Yaron Spector Appraisal of Real Estate Ltd.

Real Estate Appraisal, Financial Accompaniment

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Company's Profile

Established: 1999
Line of Business: Real Estate Appraisal, Financial Accompaniment
Address: Halwil Sela House, 53 Igal Alon St.,
Tel Aviv 6706206
Phone: 972-3-6878111
Fax: 972-3-6872444
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.yaron-spector.co.il
Facebook: Click to View
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Company Executives

  • Yaron Spector, Yaron Spector Appraisal of Real Estate Ltd.

    Yaron Spector

    Economist & Real Estate Appraisal, OwnerJ of the Company

    Yaron Spector Appraisal of Real Estate Ltd.

    View Profile

    Yaron Spector
  • Gil  Sitton, Yaron Spector Appraisal of Real Estate Ltd.

    Gil Sitton

    Partner and Manager of the Financial advisability and Urban Renewal

    Yaron Spector Appraisal of Real Estate Ltd.

  • Ronny  Cohen, Yaron Spector Appraisal of Real Estate Ltd.

    Ronny Cohen

    Manager of Real Estate Appraisal Department

    Yaron Spector Appraisal of Real Estate Ltd.

  • Gilad  Gelbaum, Yaron Spector Appraisal of Real Estate Ltd.

    Gilad Gelbaum

    Manager of Real Estate Appraisal Department

    Yaron Spector Appraisal of Real Estate Ltd.

  • Golan  Vakrat, Yaron Spector Appraisal of Real Estate Ltd.

    Golan Vakrat

    Manager of Supervision Department

    Yaron Spector Appraisal of Real Estate Ltd.

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About Yaron Spector Appraisal of Real Estate Ltd.

Yaron Spector Real Estate Appraisal was founded in 2000 by Mr. Yaron Spector, who is a licensed real estate appraiser and economist, and holds an MBA. The firm has been managed by Mr. Spector ever since.
The firm is known for its solidity, professional excellence, stability and many years of experience, as well as its in-depth knowledge in the area that benefit its clients. The firm is one of the two largest firms in Israel and has been ranked as such in the Dun100 index for 8 consecutive years.
The unique advantage of the firm, which is one of the largest real estate appraisal firms in Israel, is that it is one of the few firms in Israel that are listed as a qualified authorized appraiser on the official lists of all Israeli funds, insurance companies and banks.
Due to the firm’s size as well as the good reputation that it gained over the years amongst both developers and banks, The firm is authorized to provide professional opinions on credit collateral (GAAP 19) and financial accompaniment and/or the fact that it operates as supervisors on behalf of the banks in the framework of financial accompaniment of all the banks in Israel at any asset value countrywide and any area of activity.
Some of the institutes that the firm works with include HaPoalim Bank, Leumi Bank, Mizrahi Tefahot Bank, Discount Bank, Mercantile Discount Bank, First International Bank, Otzar HaHayal Bank, Jerusalem Bank and PAGI Bank.
The firm provides its clients with real estate appraisal services, financial advisability (“zero reports”), supervision of construction loans, assistance regarding betterment taxes, lawsuits (in accordance with regulation 197 of the Planning and Building code), unification and division tables, and representation of property owners in urban renewal and “Pinui-Binui”.
The company’s employees have in-depth and vast knowledge of the real estate field in Israel and many years of expertise in fields which are central to the realm of real estate.

The Firm’s Departments and Areas of Activity

Real Estate Appraisal
The field of real estate appraisal at the firm of Yaron Spector includes valuations, opinions regarding varied betterment taxes, evaluation of fair value (I.F.R.S.), property appraisal for credit collaterals in accordance with Israeli GAAP 19, compensation for the decline in value in accordance with regulation 197 of the Planning and Building Code, unification and parcellation of properties, preparing balancing tables under the Planning and Building Law, appreciation tax, appeals and objections, Israel Lands Authority (ILA) and more. The Department is headed by Mr. Gilad Gelbaum, a real estate appraiser with a business administration degree, and Mr. Rony Cohen, a business administration graduate and real estate appraiser.

Representation of tenants in urban renewal (Pinui-Binui)
The department represents property owners in Pinui-Binui projects in order to maximize the considerations to the residents, help in the division of the new apartments between the residents, in setting appropriate rental fees for the eviction period, determining the sums of the securities, regulation 21, determining the allocation of surplus profits by the entrepreneur and more. The department is managed by Mr. Gil Sitton, urban planner, M.A., jurist and real estate appraiser.

Zero Reports ( financial advisability) and Urban Renewal
The zero reports department deals carries out economic feasibility reviews for construction projects of residential, employment, commerce, hotels, assisted living buildings and more, including Tama 38 and “Pinui-Binui”) and balance tables and division of apartments among partners and standard no’ 21.
The department is managed by Mr. Gil Sitton, urban planner, M.A., jurist and real estate appraiser.
Financial advisability reports for real estate development projects (zero reports) present a business review before obtaining bank financing for the project’s construction. The report includes a planning examination of building rights, legal review of the property rights, and assessments of development costs and expected revenue from the project, as well as taxation and charges aspects of the project. The department is managed by Mr. Gil Sitton, urban planner, M.A., jurist and real estate appraiser.

Supervision in the Framework of Financial Accompaniment
The firm provides ongoing supervision in the framework of financial accompaniment for all of the Israeli banks, insurance companies, and non-bank financing funds. The services include ongoing financial supervision reports, including ongoing economic supervision and monitoring of the project’s progress during the construction period. The department has vast experience in projects of all types, including complex projects such as “Pinui-Binui, Tama 38”, large residential complexes, assisted living homes, shopping malls, hotels, and industrial buildings. The department’s manager is Mr. Golan Vakrat, a civil engineer.


 Among clients include various construction development companies, contracting companies, commercial companies holding real estate properties and local/district committees for planning and building, courts, landlords’ representative offices etc.