Duns 100 medical


Arranged alphabetically by the name of the Doctor

Rank 2024Company Nameשם מרפאה
Rank 2024Company Nameשם מרפאה
*Prof. Cesis Igor Root Canal Treatment Specialist, Private
*Dr. Dakar Aharon Head of Endodontics Unit, Oral and Dental Medicine Department, Rambam Health Care Campus
*Prof. Lin Shaul Senior Physician, Endodontics Department, Rambam Health Care Campus​
*Dr. Moreinos Daniel Head of the Endodontic Specialization Program, Galilee Medical Center
*Dr. Nuni Eyal Root Canal Treatment Specialist, Private
*Dr. Shay Boaz Root Canal Treatment Specialist,Head of Endodontics Clinic, Hadassah University Medical Center, Private
*Dr. Slutzky-Goldberg Iris Head of Root Canal Treatment Unit, Galilee Medical Center, Private
*Dr. Solomonov Michael Head of the Endodontic Specialization Program, Sheba Tel Hashomer Medical Center
*Dr. Weissman Amir Root Canal Treatment Specialist, Endodontics Department, Hadassah University Medical Center, Private
*Dr. Wigler Ronald Root Canal Treatment Specialist, Private
* Parent company ranked
Company data are evaluated Company data are evaluated
Company shares are traded abroad Company shares are traded abroad
The company trades in Israel The company trades in Israel
Highlighted companies – in addition to the company's profile page
The rankings are liable to change in accordance with information received prior to the publication of the DUN'S 100 - 2024yearbook. All information contained herein is proprietary and confidential to DUN'S 100.