Service & Trade

Largest Trade Companies by Revenues Growth

Rank 2022Company NameRevenue Change(%)Revenues NIS MillionsNet Profit NIS MillionsProfitability (Net Profit of Total Sales) %Equity NIS MillionsEmployees NoRevenues per Employee NIS (000) Parent CompanySector
Rank 2022Company NameRevenue Change(%)Revenues NIS MillionsNet Profit NIS MillionsProfitability (Net Profit of Total Sales) %Equity NIS MillionsEmployees NoRevenues per Employee NIS (000) Parent CompanySector
1Rcs Solar 133.3117.85.74.810.1814,725.0Rampal Cellular Stockmarket. Import companies
2Or Mania 96.3157.,962.5- Fashion & Footwear
3James Richardson 90.2580.0---5541,046.9-Retail Chains
5D.N. Diamonds 2007 76.4635.0---1063,500.0-General trade
6 Retailors
The company trades in Israel
76.21,123.572.96.5881.63,054367.9- Fashion & Footwear
7NCSC 75.13,334.07.80.2128.025133,360.0The Israel Electric CorporationPetroleum & Infrastructure Companies
8Renuar 57.9600.0---1,200500.0- Fashion & Footwear
9Talcar 57.84,204.9---21619,467.1-Import and marketing Car agencies
10 Dor Alon
The company trades in Israel
55.84,865.8208.64.31,268.72,9221,665.2Alon Blue Square IsraelPetroleum & Infrastructure Companies
11Naaman Group 55.8497.018.03.689.01,000497.0Alon Blue Square IsraelRetail Chains
12Elite Motors Israel 54.5170.0--5.0821,250.0-Import and marketing Car agencies
13Zenziper 53.01,176.1---10117,607.9-Import companies
14Palo Retail 51.1337.0--144.0700481.4CastroRetail Chains
15Hydco - Givati 50.7206.437.017.936.0653,175.4Ronpaz InvestmentImport companies
16 Fox
The company trades in Israel
50.24,200.2298.47.11,576.210,147413.9- Fashion & Footwear
17 Matomy Media Group
Company shares are traded abroadThe company trades in Israel
48.4413.7-45.6-11.027.2636,566.4-Import and marketing Car agencies
18 Tadiran Group
The company trades in Israel
46.31,447.8133.69.2449.15102,838.8-Electronic Appliance Import and Marketing Agencies
19 Paz
The company trades in Israel
45.411,546.0224.01.93,305.02,2415,152.2-Petroleum & Infrastructure Companies
* Parent company ranked
Company data are evaluated Company data are evaluated
Company shares are traded abroad Company shares are traded abroad
The company trades in Israel The company trades in Israel
Highlighted companies – in addition to the company's profile page