings with about 100 first-class and spacious housing units. The technical specification will be at the highest level, and the buildings include double impressive lobbies, an inner, private garden and all the other services like a synagogue, a gym and a business club.

Icon Projects
