Duns 100 medical


Arranged alphabetically by the name of the Doctor

Rank 2024NameTitle
Rank 2024NameTitle
*Dr. Frankel Yair Founder and Head of the Menopause Clinic, Sheba Tel Hashomer Medical Center. Specialist, Assuta Medical Centers
*Dr. Mashiach Friedler Jordana Head of the Menopause Clinic, Meir Medical Center. Specialist, Herzliya Medical Center
*Prof. Peled Yoav Head of the Menopause Clinic, Rabin Medical Center - Beilinson and Hasharon
* Parent company ranked
Company data are evaluated Company data are evaluated
Company shares are traded abroad Company shares are traded abroad
The company trades in Israel The company trades in Israel
Highlighted companies – in addition to the company's profile page
The rankings are liable to change in accordance with information received prior to the publication of the DUNS 100 - 2024yearbook. All information contained herein is proprietary and confidential to DUNS 100.